SAU #34 Community News
September 23, 2024

SAU #34 Community Newsletter
Students and Families will receive emails and newsletter from the school principals regarding each school's information, news, and events throughout the school year.
This newsletter is published monthly to the entire SAU 34 School Community to provide easy access to important information, links to school resources, highlights of what is happening all across SAU 34, and links to the school Facebook Pages and Newsletters.
If you have trouble opening any of the links, please scroll to the top and click on the picture of the SAU sign. That will bring you out of the email preview and into the actual newsletter, all the links will work from there.
Upcoming Important Dates
- September 26 SAU 34 Board Meeting 6pm WES Multi-Purpose Room
- October 4 WES Whole School Family Meeting 2:30-3:00pm
- October 4 & 5 Hillsboro-Deering High School Homecoming Weekend
- 4pm Cross Country Meet - Grimes Field
- 4pm JV Volleyball H-DMS Gym
- 5:30pm Varsity Volleyball H-DMS Gym
- 8am Bass Fishing Championship Round Lake Winnisquam
- 9am Varsity Girls Soccer H-DHS Soccer Field
- 11am Varsity Boys Soccer H-DHS Soccer FIeld
- 1pm Varsity Football H-DHS Football Field
- October 7 Hillsboro-Deering School Board Meeting 6pm H-DES Media Center
- October 14 Columbus Day Holiday: All Schools and Offices Closed
- October 15 Washington School Board Meeting 6pm WES Art Room
- October 17 Windsor School Board Meeting 5:30pm Windsor Town Hall
- October 21 Hillsboro-Deering School Board Meeting 6pm H-DES Media Center
- October 24 SAU Board Meeting 6pm H-DHS Media Center
The 2024 - 2025 School District Calendars
SAU #34 Website Calendar
The calendar on the SAU website provides a user-friendly way to selectable event views by building.
By clicking on the calendar name on the left-hand panel, you can hide that particular calendar's events from the larger view. You also can subscribe to a calendar to receive updates and changes to events.
News from Across SAU # 34
Hillsboro-Deering Tour of Summer Facilities Projects
As part of the September 3rd Hillsboro-Deering School Board Meeting, Facilities Director, Mark Nichols, led a tour of some of the summer projects completed on the Hillsboro-Deering Campus.
SAU # 34 Website
We are excited to announce that SAU34 has launched a newly redesigned website to better serve our community. The new website offers an improved user experience, enhanced navigation, and a fresh look that reflects our commitment to excellence in education.
Important Information: Our previous website, previously located at hdsd.org, will be redirected to our new website at www.sau34.org.
To aid in navigation and to more easy find the resources that you are seeking each school now has its own page.
- https://www.sau34.org
- https://www.wes.sau34.org
- https://www.hdes.sau34.org
- https://www.hdms.sau34.org
- https://www.hdhs.sau34.org
We encourage you to explore our new website and familiarize yourself with its features.
School Food and Nutrition Program Information
Hello SAU 34 Community,
IMPORTANT NOTICE: If your household was eligible for benefits last year, these benefits have rolled over to the beginning of the current school year but they will expire and you will not have benefits unless you complete the annual application for this school year (2024-2025).
THANK YOU so much to the households that have completed a Free and Reduced Price School Meals application for the 2024-2025 school year.
Every application, regardless of the determined eligibility, helps with our school's federal and state funding. For this reason, I am very thankful for each of you that have taken time to do this application as we are all incredibly busy, especially at the beginning of the school year!
There is a raffle through the Food and Nutrition Program for a $100 Dunkin Donuts gift card. Any household that has submitted an application is entered for this and will be until October 1st.
Paper copies of the Free and Reduced School Priced Meals Application were sent home with each student the first day of school, along with information about the application process and school food. We send a paper copy home with each student, but only one copy per household needs to be completed.
You can complete the paper application OR the online application.
You can apply online at this link. Search for the "Hillsboro-Deering School District" to complete the online application for any student (H-DSD or WES).
Completed paper copies can be sent with your student, left at your school’s front office where they will place it in an envelope, or you can mail it directly to me at my address below.
You’ve likely seen information about this application as we have to collect them each school year. Each application helps our district well beyond the cafeteria, as different aspects of our school’s funding for Title 1, resources, and technology from the state and government are determined by the number of free, reduced, paid, and unknown households there are in the district.
Your personal information is not shared, it is private. The personal information on your application stays within the Food and Nutrition Program and I take your information and confidentiality very seriously. I know these applications take time and can be confusing, so I greatly appreciate each household that takes the time to complete the applications and am happy to assist you in any way I can.
A few reminders:
- I only need one application per household, even if your students are in different schools within the SAU.
- The application does have to be filled out completely.
- If you do not include your email address on the application, your letter will be mailed to the address you provide.
If you would like any assistance completing the application, or if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.
Thank you and I hope you have a great start to the school year.
Anna Muncy
Food & Nutrition Program Director
Hillsboro-Deering School District / SAU #34
(603)-464-1160 | amuncy@hdsd.org
6 Hillcat Drive Hillsboro NH 03244
End 68 Hours of Hunger Program
Our local End 68 Hours of Hunger Program serves the students of SAU 34 which includes: Hillsboro-Deering Elementary School, Hillsboro-Deering Middle School, Hillsboro-Deering High School, and Washington Elementary School.
The Problem
Childhood food insecurity is a national problem, it occurs when children receive insufficient food on a regular basis; in many cases missing meals entirely. After a while, these children also experience “fear of hunger” that affects their behavior as much as physical hunger affects their bodies. There are more than 6.4 million food-insecure children in American households today.
How End 68 Hours of Hunger Helps
This program puts nourishing food in the hands of school children to carry them through the weekend. Each bag of food, provided through food and financial donations, provides two breakfasts, two lunches, and three dinners for a child, with some left over to share!
Technology Department
Powerschool Parent Portal
The Powerschool Parent Portal provides families with a wealth of up to date information about their student's school experience.
It is very important that all families use the Parent Portal to update their student registration information and permissions.
Accurate information is vital for effective communication, your child's safety, and ensuring that we can provide the best possible educational experience. Below, you will find detailed instructions and requirements to complete the verification process.
Steps to Complete PowerSchool Online Student Information Verification
- Access the PowerSchool Parent Portal:
- Log in using your parent/guardian credentials. If you have forgotten your login details, please use the “Forgot Username or Password” link or contact our support team at
EMAIL: pssupport@hdsd.org
Phone: 603-464-1150.
- Navigate to the Student Information Verification Section:
- Once logged in, on the left-hand navigation click on “FORMS”
- Complete the four forms in the SAU 34 Returning Portion on the “Student Information".
- Carefully review the existing information for your child. This includes:
- personal details
- contact information
- emergency contacts
- medical information
- other relevant data
- Update any outdated or incorrect information. Ensure that all mandatory fields marked with an asterisk (*) are filled out accurately.
- Click the “Submit button to finalize the verification process
If you need any assistance with this process please contact the main office of your student's school and they will be happy to assist you.
Washington Elementary School
- Dawn Bilski 603-495-3463 dbilski@hdsd.org
Hillsboro-Deering Elementary School
- Vanessa Gaffey 603-464-1102 vgaffey@hdsd.org
- Cathy Bennett 603-464-1122 cbennett@hdsd.org
Hillsboro-Deering Middle School
- Susan Belida 603-464-1120 Sbelida@hdsd.org
Hillsboro-Deering High School
- Patti Kallander 603-464-1184 pkallander@hdsd.org
All Around SAU 34
Check out the school newsletters and facebook pages for lots of great pictures and information about what is happening all across SAU 34!
Other Resources
No Cost Flu Clinic for Hillsboro-Deering Students
This fall, Hillsboro Deering Schools will be hosting a school-based flu clinic. Our clinic will take place Oct 18th during the school day, and licensed and trained medical professionals will give all vaccines.
It’s provided at NO COST to your family
The flu vaccine is recommended for children 6 months of age and older by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services.
If you would like your child to receive a influenza vaccine in school, please sign the consent form and return to your school nurse. This is an OPT IN clinic. Written consent is required for your child to participate. Consent forms must be returned no later than Oct 16th.
Vaccine Information Statements are available from the CDC to help answer your questions. http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/index.html You may also direct questions to your school nurse or the NH Immunization Program at (800) 852-3345, ext. 4482.
Hillsboro-Deering School District Students will have the opportunity to participate in free vision and hearing screens Sept 24-26th. The Lion Club vision screening program identifies the potential need for eyeglasses, as well as near and far sightedness. This screen meets the requirement for NH driver’s education programs. No eye drops or medication is required for this screen. Written consent is required for student participation.
UNH New England Fall Astronomy Festival!
October 4 – 5, UNH Durham, NH
The New England Fall Astronomy Festival is a free, family friendly event that spends 36 hours exploring and learning about outer space. The entire event happens at and around the UNH Observatory. It begins at 7:00pm Friday, October 4th with a Keynote address from Dr. Heidi Hammel, vice president of the Associate Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA) and Interdisciplinary Scientist on the James Webb Telescope Project. Laser pointer night sky tours and general night sky observations will follow. The fun continues on Saturday, October 5th starting at 10:30am for a wide array for educational activities for all ages, games, safe solar observing, science talks, demonstrations, and raffles. We will also be hosting telescope clinics for anyone needing help recalibrating, cleaning, or learning about their home telescopes!
Students in grades 3-8 and 11th grade participate in the NH State Assessment.
SAU 34 Portrait of a Graduate
Click the icon to view the Portrait of a Graduate
SAU 34 Strategic Plan
Click the icon to view the Strategic Plan