SLV 4-H April Newsletter
April 15th, 2024

April SLV 4-H Monthly Newsletter
Important Dates!
April 26 Horse and Dog ID Forms Due
April 26-28 Youth Fest
May 4 Sheep/Goat/Swine Tag-in @Ski Hi
May 10 Project Add/Drop Deadline
June 1 Nomination Forms for Swine, Goat and Sheep
June 18-21 State 4-H Conference
Livestock Judging Team
Rumble in the Rockies
The Sr. team took 6th overall. Tynn Buhr took 2nd in swine, 3rd in sheep, 8th in questions 2nd in placings and 4th overall in Jr.
Macklie Sims took 7th in Cattle, 6th in Questions, 1st Overall in Novice
Weld Co Livestock Judging Contest
12th Overall
Durae Naranjo 2nd in Sheep and Goats (Sr)
Tynnley Buhr 6th in Cattle (Jr)
Macklie Sims 10th in Reasons (Novice)
Busy 4-Hers
Cupcake Decorating
In March our group of Cloverbuds participated in cupcake decorating.
Valentine's for Veterans
4-H Nights for non-traditional members
State 4-H Conference Registration
Conference Information is as follows:
$150 for Youth (Max # is 330) and Adults (Max # is 70).
State Deadline for closing is May 17 @ midnight – No refunds or cancellations after that date.
All Volunteers, Staff, Coaches, Chaperones, etc. MUST registered and be enrolled and approved in 4-H Online.