Titan Times Newsletter
Springwater Trail High School
Springwater Trail High School
Website: http://stweb.gresham.k12.or.us
Location: 1440 SE Fleming Ave, Gresham, OR, United States
Phone: 503-261-4600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SpringwaterTrail/
Twitter: @STHS_Titans
Principal's Message
Dear Springwater community,
We hope you like the new look of our Titan Times! Koryna Herreid has been working hard on the redesign.
Thank you to everyone who joined us for conferences. If you missed them, or have additional questions, please reach out to your student's teachers or call the office. We are down to our last 5 weeks of the semester! So, in other words, in 5 weeks student grades for this semester become permanent on their transcripts.
Our students have been busy out in the community this past month! Students visited Portland Community College, Lithtex Printing Solutions, and attended a Town Hall Symposium at Barlow High School on racism. Our World Music Program also performed at the District Office this past Friday.
As we look to the next few weeks, we have some additional exciting opportunities for students: all juniors and seniors will be headed to OHSU on Monday, December 11th to hear about careers in the medical field and meet with an OHSU neurosurgeon. Sophomores will be headed to CAL to tour the school and learn more about their programs. Our Environmental Science class will continue their volunteer work doing habitat restoration alongside Pleasant Valley elementary students.
This time of year can be both exciting and challenging for students and families. The disruption in the school schedule and the holidays can bring forth a wide range of emotions. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have questions or concerns.
-Ryan Blaszak
Center For Advanced Learning
A remarkable career and college opportunity awaits your student at Center for Advanced Learning (CAL). CAL students are challenged to discover new horizons, to be a part of the next generation of innovation and explore the endless possibilities of your student’s creativity. Students gain invaluable experience that is relevant to their future ambitions. On February 7th, Springwater Trail sophomores will have a unique opportunity to meet with the CAL Director and students to learn more about our unique programs leading to high wage and high demand career pathways. For more information about our school and programs, please go to our website: www.calcharter.org MARK YOUR CALENDAR: OPEN HOUSE Information Night – Thursday, February 22 at 6:00p.m.
Immunization Exclusion - February 21, 2018
Exclusion day for state required immunizations is Wednesday, February 21, 2018. Students who are not current will not be able to attend school until their records are complete. Letters will be mailed the first week of February to parents whose children are incomplete and will be excluded if not updated by February 21, 2018. Please arrange for your child to receive needed immunizations so that they can remain in school. If you need assistance in locating a health care provider or clinic site, please contact your school nurse.
Clothes Closet
Springwater now has a clothes closet. Clothing and hygiene items are available for families in our community that are in need. If you have items that you would like to donate we would gladly except them.
Eletronic Flyers
Gresham-Barlow Distict has launched a new electronic flyer tool called “Peachjar.” This service allows us to “go green” and will ensure that every flier is delivered to each household. Peachjar will provide flyers directly to your computer, tablet or mobile device.
To view school-approved flyers, simply click the Peachjar button on your school’s website.
Upcoming Events
The Polar Express Dance
Movie Night at Springwater
Sophomore Field Trip to CAL
Wolrd Music Performance
December Student Spotlight
Angelique Carder
Grade: 11
Interests: Makeup
Favorite subject in school: Math with Mrs Allen
Favorite thing about STHS: Very welcoming
Hobby outside of school: Working as a care giver
Tyler Craddock
Grade: 11
Interests: School
Favorite subject in school: Health Science
Favorite thing about STHS: That its more like a family
Hobby outside of school: Volleyball
Bruce Baird
Grade: 10
Interests: Soccer
Favorite subject in school: Math
Favorite thing about STHS: Everyone is nice
Hobby outside of school: Play league of legends
Say Wah Paw
Grade: 10
Interests: Drawing
Favorite subject in school: Art
Favorite thing about STHS: The teachers are nice.
Hobby outside of school: Sleeping
Cole Burton
Grade: 10
Interests: Getting a job for the future.
Favorite subject in school: Sophomore English
Favorite thing about STHS: Compact and easy to get to classes.
Hobby outside of school: Volleyball
Angela Zamora-Navarro
Grade: 9
Interests: Arts and crafts
Favorite subject in school: Math
Favorite thing about STHS: Everyone is close
Hobby outside of school: Origami