Eastview Update
October 4, 2024
SOUPer Bowl Collection Starts October 14
SOUPer Bowl Drive and Contest Versus Avon to Collect Food for Those in Need
As a fun and competitive contest that ultimately helps raise awareness and resources for those in our community who are most in need, a SOUPer Bowl Food Drive is underway in Avon Lake and Avon, to help collect non-perishable food items for our local pantries. The competition with Avon culminates on Friday, October 25, 2024, during our home football game, with a trophy awarded to the community with the heaviest truck stuffed full of goods. Peanut butter, cereal, canned fruits, and other non-perishable items are needed, and there will be drop off locations at all Avon Lake Schools. Let’s help those in need, and win that trophy, too!
Please use the link below to sign up for conferences. To sign up, please go to: https://www.ptcfast.com/schools/Eastview
and you will be able to sign up for a time slot for one or all of your children that attend Eastview.
If you have questions about the sign-up process, please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher. You may have some issues if you try to access the link on your mobile device. I recommend using a desktop or laptop computer. If you do not have internet access, please send a note to your child’s teacher and a time will be scheduled for you. We look forward to seeing everyone for our fall conferences on October 9th, from 4:00 pm-7:30 pm & October 10th, from 8:00 am-4:00 pm.
Just a quick reminder that there is no school for students on October 11th for NEOEA Day.
3rd Grade ELA State Testing
The third grade students will be taking the Fall ELA OST Test on Tuesday, October 15 & Wednesday, October 16. The third grade teachers will be sending more information soon.
Halloween Parade Information
We will be having our Halloween Parade on Thursday, October 31, around 9:10 a.m. We are going to have the students parade through each classroom prior to heading outside for the parents to see. If you are planning on coming to watch the parade that morning, please line up on the sidewalk near the front bus loop and up to the main entrance. We will still start the parade by exiting out of the 4th grade doors and will walk along the front of the building and make our way to the front doors at the main entrance.
While students are not required to wear costumes on October 31st, those students who do wish to participate are reminded of the following guidelines:
1. Please choose a costume that does not reflect violence. Inappropriate “props” such as plastic guns, knives, and weapons of any kind are not allowed – even if they are a part of your child’s costume.
2. Students should wear their costume to school.
3. All costumes should maintain the integrity of our school dress code.
As a reminder, Avon Lake City School district has approved specific parties throughout the year that allows food in the classroom. All food must be store bought and pre-wrapped. No home baked goods will be allowed in the class. We also encourage take home treats instead of a food based item: pencils, erasers, stickers etc. If your child has a food allergy, please work with your homeroom parent/teacher to discuss the food options and discuss with your child what they are able to consume.
PTA Update
Mumkin pick-up - Saturday, October 5, 12-2pm at Eastview. Drive through the loop behind the building and volunteers will load your mums into your vehicle. If you find yourself with free time on Saturday, we could still use a few more volunteers to help load orders. Sign up here!
Halloween Hoopla is back! Saturday, October 19, 3:00-5:00pm This event is always a fun time for kids and families. But we need your help to make it the best it can be!
We need families, older student groups, etc. to set up trick-or-treat stations in the wooded trail behind Eastview. Sign up here for the Trick-or-Treat Trail! This is a great way for older students to gain community service hours!
To volunteer or send in donations for other aspects of Halloween Hoopla Sign up here!
Upcoming Events
10/5 - Mumkin Pick-up, 12:00-2:00 pm
10/9 - Fall Conferences, Evening
10/10 - No School, Conferences
10/11 - No School, NEOEA Day
10/15 - PTA Meeting/Mixer, 7:00-9:00 pm at River Plant Co.
10/19 - Halloween Hoopla, 3:00-5:00 pm
10/25 - End of First Quarter
PTA Questions? Please feel free to reach out to Jessica Springer (jessica.springer1231@gmail.com) with any questions you might have.