Roosevelt Report
December 2023
Important Dates
ALL of DECEMBER - Holiday Countdown (see info/days below)
Wednesday, 12/6 - Early Dismissal @ 12: PD for Staff
Tuesday, 12/12: Grinch PIE Night (time TBD)
Tuesday, 12/19 - Board of Education Meeting @ Truman - 5:00
Wednesday, 12/20 - Winter Parties & Last Day Before Break
Thursday 12/21 - Wednesday, 1/3 - NO SCHOOL: Winter Break
Thursday, 1/4 - Welcome Back to School
December Update
Greetings Roosevelt Families,
Wow! It's already December. December tends to be a very busy and very short month! The cold weather moves in as we try to fit in many tasks, projects and events before the ending of the 2023 year. This month is one that is traditionally filled with a great amount of holiday spirit, joy and a reminder of the importance of quality time with family and friends.
We are extending our true gratitude and appreciation for our staff, students and families during this season. We are wishing all of our Roosevelt Elementary families a safe and happy holiday season!
Winter Weather
We ask that all students are sent to school with proper winter wear each day. Please review our weather conditions for outdoor recess below.
Weather Conditions
Students will play outdoors when:
Temperatures are above 27℉ with consideration given to wind chill factor (
There is light precipitation (e.g. snow flurries, drizzle)
Snow is on the ground, depending upon how different play areas are affected
Playground/Field Conditions
Students will be permitted to use playground equipment, fields, and asphalt play areas when conditions are suitable for safe play. Safety considerations included:
Equipment that is dry and ice free
Fields that are not muddy or icy and asphalt play areas that are not icy
Snow that is not deep enough to inhibit students walking/running
Jenna Hemmann
Winter Concert
Thank you for supporting our school at Scooter's Coffee!
Veterans Day assembly was amazing!
The students worked hard in Art and Library to make the Macy's Day parade!
Skyscrapers and Balloons in our Parade
Some even built floats!
Thank you for all of your amazing creations!
Help us collect toys and gifts for kids in need!
Backpack ID Badges
All students have an ID Badge on their backpack.
- These are important for the safety of all students and staff.
- Please remind your child of the importance of taking care of the badge and reel.
If a Student Needs a New Badge
First New Badge = The student will receive one free badge if they need another one after their initial one has been given to them.
After a student has one free reprint of a badge, there will be a $3 charge each time a student needs a new badge printed.
Bus drivers will write up refusal to scan or not having a card consistently.
Join us for our Holiday Countdown dress up days!
Grinch PIE Night
Tuesday, 12/12
Special Guest Speaker
We will be having a former Farmington student (Ethan Ross) talk to our kids about careers in coding this month!
Create a Flappy Bird game with your child! Give code a try!
Notes from Nurse Julie
1. Cold weather tips: Remember to wear your winter coat/gloves/sock hat to school, keep exposure to cold to a minimum, and watch outdoor temperatures!
2. Cold and flu season reminders: Proper Handwashing, do not share cups/utensils with others, get plenty of rest at night, cover your mouth/nose when coughing and sneezing, use hand sanitizer, and keep your hands away from your eyes/nose/mouth areas to prevent the spread of germs!
3. Dry air brings dry skin! Remember to moisturize the skin and apply chapstick for chapped lips!
4. Help prevent head lice! Encourage your children not to share hats, jackets, and other personal items. Please notify Nurse Julie if you discover your child has lice at home.
5. Please see “Should I send my child to school?” flyer…please follow these guidelines to help decrease widespread illness. I need to stay home if...
Tips from Coach for boosting your immunity this winter!
Way to go in the Turkey Bowl!
In December we're learning about...
- Math
- adding/subtracting
- Science
- energy and sound
- beginning/middle/end
- Social Studies
- maps
- Math
- addition & subtraction two digit numbers with regrouping
- Science
- matter, sound, & force/motion
- author's purpose
- Math
- multiplication fluency
- Science
- water cycle
- theme
- Social Studies
- Missouri and surrounding states
- Math
- division of 4-digits by 1-digit
- Science
- energy
- poetry, figurative language, and dramas/plays
- Social Studies
- exploration