Hirsch Hawk Herald
September 2 - 6, 2024
Hirsch Core Values: Self-Discipline, Optimism, Altruism, and Respect!!!
Principal's Corner
Dear Hirsch Hawk Parents and Guardians,
As we continue our journey through this school year, I want to highlight one of our core values: Self-Discipline. At Hirsch Elementary, our core values are represented by the acronym S.O.A.R.: Self-Discipline, Optimism, Altruism, and Respect. These values guide our actions and decisions every day, helping our students grow into well-rounded individuals.
This week, we’ll be focusing on Self-Discipline, and I’d like to share a few ways you can help your child develop this important trait at home:
1. Create Consistent Routines: Establishing regular routines for homework, chores, and bedtime helps children understand the importance of managing their time and responsibilities.
2. Set Clear Expectations: Clearly communicate your expectations for behavior and responsibilities. When children know what’s expected, they’re more likely to follow through.
3. Encourage Goal Setting: Help your child set small, achievable goals. This not only builds self-discipline but also boosts their confidence as they see themselves succeed.
4. Model Self-Discipline: Children learn a lot by observing. Demonstrate self-discipline in your own actions, whether it’s sticking to a budget, following a schedule, or staying committed to a task.
5. Praise Effort Over Results: Focus on praising your child’s effort and persistence, rather than just the end result. This reinforces the idea that self-discipline and hard work are valuable in themselves.
In other news, we are wrapping up our Beginning of the Year (BOY) testing. We appreciate your support and patience during this time, and we can’t wait to share the assessment results with you. These results will give us valuable insights into your child’s current strengths and areas for growth, helping us tailor our instruction to meet their needs.
It is also time for you to decide if you want your child tested to see if they qualify for our Gifted and Talented program. Please use the link below to request GT testing for your child. GT testing will occur in September.
Lastly, I want to wish you all a Happy Labor Day weekend! I hope you find time to relax and enjoy some quality moments with your family.
Thank you for your continued partnership in your child’s education. Together, we can help our students SOAR!
Warm regards,
Principal Patterson
Upcoming Dates
- September 2: Labor Day Holiday (NO SCHOOL)
- Labor Day Parade @ Liberty Park 10 a.m. followed by FREE picnic
- September 12: Open House (Title1 Meeting @ 5:30 in Cafeteria; Classroom visits @6:00 pm)
- September 13: Big Kahuna Fundraiser Kickoff
- September 13: Chuck E. Cheese Fundraiser Event 3-9 pm 146 FM 1960
- September 16: Student Holiday (NO SCHOOL)
- September 19: After School Tutoring Begins
- September 20: Progress Reports Go Home
- September 21: Attendance Walk
- September 24: Watch D.O.G.S. Kickoff
- September 28: Saturday School Begins (Invited Students from 3rd to 5th Grade)
- October 4: World Teacher Day
PTO: Get Involved!
Join PTO!
Hirsch Elem PTO
Stay up to date on our PTO by following our PTO Facebook page:
Voter Approval Tax Rate Election on Nov. 5th Ballot
After being approved by the Spring ISD Board of Trustees in early August, the district will include a Voter Approval Tax Rate Election (VATRE) on the upcoming Nov. 5 ballot.
The measure proposes a tax rate of $1.1569 per $100 of property valuation for the 2024 fiscal year, a 5-cent increase from the current rate. This would cost the average homeowner an extra $7 per month, generating about $20 million for the schools on an annual basis and allowing the district to eliminate its budget deficit and provide teacher and staff raises.
Homeowners who are receiving a homestead exemption for disability or are age 65 or older would not see an increase above their tax ceiling as a result of the VATRE.
The proposed tax rate, if approved by voters, would provide critical funding for teacher and staff salaries, including a 2% across the board raise for all staff. Starting teacher pay would increase from $60,500 to $61,500 per year, and targeted adjustments would be made for teachers with 5-15 years of experience, putting it in line with other local school districts.
With no increase in the state’s per-student allotment since 2019 and an inflation rate that has hit 17%, many school districts, including Spring ISD, have had to look to tax increases to generate needed funding.
Voters will have the chance to vote on the measure on Tuesday, Nov. 5.
Interested in our Gifted and Talented Program?
Please complete the form below if you would like to request GT testing for your child:
24-25 Instructional Calendar (New Updates)
SMART tag Transportation Tracking System launches Aug. 26
What is SMART tag?
The SMART tag™ system helps increase safety and security for students riding on a school bus, leveraging technology to improve student management and communications on school buses.
SMART tag™ monitors the location of each tablet-equipped school bus, including student loading and unloading, providing real-time information to the Transportation Department, and you, the parent.
How does it work?
Students are issued passive, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) cards which do not store student information nor emit any tracking information. RFID technology is used in many industries such as medical (patient, equipment & supplies tracking), libraries (book tracking), and even amusement park access. These IDs are read when students get on or off the bus by an RFID reader. On campus, they can be used at the cafeteria and library via their printed bar codes.
View your student's profile and assigned routes.
Monitor your student's riding activity.
Sign up to get notified when your student gets on/off the bus at your home stop and school.Sign up to get notified when the bus is on its way to your home stop.
View live bus location from when you receive the arrival alert up to your home stop.
Manage guardians authorized to receive your student at their PM drop-off stop (for primary parents only and if enabled by your district).
Spring ISD Parent Central
Represent Colleges/Universities/Military
Cafeteria Menu
Please visit the website above to see the menus for each week. If you click on the third button (View Menus (as a guest)), you can navigate to Hirsch Elementary to see what's being served each week. Please be aware that menus can change due to available inventory.
Birthday Policy
- Parents may send treats to their child’s class.
- Only store bought cupcakes or cookies (no peanut butter or nuts)
- Sent with child or dropped at office
- Parent may NOT come to class
- Teacher’s discretion when to do cupcakes (not at lunch due to regulations)
- No goodie bags, balloons, etc.
Calling all Volunteers
How do I get involved?
Step 1: Complete the volunteer application.
Step 2: Our Counselor will contact you once you have been approved to volunteer.
Step 3: Choose where you would like to help.
Volunteer Menu
- Reading Buddies
- Our young scholars are eager to read! Volunteer in 30 minute time slots to listen to students as they practice their reading skills!
- Library Helpers
- Help shelve books and organize the library!
- Workroom Helpers
- Help make copies, cut out lamination, and deliver copies around the school!
- Classroom Helpers
- Help during classroom parties and special event days!
- Help decorate bulletin boards and classroom displays!
- Office Helpers
- Volunteers needed at 2:15 p.m. to distribute transportation changes to the classroom!
- Lunch Helpers
- Volunteers needed to help with PK and Kindergarten lunch!