Riverview Report
Here's What's Happening at Riverview
A Message From Ms. Poulson
Our theme this year is "Find Your Fire." We want to help students and teachers discover what makes them excited, curious, and passionate. We want to encourage you to explore your interests. This could be anything from reading, drawing, playing sports, being a good friend, and even helping others. "Find Your Fire" is also about knowing you have the ability to work really hard to get out of the learning pit. We are excited to see everything our students and teachers accomplish this year!
It's been 2 weeks of school, and it feels so great to have all of our students here with us. I've had the opportunity to meet with all of our students for grade level assemblies. We talked about what it means to be a RAM, our school rules, and some fun things we will be implementing this year. I am so impressed with the students here at Riverview! Everyday I am greeted with happy faces, and it makes my day. We have a new mascot at Riverview, and our students helped us give him a name. We are excited to announce that his name is Rambo the Riverview Ram!
For those who are new to our school community, the "Riverview Report" is my monthly principal's newsletter. It will be sent out at the beginning of every month. We ask that you read this bulletin thoroughly as it contains most of the upcoming events at Riverview and important information for parents. I hope everyone has a fun and safe Labor Day weekend. We will see you back on Tuesday, September 3rd.
If I can help in anyway, please reach out to me. Have an amazing month!
Thank you,
Ms. Poulson
Before and After School Procedures
Green Flags = Outside Day
When you see the green flags on display in the front of the school in the morning, it is an outside day before school. This means there is adult supervision (8:20-8:40 AM) on the playground in the back of the school.
Red Flags = Inside Day
When you see the red flags on display in the front of the school in the morning, it is an inside day before school. This means that there is not adult supervision on the playground in the morning, so students need to enter the school and walk the middle hallways. There are adults on supervision for the hallways on these days.
After School Procedure
When the bell rings to end the school day, the expectation for students is to head home. Whether that be to wait for their ride out front, head to the bus, or to start walking/biking home. There is not adult supervision on the back playground after school.
PT Family Night
Please join. us for our first PTA Family Night of the year. We will give students their birthday present for the year, a book, and will have cookies as refreshments. We hope you can join us!
Chic-fil-A Spirit Night
Please join us for our Spirit Night at Chic-fil-A on Monday, September 9th from 5:00-9:00 PM. Riverview will receive 20% of the proceeds! This money helps us pay for things like field trips and our end of year swimming day. We appreciate your support! You can invite your grandparents, friends, neighbors, and cousins to join. When ordering, whether in person or at the drive-through, make sure to mention "Riverview Spirit Night." If you are ordering through the app, please select "Spirit Night."
Hearing Screening
We will be holing our hearing screening on September 4th for Kindergarten, 1st grade, 3rd grade, and 5th grade. If there are any concerns with your child's hearing, you will be notified by October. Thank you!
Riverview Spirit Wear Options
If you would like to purchase some new sprit wear options, you can go to ur school's website or click on this link! Reminder: Friday's are Spirit Wear Days!
Si desea comprar nuevas opciones de ropa deportiva, puede visitar el sitio web de su escuela o hacer clic en este enlace. Recordatorio: ¡los viernes son días de ropa deportiva!
Term 1 SEP Conferences
Our Term 1 SEP Conferences will be on Thursday, September 26, 2024. Please click on the links included in this post to sign-up for a time to meet with your child's teacher.
Nuestras conferencias SEP del primer trimestre serán el jueves 26 de septiembre de 2024. Haga clic en los enlaces incluidos en esta publicación para inscribirse y programar una reunión con el maestro de su hijo.
Mrs. Tye - Full Day Kindergarten
Mrs. Price - Full Day Kindergarten
Mrs. Sam - Full Day Kindergarten
Mrs. Memmott & Mrs. Mathis - Full Day Kindergarten
Mrs. McAvoy - A.M. Kindergarten
Miss. Marissa Jenson - 1st Grade
Donations for the 24-25 School Year
Reminder to pay $25 Donation per student
This is just a friendly reminder to make sure that you have paid your $25 per student donation for the year. You can pay it on iCampus or in the office here at the school. This money helps us pay for student reward assemblies, swimming day, field trips, supplies, and many more things. Thank you so much for your support!
Important Dates to Remember
9/2: Labor Day - NO SCHOOL
9/4: Hearing Screenings: K, 1st, 3rd, and 5th
9/5: PTA Family Night - Books and Birthday's
9/9: Chic-fil-A Spirit Night
9/16: No School - District Development Day for Teachers
9/24: Vision Screenings
9/26: SEP Conferences
9/27: Make Your Mark Assembly