The Big Cat Courier
Your Source for Barnard News, Right Meow!
Dear HBS Families,
Everyone at HBS feels excited to have the students back in the building!
Drop Off and Pickup
Here are a few things to keep in mind as we go forward:
With fewer students riding the buses, a bus route that would normally take 35 minutes may only take 15 or 20. Please continue to account for the time difference when arriving at your child's bus stop to pick them up.
For families picking students up here in the building at the end of the day, thank you for wearing your mask and distancing appropriately from the other adults waiting to pick up a child.
Since classroom teachers are also dismissing students from their classroom to the bus, they need to be able to hear the loudspeaker when buses are called. We thank you in advance for scheduling a time outside of arrival and dismissal to meet with your child's teacher.
Live Microsoft TEAMS Meetings
Student Norms and Expectations -
The elementary school PBIS coaches have worked together to create a set of student norms and expectations for TEAMS meetings. Because Live-streaming classes were so new to most people last spring, students, families, and staff weren't exactly sure how what the rules of remote learning might be. Below are the guidelines students should follow while on Microsoft TEAMS lessons.
Big Cats in Live TEAMS Meetings!
1. Set up your learning space. Have your iPad charged, and all tools ready.
2. Dress like you are in school because you are.
3. Eat before or after Live meetings.
4. Be safe! Be respectful! Be kind!
Use your best behavior because Big Cats can see and hear you!
Primary level teachers all over the country are still working out the challenges inherent in applying such a strict daily schedule for remote learning. While keeping to a tight timetable is important for keeping all students in a class, at home and at school, on the same page at the same time, working with 4, 5, 6, and 7 year olds can make it difficult to follow the clock so rigidly.
What we've found over the last two weeks is that all of the health and safety protocols that have been put in place can throw our times off by a minute or two (hand washing, bathroom trips, mask breaks, etc...). Thank you for your patience and perseverance at home while we continue to smooth out all the speed bumps we've been presented with.
A question I've been asked a couple of times by families is, "How long is a Live TEAMS lesson supposed to last?" At this point in the year, Live lessons are likely to last 15 minutes or so, with lessons slowly increasing in time as students build up their ability to maintain attention to the screen. Most in-person lessons at the K-2 level are designed to be presented in a short burst followed by practice work. This format, known as a mini-lesson, translates well to remote learning. At this point, you should expect that each live TEAMS lesson will last between 10 and 20 minutes depending on the content, material, and grade level. The time after each lesson is intended for students to work on the posted assignment that follows the mini-lesson.
School Pictures
School picture day for students in Cohorts A and B will be on Monday, September 21st and Friday, September 25th respectively.
The school picture day for our full remote learners in Cohort D, has not yet been scheduled. We are awaiting a date confirmation from the picture company. Once a date is set, we will share the available appointments with families of students in that group so that they can sign up, make online orders, etc…
Big Cats are dressed and ready for learning!
Big Cats wear masks!
Big Cats talk about how they're feeling!
Henry Barnard School
Email: jgraham@enfieldschools.org
Website: https://henry.sharpschool.com/
Location: 27 Shaker Road, Enfield, CT, USA
Phone: 8602536540
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EnfieldPublicSschools/
Twitter: @EnfieldPS