Weekly Family Email
Westgate Elementary - Friday, January 17, 2025
Upcoming Events
20 MLK Jr. Day - NO SCHOOL
21 Professional Learning Day - NO SCHOOL
6 Vocal Music Concert 2/3 grade 6pm, WMS
11 CC Meeting & Parent Advisory 6pm
13 Valentine’s Day Parties 2:15pm
14 Teacher Workday - NO SCHOOL
17 President’s Day - Professional Learning - NO SCHOOL
28 Westgate Family Night 4-7pm
Westgate Gator Spotlight!
Westgate has a tremendous staff dedicated to serving students and families. We hope you enjoy the opportunity to get to know our awesome team a little better!
BIST Classes for Parents and Guardians
At Westgate, we use the BIST model to partner with students when they are struggling and help them be accountable for their actions to make changes in their life. BIST is designed to teach and protect students, via GRACE and ACCOUNTABILITY so that students can demonstrate the Goals for Life and make good choices.
As part of ongoing support for families, we are offering a series of classes for parents and guardians through a partnership with the Behavior Intervention Support Team (BIST). These training sessions are designed to provide ways you can support your child’s developing academic and behavior skills, as well as increase consistency between home and school.
BIST Virtual Parenting Series
5:45 PM - 6:00 PM Enter Zoom Waiting Room
6:00 PM – 6:45 PM Informational Session
6:45 PM – 7:00 PM Questions and Answers
January 28th: “New Year, New Start: Proactively Partnering with Your Child’s School”
February 4th: “Powerful Tools to Sustain a Powerful Family”
February 11th: “Growing Accountability with Empathy”
These classes are designed to:
· Create consistency between school and home
· Provide language for adults to use when redirecting children
· Share ways to problem solve to increase your child’s success
· Increase generosity and kindness in your children
· Bring a sense of calm to your home
Please join us for any or all three sessions!
How to Register for Free Training
These virtual classes are provided free of charge, however, we do ask that you please register through our website on or before Friday, January 24th. Instructions for registration are on the page below.
To register for this class:
1. Go to http://BIST.org
2. Click Log In on the home screen.
3. If you already created a username by previously enrolling in a BIST class, just log in on this screen.
4. If you have never registered for a BIST class, enter your information (Name, Email, and a Password). This will register you on the website, but not for the class.
5. At the top of the page, use the dropdown menu called “Classes.” Click “Training Calendar.”
6. Select the class you wish to attend (Parenting with BIST). Click “Register” under your preferred class.
7. Fill out the required questions and click “Register.”
8. On the checkout screen, complete the billing details even though this is a free class.
9. Click “Place Order.” The Order Details page is your confirmation of registration.
10. You will receive an email containing the Zoom link for the training sessions on Monday, January 27th.
a. If you have not received an email containing the Zoom link by noon on January 27th, please contact our office at bist@cornerstonesofcare.org for assistance.
Westgate Construction Updates - Updated 12/13/24
New Construction Photos!!
The Cold Weather Is Here!
We are getting to that time of year with lot’s of temperature fluctuations during a day. Please be sure that students are coming to school with jackets, coats, hats, and gloves as necessary. Students will be outside for arrival and going out for recess as long as the outdoor temperature is above a feels like 10 degrees.
Birthday Treats!
We do allow students to bring treats for celebrations such as birthdays. However, all treats served during the school day must come from our district approved snack list. Please click the button below to access this list. Thank you!
Westgate Community Club
Happenings Around The District…
WHS basketball / elementary school night
The boys and girls basketball programs would like to invite our District 66 elementary students and families to our games vs. Papillion LaVista on Friday, January 24th.
The first 50 students that are wearing their elementary school spirit gear will receive a free t shirt.
We look forward to a great District 66 crowd on 1/24!
SmartGen Society Community Forum
Attention parents! We are so excited to be partnering with Omaha-based nonprofit Smart Gen Society to provide you with a FREE workshop about how to keep your child safe online.
This engaging workshop will teach you how to keep your students smart, safe, and private in today’s 24/7 digital world. They will be going over the following topics:
- Digital Branding: How to build a positive digital brand to protect reputation and future opportunities.
- Communication: How to create open lines of communication with your kids about online safety.
- Safety: How to protect your family's privacy, safety, and mental health.
Be sure to mark your calendars for Tuesday, February 11, 2025, from 6-7 p.m. at Westside High School in Room 220. Please use the main entrance and go into the main lecture hall.
Multicultural Fair
Sign up to showcase link here or scan the QR code above
Student and Family Services
Mr. Becker - Principal - Westgate Elementary
Email: Becker.scott@westside66.net
Website: https://www.westside66.org/westgate
Location: 7802 Hascall Street, Omaha, NE, USA
Phone: 402-390-6495