News and events

November 3, 2024
Upcoming events
November 4th - Regular Start
November 5th - No School for Students - Professional Development
November 11th - Late Start 8:30
November 12th - Lifetouch Picture Retake Day
November 18th - Regular Start
November 22nd - Late Day of Trimester 1
November 25th - No School - Staff Development
November 26th - No School - Staff Planning/Grading
November 27th - No School
November 28th & November 29th - District Closed
Picture Day
Students in grades 9 through 11
If you haven't had your picture taken, please do so on November 12th. If you are having re-takes, please make sure you bring your picture packet. Photographers will be here from 7:40 am through lunches.
Winter Activities Registration
Registration for winter activities opened on Monday, October 14th in Schoolpay. Click HERE for instructions and how to check your sports physical date. Students must be registered in order to participate.
Please see the activity specific websites to find practice/tryout information as well as the start date of the activity for which you are registering.
Your sports physical must be within the last 3 years and valid for the entire season.
If you need to turn in a Sports Physicals:
*Please email it to molly.gamble@ahschools.us*
Trimester 2 Parking Permit Sales
Parking permits for Trimester 2 will be sold online only via SchoolPay beginning on the following dates:
Wednesday, November 13th at 8:00 AM for Seniors
Thursday, November 14th at 8:00 AM for Juniors
Friday, November 15th at 8:00 AM for Sophomores
Please follow the steps in this link in order to purchase your permit in SchoolPay. The cost of purchasing a parking permit for Trimester 2 is $35. Students must first pay all outstanding fines in order to purchase a permit.
Permits will be available for pickup in the Activities Office before and after school (7:00-7:35 AM and 2:20-3:00 PM) beginning Monday, December 2nd and need to be displayed in vehicles beginning the week of December 9th.
Please contact Abby Buetow at 763-506-6509 or abby.buetow@ahschools.us with any questions.
Jostens Class Ring Ordering
Class of 2025, 2026, 2027
Parents/Students of Blaine High School, Jostens will be on campus Wednesday, November 6th, during all lunches to showcase class rings. While on campus, we will review orders, confirm ring size, and help select the best payment plan for you. Now is the time to take advantage of our biggest promotions and discounts. Simply follow these steps:
- Design your ring at www.Jostens.com
- Save your design
- Print your Order Confirmation
- Bring to School
Click on the following link to learn more!
Jostens Class Ring Celebration
Randy Storts
Jostens | GradsMN
Career Center
The Anoka-Hennepin Career and College Specialists are excited to be hosting our third annual Career and College Palooza on Saturday, December 14 from 8:30-11:00 a.m. at Champlin Park High School. This event will highlight a variety of career and college planning options for students and families. The format will include a mix of scheduled sessions and open fair times.
For more information, please visit our website here.
Wallin Scholarship available Nov 1-Jan 31
For seniors with unweighted cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher and demonstrated financial need with plans to start college full-time in the fall at an accredited, four-year, public or private (not for-profit) institution in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, North Dakota, or South Dakota or one of the Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs ). Apply here.
Career Events
Hennepin Talent Garden - Talent Garden programs introduce youth to healthcare jobs through youth summits with hands-on activities, mentorship, experience-based learning, and paid internships. Please see the site for a list of programs this year and register early as they fill quickly.
Bühler Apprenticeship Field Trip
Some of our senior students enjoyed a morning at Bühler Inc. in Plymouth to learn about a fantastic apprenticeship opportunity for mechatronics or business. Bühler invites interested students and families to their Open House to learn more on Thur, Nov 21 from 4:30-6:00 p.m.
Counseling Updates
Meet the BHS School Counseling Team:
Gulenchyn: Last Names A -Ch
Petersen: Last Names Ci - Har
Bonin: Last Names Has-Lx
Geiselman: Last Names Ly - Q
Khothsombath: Last Names R-Tq
Weisbrich: Last Names Tr - Z & CEMS Rj-Z
Fjeld: CEMS A - Ri
Schedule Error Correction Policy Reminder:
As we approach the end of trimester 1, please make sure you view your trimester 2 schedule. Schedules are not final until the trimester starts and changes are limited. Review our schedule error guidelines and if there is an error, please fill out the form linked here.
Bilingual Seal:
Testing opportunities for students to earn a World Language Proficiency Certificate or Bilingual/Multilingual Seal
Does your student speak two or more languages? Want to earn college credit?
Anoka-Hennepin students in grades 10-12 with a mastery of world languages can use that knowledge to earn special recognitions – World Language Proficiency Certificates or Bilingual/Multilingual Seals.
Additionally, college credit can be awarded to these students who attend or transfer to Minnesota State Colleges and Universities and select other post-secondary institutions within three years of graduation from Anoka-Hennepin.
What to know:
Testing will take place on Saturday, November 16th, 2024 at Champlin Park High School from 12-4p. The registration deadline is October 31st at 4 p.m. The cost of the AAPPL exam is $30 per assessment ($10 if a student receives free or reduced-price meals).
AAPPL Test Languages: Arabic, Chinese (Mandarin), English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.
Hybrid Format Exams are available in: Swahili, Ukrainian, Tamil, Dari, and Pashto. These tests will incur a fee of $30.00 ($10.00 for students on free and reduced meals).
NEW: There is no fee for students taking the Extempore Exam for the 2024-2025 school year due to a grant that the Minnesota Department of Education received from the Securian Financial Foundation. Extempore Test Languages: Amharic, Dakota/Lakota, Hmong, Karen, Ojibwe, Somali, and Vietnamese.
Dig deeper: To learn more about this opportunity, see the languages currently available, and register to take an exam, visit ahschools.us/bilingualseal.
Business Professionals of America (BPA)
BPA Region 4 Fall Leadership Conference
On Friday, October 25, 70 Blaine BPA members attended the Region 4 BPA Fall Leadership Conference at North Hennepin Community College, joining students from schools like Champlin Park, Anoka, Osseo, Park Center, and St. Michael-Albertville. Senior Omar Hilowe said, “I truly appreciated how friendly and welcoming everyone was. Since it was my first year, they encouraged me to be open to others, and I took that to heart. As a result, I’ve made friends from different schools.”
The conference featured the Region 4 officer election and a variety of engaging sessions. One standout session, titled "Careers that Change Lives," focused on careers in regulation and public service in Minnesota. The presenter shared her fascinating journey from being a Tattoo Parlor Investigator to serving on the State EMS Regulatory Board, providing valuable insights into unique career paths.
Blaine senior Kreem Ibrahim, the MN BPA Vice President of Communications, presented alongside MN BPA President Ramala Sharif from Tartan, effectively engaging new members and inspiring them with their energy and enthusiasm.
Blaine students displayed remarkable leadership, with seven candidates vying for Region Officer positions. Four of them were successfully elected to the team! Each candidate campaigned with enthusiasm and delivered impactful speeches, showcasing their confidence and leaving a strong impression on their peers. Senior Ella Thomson said, “I loved being a voting delegate at FLC this year! It was great to talk to the candidates running for regional office and hear about their goals for BPA.”
The following students from Blaine were elected to the 2024-2025 Region 4 BPA Officer Team:
Jacob Elson, Region 4 President
Bethel Teklu, Vice President
Aji Anjorin, Treasurer
Issy Phan, Secretary
Our BPA club members and business interns truly showcased their Bengal Pride, leading the way with enthusiasm and dedication throughout the conference. We are incredibly proud of our students for shining brightly at this event!
Celebrating Jenny Birkmeier
Outstanding PLTW Administrator
We are excited to share that Jenny Birkmeier, our CEMS Coordinator, has been named 2024-25 Outstanding PLTW Administrator! This award honors exceptional teachers and administrators who inspire and empower students through Project Lead The Way (PLTW) programs. Jenny was one of 27 across the country to receive this award.
Jenny has worked tirelessly to provide unique opportunities for students in our community. Lana Rice, the PLTW Program Coordinator at Coon Rapids High School, notes, "Jennifer strives to provide expanded access for students through unique opportunities within the community!"
David Voissem, a parent volunteer for the CEMS Capstone project, adds, "Ms. Birkmeier has created a special program at Blaine High School." Under her leadership, the program has thrived, offering students valuable hands-on experiences.
Join us in celebrating Jenny’s outstanding achievement! Her dedication to education and her students truly make a difference. Congratulations, Jenny! We are proud to have you on our team!
Congratulations to the players, coaches, and team staff on their 53-21 victory over Forest Lake to win the Section Championship and advance on to the State Tournament. The Bengals will play in the State Quarterfinals vs Minnetonka on Thursday, November 7th, 7:00 pm, at Osseo High School. Go Bengals!
Cross Country
Congratulations Cross Country State Qualifiers
David Meberg
Alaric Burroughs
Xander Jund
Henry Meberg
Davis Haller
Reece Miller
Austin Matrious
Israel Sulungaine
Jack Zellmer
Bryn Wegener
Audrey Schwen
Girls Soccer
Spotlight on Scholarships
Please congratulate our Girl Soccer 'Spotlight on Scholarships' Award Winners
Congratulations to all those players listed below!
Jada Bahnson
Aubriana Beals
Izabella Beseman
Tayalekay Borh
Sierra Brittain
Aubrey Caven
Chloie Crandall
Trista Crosby
Ariana Cunnien
Ruby Doucot
Mohammed Es-Sabha
Addison Farness
Kaemi Fletcher
Keira Follette
Rihanna Fuller
Gianna Gambino
Elizabeth Hartley
Hailey Hughes
Nora Johnson
Sydney Kaiser
Alexandra Krabbenhoft
Hailey Kral
Georgia Kratochvill
Sonnie Luciano
Makena Mbuba
Maddisyn Morin
Tenzin Namdol
Bright Neba
Eliora-Charlotte Nyembwe
Liliana Padilla
Bella Perry
Emily Peterson
Vanessa Peterson
Kayana Podany
Kate Reil
Piper Riley
Rosalie Schmitt
Alisun Schulstad
Brekka Snyder
Ellyn Soli
Addison Stadden
Tessa Stephans
Jenna Stodola
Izabel Stover
Breanna Vessels
Rylee Wald
Megan Wilbur
Asma Yusuf
Adult Volunteer Opportunities
All volunteers must fill out a BHS Volunteer Application for the 2024-25 school year.
How to Volunteer with Anoka-Hennepin Schools
We are so happy you’re interested in helping our Bengal community!
Please see below for more information on opportunities and sign ups.
Picture Retakes - Volunteers Needed
November 12 is picture retake day at BHS. Sign up to assist staff using the link below:
Volunteers Needed for Fall Performances
Our performing arts students are in need of adult volunteers for choir, orchestra, and theater performances this fall. Are you interested in handing out programs, scanning tickets, assisting with safety and security, concession sales, or 50/50 raffle sales? Please check out these opportunities and click on the links to sign up!
November 14 - Fall Choir Concert
November 22-24 - “Space Pirates” Fall Musical
December 6 - Northdale Middle School Choir Concert
December 17 - December Orchestra Concert
December 11 & 18 - Registration Help for 2025-26
The BHS Counseling Office needs helping hands to sort papers, stuff folders, and organize papers by advisory teacher for 2025-26 registration. Click the link to sign up:
Year-Round: Cafeteria Servers
If you would like to help our child nutrition staff with light kitchen duties, please contact paula.miller@ahschools.us to get connected.
Attention Booster Clubs:
Here are some resources for Booster Clubs from Anoka-Hennepin Parent Involvement.
A big thank you to our Fall volunteer coaches and Fine Arts performance volunteers!
BHS Volunteer Services Coordinator (VSC): Paula Miller
This e-newsletter is published by Blaine High School. Questions, comments or concerns about the school e-newsletter? Contact us.