In the Zone
September 2024

From the Desk of Dustin Horras, SCZ Superintendent
Sand Creek Zone Community -
I am proud to report that all of our Sand Creek Zone schools have had a strong start to the school year. As I visit classrooms in each of our schools, I have been happy to see our staff providing quality learning opportunities and students engaged in class. This is the expectation always and I have certainly observed consistency in each of our buildings.
Thank you to all families who have made concerted efforts to ensure students are in school and on time. As stated in previous communication, attendance in school is important and regular attendance is the most important way to ensure success mastering grade level skills and being prepared for the next grade, level, or beyond. Being on time is important as well; students will always be welcomed but it can be disruptive to them and other students to arrive late. Thank you for your support to ensure students are at school and on time.
As you have all heard by now, District 49 started this school year with new and consistent cell phone protocols. It has been refreshing to visit classrooms, particularly at the secondary level, and not see cell phones and instead students engaged in learning. To this point, there have been very few instances of students not following protocols which is appreciated. Staying consistent with current expectations will ensure learning stays at the forefront all school year and cell phone distractions are not part of the classroom experience.
Later this month, all families will receive a link to our annual Family Engagement Survey. This is an important time to give our schools feedback. Please look for more information, and your specific survey link, to be sent home in late September. This survey will be released to coincide with fall Parent-Teacher conferences.
If you have not applied for free or reduced status yet, please review the information included in this newsletter to do so. This is something that has to be applied for each year. Although school lunches are free for everyone, gaining free or reduced status will eliminate or lessen other school, class, and athletic fees. There are other benefits outside of school that families who qualify can receive. Even if you don't want to take advantage or free/reduced status, your application will help our schools. Five of our six schools in the Sand Creek Zone are Title I schools and receive Federal funds to support instruction and learning. These funds are in addition to state and local funds and can be considered "free" funds to benefit our schools. The funds we receive are based on the free reduced status of families in each of our schools.
Thank you for trusting Sand Creek Zone schools,
Dustin Horras, SCZ Superintendent
Did you know the Free and Reduced Meal application covers so much more than just lunch?
Discounted School Fees: Your student could qualify for reduced or waived student fees for field trips, school supplies, class fees, athletic participation, fees associated with academic testing and transportation fees.
Home Internet Access: Both Comcast and T-Mobile offer free home internet or hot spots with qualified applications.
Additional Funding For Your School: It is important to apply so that your school could receive or continue to receive additional funding for personnel, technology, tutoring, and family resources. This funding is based on the number of students that qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch in our school! It is important for ALL families to fill out the waiver because you never know if you may qualify.
APPLY TODAY at https://payschoolscentral.com/
Log in/Create Account (You will need your child's student ID Number)
On the right side menu, click Free/Reduced Benefits Application
Fill in your contact information then click New Application
If your student is not listed, click Add Students
If you see your student(s) or once your student is added, click Start Application
You will need to know if any members of your household get any kind of assistance and know their income.
Be sure to check the box to include Transportation and for School Fees
Email yourself a copy for your records!
We appreciate you taking the time to access the benefits of this program (waived fees, free community resources) for you and your family and also for supporting additional funding for our school.
*Free and Reduced status will EXPIRE from the 23-24 school year on September 12th.
Be sure to reapply before then! If you have this status because of Medicaid or SNAP, you must share your letter from those organizations with your school's admin assistant.
Let's Celebrate! IN THE ZONE AWARDS
Jay MacKay, SCHS
What is an "In the Zone" Award?
This award is for a SCZ Employee who has done an outstanding job, made an extraordinary effort, went above and beyond their role, or presented an overly caring or welcoming attitude. We recognize staff that embody our values of Culture, Instruction and Success.
Tiffany Koch, RES
Cassidy Thompson, RES
Use the button below to nominate a SCZ staff member that truly has gone above and beyond for the 24-25 school year!
Melanie Bustillos, RES
What's Happening in the Sand Creek Zone
Stetson Elementary School just finished up their boosterthon, raising over $17,000 for the school! They hosted nightly challenges for families to donate, looking at classes that donated the most, they worked to get donations from every state in the US and wrapped up their efforts with the Fun Run. Prizes included items from Dude Perfect and duct taping Assistant Principal Nina Saroyan to the flag pole, pie-ing Mr. Nelson in the face and extra recess. Thank you to everyone that donated!
Sand Creek
Seniors at Sand Creek High School kicked off their first senior event of the year, Senior Sunrise. Sponsored by the US Navy, students watched the sunrise together while enjoying donuts and juice. Seniors then heard an empowering speech from Principal Amy Sanchez-Martinez, words of wisdom from Mr. Carroll on staying on track, credit and graduation support from Mrs. Rawlinson, and a list up the upcoming fun events for seniors from Senior Class President Senia Lee and Senior Class sponsor Teena Lenon. We are excited to celebrate with the class of 2025 all year!
Springs Ranch
Springs Ranch held their first Renaissance Rally as a surprise for students during the first full week of school. The staff demonstrated the "Bobcats Freeze" (their silent attention signal), HALLS (hallway behavior), and Polite Lunchroom Behavior! They also played a staff-student cooperative game and had several "20 Second Dance Parties". Staff even stayed late the night before to decorate in their wild animal theme. What a great way to kick off the year!
Evans' kicked off the 2024-2025 school year with a Rally for families! Rallies are a common practice at Evans, celebrating student success, reinforcing their PAWS values and competing against different "houses". This year, they decided to bring in families to the excitement during Back to School Night while assisting them in accomplishing some beginning of the year tasks. Their efforts continued with bubbles, a backdrop and all staff welcoming in new Kindergarten students on August 1st.
Renaissance in the Zone
Jostens' Renaissance is a framework for building a culture where teachers love their job and students thrive in in school. The Sand Creek Zone is working hard to implement positive cultural practices so that all of our students, staff and families feel welcome. Three of our schools have already earned School of Distinction awards for their work around school culture and the other three schools will be implementing Renaissance this school year. Be on the look out for highlights from our zone around celebrating student success, recognizing staff and showing our school pride!
Community Resource Center is OPEN!
We are located in the 2nd modular back on the east side of Horizon Middle School. All community members are welcome and we ask that you bring your own bag. To reserve your spot to shop for clothing, please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D4DA5AE2AA1F9C70-50920424-community If you are unable to attend during these hours, please reach out to your Family Engagement Liaison or Lauren Stuart at lauren.stuart@d49.org.
We are not taking clothing donations at this time.
Upcoming Events
9/2: D49 CLOSED for Labor Day
9/5: Community Resource Center OPEN 4-5pm
9/19: Sand Creek Zone Partners (SAC Meetings) at SCHS 5:30pm
9/26: Community Resource Center OPEN 4-5pm
Week of 10/7: Parent-Teacher Conferences