Collins Cadence
Friday, April 19, 2024
Collins Cobras
Shelli LeBlanc, Principal
Chelsea Rothe, Assistant Principal
Krystal McCure, Counselor 5th Grade
Chiante Deal, Counselor 6th Grade
Email: contactcollins@conroeisd.net
Website: http://collins.conroeisd.net/
Location: Collins Intermediate, 6020 Shadowbend Place, The Woodlands, TX, USA
Phone: 281-298-3800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CollinsCISD/
Twitter: @CollinsCobras
From the Principal:
We hope you have enjoyed the start of your three day weekend with the kids. The teachers were hard at work on Friday planning and preparing for the next 24 days. When May rolls around we may be tempted to think "all is said and done" but wait there is more.
More... grades as the progress report will be available in Parent Access Thursday, April 25, 2024. We have two more 5th STAAR tests and one more for 6th grade. We have all of our 5th grade field trips and one make up field trip for LC 6-4. There are end of the year concerts - field day - yearbooks - spirt weeks - staff appreciation.
So May promises to be busy - but of course we are Collins Cobras - so it is going to be great!!
With thanks,
Shelli LeBlanc
Upcoming Dates
April is Arab American Heritage Month
Mon 4/22/24
- Colossal Cobra - Courage -6th
Tue 4/23/24
- STAAR - 5th Grade Science *
Wed 4/24/24
- Colossal Cobra - Courage - 5th
Thu 4/25/24
- Senior Scholarship Coin Drive Ends
- STAAR - 5th Grade Science Make-Ups
- CP Physical Day - 6th Collins Students go to CP 8 - 1PM
- Progress Report PAC e-mail sent
Tue 4/30/24
- STAAR - 5th Grade Math *
May is Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month
Wed 5/1/24
- Deadline for all Knox course request changes
- Orchestra Formal Concert 6 PM
Thu 5/2/24
- STAAR - 6th Grade Math *
Fri 5/3/24
- STAAR - Math Make-Ups
- May 6 - 10 Teacher Appreciation Week
Mon 5/6/24
- 5th Grade Field Trip: LC 5-2
Tue 5/7/24
- 5th Grade Field Trip: LC 5-1
Wed 5/8/24
- 5th Grade Field Trip: LC 5-3
- RESCHEDULED 6th Gr Mission to Mars Field Trip (LC 6-4)
- School Nurse Day
Thu 5/9/24
- 5th Grade Field Trip: LC 5-4
Fri 5/10/24
- 5th Grade Field Trip: LC 5-5
Sat 5/11/24
- Choir Field Trip
Mon 5/13/24
- Colossal Cobra Award Resilience - 6th Grade
- PTO Meeting 1:30 PM
- Choir Formal Concert 6:30 PM at Collins
Tue 5/14/24
- Colossal Cobra Award Resilience - 5th Grade
- Band Formal Concert 5:30 PM @CPHS
Wed 5/15/24
- Orchestra String Fling @ CPHS
Thu 5/16/24
- College Park Senior Awards 6:30 PM Students Present
Fri 5/17/24
- College Park Senior Walk - 11 (ish) AM
- Collins Band Camp Registration Ends
Sat 5/18/24
- Speech Pathologist Day
Tue 5/21/24
- End of the 4th Grading Period
Wed 5/22/24
- Field Day
Thu 5/23/24
- Student Early Release - Last Day of School
- College Park HS Graduation
- May 28 - 31st Collins Band Camp
Tue 5/30/24
- Report Cards Available in PAC
- Week of 5/30/24 Every Child Will have Report Card Mailed Home
STAAR Tips for Parents
We want our students to be set up for success on test days! Please help your child with the following:
- Get a good night's sleep - please make sure your child gets at least 8-10 hours of sleep. Please limit phones and electronics in the bedroom!
- Eat a healthy, protein-filled breakfast.
- Wear comfortable clothes and bring a lunch (unless buying a sack lunch), water bottle, jacket, and book to read.
- Electronic devices (such as phones and smart watches) are taken up during testing so we advise leaving those at home.
We are so proud of how hard our students have worked and how much they've learned this year! Remember that these tests are just a chance for them to show off what they know, and that we only ask that they do their very best!
Congratulations Pablo Gonzalez!
Great Things and Awesome Students to Celebrate
Senior Scholarship Coin Wars End Thursday, April 25th!
Currently we have raised enough for two scholarships.
Our goal is 8 $1000 scholarships!
PTO Spirit Weeks - Tiff's Treats
April 21st - May 4th 2024
Getting Ready for Teacher/Staff Appreciation
May 6th - May 10th 2024
Last Call For Your Child's Collins Yearbook!
It will be here before you know it...
Summer Movers
If you will be leaving the district at the end of the school year, and not returning for the 2024-25 school year, such as moving to another district, a private school, or being homeschooled, please contact our registrar, Nancy Villanueva at nvillanueva@conroeisd.net, or 281-298-3910.
Mrs. Villanueva will provide the correct paperwork for you to complete, to ensure a smooth transition for your student to their new school.
If a student is going to another CISD campus, then they only need to provide Proof of Residence to the CISD campus they will be attending.
Always an exciting day to welcome back our former Cobras!
Order Your Teacher-Approved Packs by May 21st
School Supply Kits will be delivered to your child's classroom.
Please allow up to 24 hours to receive an order confirmation.
Keep your confirmation as your receipt.
Grade 5 $59.00
Grade 6 $69.00
GT Summer Testing
Referral requests are open for Conroe Independent School District Gifted and Talented program. Testing will take place on Tuesday, May 28-Thursday, May 30 at Bush Elementary from 8:00am - 11:00am. Referral requests can be made by the parents and/or campus staff. If you are interested in referring your child, you may want to discuss this with your child’s teacher. Referrals will be accepted April 1-30, 2024. The referral form is linked below; please return it to Lisa Lackey by dropping it off at the front office or by emailing her at llackey@conroeisd.net. You can also find the referral form and other GT information on the CISD GT homepage.
Summer testing is reserved for students who were not enrolled in Conroe ISD schools during the January GT testing. If a student took any GT test this school year, he/she may not participate in this round of testing.
Counselor Update
Nurse Kendall's Update
Parents please remember NOT to send medications to school with your student. You need to bring it to the school and fill out a permission form. This is a district policy and can be found at Medications at School – Conroe ISD.
May 8 is School Nurse Day! We feel it is a privilege to care for your students at school. It’s not just band aids and ice packs. We care for children with chronic illnesses, screen for vision, hearing and scoliosis. Keep up with immunizations to keep children healthy and so much more!
Your Collins Band is now on instagram! Follow us to keep up with all the fun happenings in the band world! @collinsintermediateband
We had our Band Solo Contest this past weekend, and we are SO PROUD of how all the kiddos performed! We want to recognize those students who received a score of “1” which is the highest score you can achieve.
Here are the 5th grade students who achieved a 1:
Soroushi Banerjee
Michael Barker
Logan Barney
Samantha Baum
Felix Becker
Adam Boudiab
Mason Bradford
Sebastian Bruno
Maya Burnham
Abigail Cain
Austin Cooke
Kenzie Cox
Claire Davis
Lane Doss
Kevin Ellis
Filipp Em
Zooey Esposito-Thorson
Gage Fetter
Jadon Frenzel
Hudson Fullington
Braelynn Garvin
Jordan Guerra
Mason Gunn
Lucas Hammons
Caroline Hansen
Desmond Harris
Nikolai Haughton
Nola Heck
Jayda Hilmer
Mason Hindmand
Teresa Hung
Layla Jellbauer
Evie Jones
Ana Kambouris
Ella Kerze
Sarah Khizar
Jason Kim
Moriah Kiser
Tessa Kowalski
Miles Kravtsov
Cailyn Kruljac
Caiden Kuhnel
Lucas Lanman
Catherine LeBlanc
Salvador Ledezma
Elijah Linehan
Sophie Liu
Lucia Marin
Amelia McClain
Brooklyn McDaniel
Jasper McFarland
Halo Meredith
John Mingo
Chloe Myers
Eyimofe Ofuya
Caleb Park
Neil Patel
Abigail Paur
Anni Peterson
Aniston Plantenga
Theo Radman
Carter Ramsey
Levi Rendon
Emery Kate Scott
Nora Shrewsberry
Carson Snyder
William Struzick
Yug Tandon
Tiffany Taylor
Jacob Townsend
Judah Trice
Rona Veliu
Esteban Villegas
Draygen Weissbach
Kathryn Welsh
Beau Westerkamp
Brayden Whitehead
Eli Wong
Here are the 6th grade students who received a 1:
Caleb Adams
Henry Adams
Marsel Aglaganov
Emily Atkins
Anthony Avelar
Caden Banogon
Mallory Bartholomew
Nolan Berte
Asher Bien-Willner
Brooklyn Brown
Jackson Cain
Isabela Chapellin
Emy Chartrand
Davis Cocke
Ryan Craig
Jordan Croft
Emma Davidson
Savannah Davila
Karen De La Torre
Mackenzie Douglas
Alia Ezzeldin
Parker Fenno
Atticus Fields
Grayson Foster
Owen Foster
Luka Gazikalovic
Mia Gazikalovic
Sadie Genseal
Dylan Gockel
Pablo Gonzalez
Sonya Gopalani
Abigail Gorring
Heidi Gunnell
Charlie Haggerty
London Harcrow
Vivian Hebert
Harper Henshaw
Sophie Herlehy
Joshua Herrick
Caleb Herring
Jocelyn Herring
Ronin Hinojosa
Alessandra Hoffland
Luca Hoffmann
Nathan Jaimes
Elizaveta Jerrard
Emily Jeter
Ryan Khalil
David Kim
Stella Krieger
Kyler LeSuer
Zoey Lord
Benjamin Lorraine
Cassie Martin
Isabelle Matthiesen
Hadley McGrath
Asher McLaughlin
Adam Mouallem
Maximiliano Nunez
Olivia Ochoa
Levi Ojajuni
Naomi Pope
Violet Proksell
Sebastian Ramirez
Logan Richard
Caroline Rickabaugh
Samantha Rolfs
Jade Rushia
John Russell
Evan Russell
Emily Sanders
Alexander Schen
Joshua Stewart
Alexa Tordai
Niva Varia
Marisa Veeser
Preston Walker
Ian Walters
Scarlett Want
Tyler Wargo
Lily Kate West
Madelyn Whitney
Lola Wilson
Avery Wingo
Ashton Woolbright
Upcoming dates:
April 29, 2024- Full Rehearsal at Collins
May 1, 2024-Formal Concert at College Park H.S.
May 3, 2024- Informal Concert for students and staff at Collins
Only four rehearsals left until our Spring Concert on Monday, May 13th! Remember, Thursday 5/2 and Tuesday 5/7 will be combined rehearsals with both grades. Below is a link to the Choir Calendar.
In Mr. Hunt’s art class, we are beginning our sculpture unit. Students are learning about the main types of sculpture, creating an orthographic drawing, and beginning to create a wearable sculpture out of paper mache.
In Mrs. Williams’ art class we are working with clay. Students are exploring how to use a variety of tools, practicing different techniques for working with clay and mapping out their designs for their final project.
Come join us May 4th for the David’s Dream Run at Woodforest Bank Stadium! A group of Collin’s Cobras will be participating in the run together. You can find out more information and register at the link below.
We will be moving into our Kickball and Whiffle Ball units in the next two weeks. As we move into warmer weather, please encourage your children to remember their water bottles and to take off their hoodies when in the heat. 🙂
PTO Updates
Incoming 5th Graders (Current 4th Grade Students)
Feeder School Events
David Dream Run
This year’s David’s Dream Run will be held on Saturday, May 4, 2024 at The Woodforest Bank Stadium, beginning at 8:00 a.m. Registration for this year’s David’s Dream Run opens on March 1st.
ONLINE Registration for Texas Children’s Hospital and other community members!
Click link to Membership Toolkit:
To Create Membership Toolkit account:
a. Click “Create Account”
b. Enter your name, email address, and verify email address
c. Step 1. Complete “Family Information” page, selecting “Texas Children’s Hospital” or “Community Member”
d. Step 2. Do NOT need to publish information to the Directory
e. Now that you’ve created your account go to the Store, click on David’s Dream Run Registration page (or go back and click the link now that you are logged in), select shirt size/material, and continue to checkout.
Your shirt(s) will be delivered to Texas Children’s Hospital or available for pickup at David Elementary School after April 15th
Incoming 7th Grade Knox Knights Important Dates
Upcoming Dates and Events:
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
- Deadline for all Knox course requests changes
End of March – Scores arrive in district from UT High School
Early April – Registration for 8th Grade Math Summer Course Begins
Dates Not Set At This Time
- Knox Gingham Girls Parent Meeting, Clinic, Tryouts
- Knox Cheer Parent Meeting, Clinic, Tryouts
- Knox Color Guard Parent Meeting, Clinic, Tryouts
Check out the new update!
Private PE/Off Campus PE
The application window is now open for Private PE/Off Campus PE for the 2024-2025 school year. The application process is entirely electronic and there is no paper application. You can complete the application at https://apps.conroeisd.net/physedoffsite/ The deadline for application submission is May 15. For questions you may email the Knox Private PE contact, Ms. Laura Olsen, at lolsen@conroeisd.net.
The Choir Department at College Park High School is hosting our 19th annual music camp for Grades K - 8 as a fundraiser for the choir's show choir Rhythm-n-Blue. The camp will be held June 3-7 with the cost being $90 before any discounts, and the camp will be held at College Park High School.
2023-2024 Handbook
Times to Remember
Bell Schedule: 8:50 AM—4:00 PM
- Students may enter the building at 7:45 AM (Please enter 5th grade side door)
Lunch Times
- A Lunch (5th grade) 11:50 AM - 12:25 PM
B Lunch (6th grade) 12:35 PM - 1:10 PM
Collins Café is open to visitors!
Front Office: 8:00 AM—4:30 PM
End of Day
- 3:30 PM - Calls to change transportation end
- 3:35 PM - Cones for car rider dismissal will be set - cars for early pick up will not fit in front parking area
- 3:40 PM - Early student check out ends
- 3:45 PM - First flight of 7 cars moves forward to cones, staff begins inputting numbers. Please display car rider sign in window.
- 4:00 PM - Flights 1 - 4 are dismissed along with bike riders
- 4:04 PM - Walkers are dismissed. Students meet parents at cones 1 - 7. Once a flight is loaded, cars are dismissed to take a RIGHT hand turn only to exit.
- Buses are dismissed based on bus arrival to campus.
Other Helpful Links
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The Conroe Independent School District (District) as an equal opportunity educational provider and employer does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, or disability in educational programs or activities that it operates or in employment matters. The District is required by Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as Board policy not to discriminate in such a manner. For information about Title IX rights or Section 504/ADA rights, contact the Title IX Coordinator or the Section 504/ADA coordinator at 3205 W. Davis, Conroe, TX 77304; (936) 709-7752.