BCS District Update -
June 2023

Bronson Community Schools District Update
December 2024
Wishing the entire Bronson community a joyful and peaceful holiday season. May this time be filled with rest, reflection, and quality moments with family and friends. We look forward to welcoming the new year and continued opportunities for growth and collaboration in 2025!
Happy Holidays to all!
Upcoming Holiday Events
December 7 @ 8 pm - BHS SnoBall in the high school gymnasium, Grand March begins at 8:15
December 13 @ 6 pm - Jr. High (grades 6-8) Christmas Dance in the high school cafeteria
December 15 @ 2 pm - Jr/Sr High Band and Choir Concert in the high school gymnasium
December 17 @ 7 pm - Ryan Christmas Program in the high school gymnasium
December 23 - January 3 - Winter Break - all building offices will be closed
January 6 - School Resumes - full day of school
We're Hiring!
We have the following openings for teaching/support staff:
- Jr/Sr High English Learners (EL) Teacher
- Jr/Sr High English Learners (EL) Paraprofessional
- Jr/Sr High Counselor
- Hybrid Maintenance/Custodial Employee
Job postings and the application process can be found here: https://www.bronsonschools.org/district/resources/employment
Food Service Project Update
GREAT NEWS!!! As of Thursday, November 21st, ALL food service equipment in the district was up and running! Thank you again for your continued patience and flexibility with these projects!
Input Needed - Communication Preferences
As a district, we strive to provide frequent updates and information to all stakeholders in ways that work best for them. Please let us know your preferred means of communication by completing the survey linked here: BCS Communication Preference Survey. Thank you!
Fall Athletic Seasons Conclude
Congratulations to our fall athletes and teams for a successful season! Find all of the individual sports newsletters/highlights linked below:
The Velveteen Rabbit
On behalf of the Bronson Thespians, thank you to the Bronson Community for your support of this play, presented the week of November 18th!
Well done cast, crew, and staff directors!
Hall of Fame Nominations
The Bronson High School Hall of Fame Committee is always looking for nominees to be inducted into the BHS Hall of Fame. Please find the nomination forms for each category here:
Each building releases a newsletter each month. Find the most recent newsletters linked, below:
2024-2025 Calendar
The Official 2024-2025 School Year Calendar can be found here: tinyurl.com/bcs24-25cal
Board of Education
Next Regular Meeting
Monday, December 9th @ 6:30 pm in the Bronson Jr/Sr High School Library
Meeting Documents
Board Agendas can be found here:
Minutes from Board Meetings can be found here:
Find/Follow Us on Facebook!
Click the links below to find the Facebook pages that are affiliated with our district. School personnel are the administrators of the pages. *If you have information to share that is specific to a student, please do not message these pages. Instead, please call the school directly.*
Anderson Elementary (Grades K-2)
Bronson Jr/Sr High School (Grades 6-12)