The Hawk Herald
November 2024
Message from Mrs. Yost & Mrs. Feola
Happy Fall! October was busy and November seems to be just as busy! Thank you to our PTO and families for making our Trunk or Treat such a spooktacular event for our students. The "trunks" were amazing! The creativity behind each stop was outstanding! This brought so much joy to our Hawks! We had perfect weather for our annual Halloween Parade! So many great costumes and smiling faces, too!
Help us honor our Veterans by wearing your Red, White & Blue on Friday, November 8th. We are thrilled to host an in-person Veterans' Day celebration. Our assembly will begin at 1:30pm. Thank you in advance for those that are able to attend. November 13th is World Kindness Day. We are asking our Hawks and staff to unite by wearing blue to demonstrate our commitment to be change makers of kindness in our school community and beyond.
A HUGE thank you to our families for supporting the Pie sale fundraiser. Your efforts do not go unnoticed. Money raised goes directly to our students. Operation Hope will begin during the month of November. Our parent committee is finalizing detail that will be shared shortly.
I recently met with members of the PTAC Digital Wellness Committee to discuss the impact of technology on students & families from elementary through high school. This committee will be examining both the benefits and challenges associated with technology use. We encourage you to review the relevant BOE Policies, as discussions are ongoing regarding Chromebook expectations, the effects of social media on students and families, and appropriate ages for digital device usage. Your insights and engagement in these topics are valuable as we navigate this important issue together. In addition, "smart" phones and watches do not support our curriculum on the elementary level and should stay at home for safe keeping.
- 6141.321-Student Internet Use
- 6141.321AR - Acceptable Use Guidelines & Agreement
- 6141.323 - Internet Acceptable Use Filtering
As always, feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Here’s to SOARing to new heights!
Mrs. Yost & Mrs. Feola
Look for the Good Gratitude Wall
Please find this short LFTG Timelapse Video of our Gratitude Wall.
Our Hawks did an amazing job showing their gratitude!
Important Dates
National Native American Heritage Month
National Epilepsy Awareness Month
Friday, November 1st
- Hats for Hurricanes Day
- First Day of American Heritage Month
Tuesday, November 5th
- Election Day
- Doughnut Day
- No School for Students
- Professional Development/Conferences
Wednesday, November 6th - PTA Meeting at 2:15pm in the Mill Hill Cafeteria
Friday, November 8th
- Veterans' Day Celebration (wear red/white/blue) @1:30pm
- National S.T.E.M. /S.T.E.A.M. Day
Monday, November 11th – No School – Veteran’s Day
Wednesday, November 13th -- World Kindness Day - Wear light blue for World Kindness Day
- Do something nice for someone today. #WorldKindnessDay
Friday, November 15th - National Recycling Day
November 16 – December 2 – Pumpkin Composting
Tuesday, November 19th -- Pie Sale Pickup
Wednesday, November 27th
- Early Dismissal (1:40pm) Thanksgiving Holiday
- ·School Spirit Day
Thursday and Friday, November 28th & 29th -- Thanksgiving Break- No School
OPERATION HOPE can food drive will occur in November - More details to follow.
Veterans Day Assembly
In preparation for our in school Veterans Day Assembly on November 8th at 1:30 PM, we would like to extend an invitation to any members of your family who have served or are serving in one of our country’s military branches. We would love to honor them as part of our assembly. If you have a service member who can attend please RSVP to Mrs. Han by TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5th.
Her email is ghan@fairfieldschools.org .
Please reply with the name of the person attending and their military details. Also please provide who they are related to at Mill Hill School. We look forward to celebrating with you on November 8th! If you have a family member who has served and cannot make the assembly or has passed on, we would also love to honor them on our Honor Wall. Please send a picture to Mrs. Han as well.
Mrs. Yost, Mrs. Han, & Mrs. Arcari
WE ARE RUNNING A SCHOOL WIDE MEMBERSHIP INCENTIVE FROM NOW UNTIL 11/26! If Mill Hill can hit 90% PTA membership by November 26, Mill Hill will host a schoolwide BOARD GAME DAY!
Would you like to Volunteer in the Library?
One hour shifts are available to assist Mrs. Han and Mrs. Gori-Montanelli with student book checkout and shelving. Volunteers may also help with other tasks as needed such as de-milling books that are no longer used and the LLC bulletin board.
2024-2025 LLC Volunteer Sign Up!
Here's how it works in 3 easy steps:
1. Click this link to go to our invitation page on Sign-up: https://signup.com/go/WcdfYVr
2. Enter your email address: (You will NOT need to register an account on Sign-up)
3. Sign up! Choose your spots - Sign-up will send you an automated confirmation and reminders. Easy!
Note: Sign-up does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact me and I can sign you up manually.
or sign up with the QR code provided below
Please sign up!
Scan this code with your smartphone camera now:
Calling Volunteers for the Art Room! 🎨
We are looking for helping hands to assist with art preparation for grades K-5. Your support will involve tasks such as:
- Cutting and prepping materials for projects
- Labeling and mounting student artwork
- Measuring and cutting borders and applying large format vinyl paper to bulletin boards
- Hanging artwork on bulletin boards
- Assisting with preparations for our End of Year Art Show (May)
Some tasks may include typing out student labels, preparing materials in bulk or hanging displays on bulletin boards. Whether you can spare 30 minutes, an hour, or a few days, your help is greatly appreciated!
If you're interested, please sign up by Art Committee Volunteers or contact Heather Nokta hnokta@fairfieldschools.org
Mill Hill Spirit Days!
Follow us on Instagram
Quick Links
School Hours
School Hours: 8:55 AM - 3:30 PM
(Student drop-off 8:45am-8:55am)
Early Dismissals:
Delayed Openings:
10:55 AM - 3:30 PM
School Contact Information
Amy Yost ~ Principal
Amy Yost, Principal - ayost@fairfieldschools.org
Rebecca Feola, Assistant Principal - rfeola@fairfieldschools.org
Ashley Prosniewski, Secretary - aprosniewski@fairfieldschools.org
Elizabeth Miller, Office Assistant AM - emiller@fairfieldschools.org
Lisa Brown, Office Assistant PM - lbrown@fairfieldschools.org
District Website: Fairfield Public Schools District Website
Mill Hill's Website: Mill Hill Elementary School Website
Mill Hill’s PTA Website Mill Hill School PTA Website
Location: 635 Mill Hill Terrace, Southport, CT 06890
Phone: 203.255.8320