Lake Grove Elementary
Cougar News
Principal's Message 5.5.23
Dear Lake Grove Families,
Thank you to all our students and families for giving back to our community during Cougar Day and Cougar Night. Your generosity and involvement in making Lake Grove the best it can be for our students is so appreciated. We hope to see you again at the Spring Social on May 17th if not before.
The students walked and ran many more than our goal of one thousand laps, so they have earned pizza for lunch next week! See below for the dates for each grade-level and ingredient lists. Thank you PTA!
This week, 15 students had the opportunity to work together with our kitchen staff and Mr. Castro who is the head of food services for LOSD, to learn about food preparation and nutrition through a hands-on cooking experience. We had a blast making smoothies, learning about healthy eating, and seeing the kitchen!
If you can't find what you need to know here, please feel free to email or call our office with questions.
Be kind,
Principal Jennie Knapp
Table of Contents
Enrollment Verification (new)
School Lunch Hero Day (new)
Parent Input form (repeated)
Save the Date - Talent Show (repeated)
Social Emotional Learning (new)
OSAS Schedule and Reminders (repeated)
News From District Nurses (new)
Oregon State Assessment Opt-Out Form (repeated)
Hunger Fighters (repeated)
Elementary Music Camp at LOHS (repeated)
ILLO Clothing Closet (repeated)
LO Arbor Month Art Contest for K-5th Grade Students (repeated)
Community Movie Night & Fundraiser for the 2023 LOHS Senior Carnival (repeated)
Safe Oregon (repeated)
Save the Date (updated)
PTA News (updated)
Enrollment Verification
Time to verify your information in our system. Are you wondering if your information is complete? Eighty-six students have emergency contacts listed without phone numbers. It would be hard to reach them.
Log into ParentVUE and review/update your students' information through the Register/Verify tab. If you have forgotten your ParentVUE password, go to the login page, click "I am a Parent," then click "Forgot Password." Contact your student's school if you need clarification on whether you have a ParentVUE account. For assistance with the verification process, refer to the user guide on the LOSD website or contact your student's school.
Lunch Hero Day!
On Friday, May 5, 2023, we celebrate School Lunch Hero Day! This is a special day of celebration to recognize school nutrition professionals and the difference they make every day! These nutrition professionals have a lot on their plate, from adhering to strict nutrition standards and preparing healthy food to navigating student food allergies. School nutrition professionals are true heroes.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Parent Input Form
Last Chance to Enter - Talent Show
Lake Grove’s annual talent show is back LIVE this year! All talent is welcome and all Kindergarten-5th grade students are encouraged to participate. Space may be limited due to time constraints. You must have a practiced/prepared talent to share. Each participant must fill out the entry form, add a group name if it applies. All entries will be reviewed for school appropriate content (e.g. song lyrics). All entry forms are due no later than May 10th to the Lake Grove Office. Late entries will NOT be accepted. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Post.
Social Emotional Learning
Dear Lake Grove Families,
The month of May is MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS month. During the month, we will be investing our time and attention on the character trait of CREATIVITY as well as exploring MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS in our Social Emotional Learning (SEL) lessons, classrooms, and throughout our school community. Practicing CREATIVITY can help us develop tools that allow us to use our imagination to get started which can feed positive mental health!
One way to think about CREATIVITY is “using your imagination to create something new or solve a problem.” CREATIVITY is one of three traits we have focused on throughout the year that helps students Be Well. Throughout the school, students have been developing skills like emotion regulation, self-advocacy, and friendship skills.
Through our School Counseling Lessons this month, students will learn about creative ways to be proactive in supporting mental wellness as well as supporting conversations around what mental wellness looks like for individuals.
Our monthly letters include activities to explore CREATIVITY further as a family.
Enjoy connecting together with the PurposeFull Pursuits inside the PreK - Grade 5
Thank you for partnering with us to engage our students in social-emotional learning and growth. Please reach out if you or your student would like more support.
Wendy Post
School Counselor/Social Worker
OSAS Schedule and Reminders
What students need to be prepared for state testing:
- Be well rested (good night sleep)
- Eat a healthy breakfast
- Bring a book to read when they are finished
- Encouragement (think growth-mindset!)
A reminder - students do not need a smartphone or smartwatch at school. We have a landline phone in the office where we encourage students to memorize an important phone number to practice dialing. Additionally, each Lake Grove student has been issued an iPad or a Chromebook. Please be sure that they bring CHARGED chromebooks for testing.
If a student has a smartphone or watch during testing it will invalidate their test (smart phones and watches are an impropriety, per state assessment regulations).
April 17 is the beginning of the Statewide tests for English Language Arts (ELA) and Math for all students in grades 3-5. Here is the schedule for the next few weeks:
News from the District Nurses
Asthma/Allergy Medications at School
It is critical to the health and safety of your student to bring ALL doctor recommended medications to school. Over the summer, speak with your doctor to get the proper supplies for school and then go to the LOSD web page to find the proper forms to be completed with the medications. If your student is in Elementary or Secondary and will store their meds at school, watch for a medication drop off time for your particular school. If they are in secondary and keeping their medication in their possession, please submit the proper paperwork so we are aware of where to find their medication in case of an emergency.
Individualized Health Plan? - Watch for an Email
If your child has a LOSD Individualized Health Plan (IHP) developed in consultation with your District Nurse, please watch for an email! Your response is needed to confirm or update your student's plan. We appreciate your prompt response.
Please review the OHA requirements and information on required immunizations for students. Please make arrangements to complete immunizations and update Synergy over the summer to avoid exclusion in 2024.
If you would like to speak to your school’s district nurse, click the link below for contact information. Contact your District Nurse
Oregon State Assessment Opt-Out Form
State law requires us to inform you that a form is available from the State Department of Education that allows you to opt your child out of the math and English Language Arts assessments for the current school year. Should you wish to opt out your child, fill out the form and submit it to the main office at your child’s school. Please note the submission deadlines listed on the form. Meeting the deadline will help the school with planning and preparation. If you wish your child not to participate in the science assessment for grades 5, 8, and 11, submit this request in writing to the principal of your child's school.
If you have questions or want more information about state assessments, please contact your child’s principal or teacher(s).
Click here for opt-out form for Math and English Language Arts.
Hunger Fighters
Elementary music camp at LOHS
Does your child like to sing? Join the Windjammers (advanced choir) of Lake Oswego High School for a morning of music and fun on 4/22 from 9am-12pm at LOHS. Learn a pop song and choreography to perform with the Windjammers that night at their Variety Show! Registration is $50 and includes the camp, snacks, T-shirt, plus an adult admission to the evening show. Register by 4/18!
Email director Tara Bamford with questions. Register here:
ILLO Clothing Closet
LO Arbor Month Art Contest for K-5th Grade Students
Trees! Trees! Trees!
April is Arbor Month and the City of Lake Oswego is currently hosting an Arbor Month Art Contest for student in grades K-5 residing in Lake Oswego. This year’s contest theme is Trees! Trees! Trees!
Students are invited to create a work of art featuring trees in the Lake Oswego urban forest. Entries will be displayed electronically at City Hall and the Public Library, and prizes will be awarded by Mayor Buck.
Community Movie Night & Fundraiser for the 2023 LOHS Senior Carnival
Gratitude Revealed
Thursday, May 4, 2023 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
**Doors open at 6:30 pm**
Hosted by LOHS parents and Gratitude Revealed film distributor, Kirt Eftekhar of Area 23a Films.
Q&A directly after the film
Suggested Donation: $8 for Students & $12 for Adults
Film Summary:
An epic journey forty years in the making, Gratitude Revealed from acclaimed filmmaker, Louie
Schwartzberg, the director of Fantastic Fungi, takes us on a transformational, cinematic experience of how to live a more meaningful life full of gratitude through his intimate conversations with everyday people, thought leaders, and personalities revealing gratitude is a proven pathway back from the disconnection we feel in our lives; disconnection from ourselves, our planet, and each other.
Safe Oregon
Safe Oregon, Ways to Report Incidents
Parents-guardians who have concerns about a student’s well-being are encouraged to reach out to their principal and maintain strong lines of communication and partnership between students, families, staff, and other resources. SafeOregon is also an effective way to report a tip regarding safety threats or potential acts of violence to our students or schools. Students should also be aware that intentionally providing a false report is a serious offense.
In addition, below are reporting methods for parents-guardians or students to use to report issues related to racist, bias, or harassment incidents.
· Incident Report for Elementary School
Save the date!
May 4 - Run Club at Recess weather permitting
May 8-12 Staff Appreciation Week
May 11 - Run Club at Recess weather permitting
May 16 - VOTE!
May 17 - Fourth Grade Field Trip & Spring Social on school playground 5-7:30 pm
May 18 - Run Club at Recess weather permitting
May 24 - Kinder Field Trip
May 25 - Run Club at Recess weather permitting
May 25 - Lake Grove Talent Show (for students only)
May 26 - No school for students
May 29 - Memorial Day - No School
June 1 Last Run Club of the year!
June 6 Last PTA general meeting of the school year - 7pm in the LG library
The district calendars for the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 school years are now available on the district and Hallinan websites. You can find them here quickly.
PTA News
Join us on the school playground and surrounding fields for the Spring Social on Wednesday, May 17 from 5-7:30 pm, hosted by our community building volunteers! Bring a picnic dinner or try one of the food trucks with options available for purchase: Bobablastic, Gourmet on the Go and Kona Ice. PTA-sponsored activities include two face painters, a photo booth, spirit wear for sale and of course lots of fun playing on the playground.
For their participation in the walk & jog-a-thon, all students earned a cheese pizza lunch sponsored by the Lake Grove PTA! Deno’s Pizza will be provided for:
*Grades K-1 on May 8
*Grades 2-3 on May 10
*Grades 4-5 on May 12
Ingredients: *Pizza Dough - Flour, water, oil, salt, sugar, *Pizza Sauce - Tomatoes, Italian seasonings, *Cheese - 100% Mozzarella, *This lunch is peanut free, tree nut free and egg free. *This lunch contains wheat and dairy. For any students with dietary restrictions, school lunches are still available for purchase or alternative lunches may be brought from home.
Families came together to raise money for our 2023-24 PTA programs through the Cougar Day Walk and Jog-a-thon for students, as well as the Cougar Night evening event for parents and guardians. Together we raised more than $85,000! These funds will provide the budget for future PTA programs to support students, staff and our entire Lake Grove Elementary community.
We appreciate our Cougar Night fundraising committee: Jessica MacGregor, Tiffany Parks, Courtney Blommer, Teresa Aguilera, Alia Adams, Kassidy Harrison, Shelley Whiting, Nicole Imatani and Sarah Mehrabzadeh. Want to get involved in Cougar Day or Cougar Night next year? Contact
There are several ways to show your gratitude for the dedicated teachers and staff at Lake Grove! Sign up for one small role, encourage your student(s) to complete and return the fill-in-the-blank note of appreciation for a staff member of their choosing (paper copies of these forms were sent home last week or print a form here), or say thanks in whatever way feels most meaningful to you! We're still looking for volunteers for Monday evening fruit box assembly, volunteers for Thursday afternoon lunch cleanup, and art donations for a staff bathroom. Questions? Please contact Ali Koper (text 503.415.9699, email
LGE welcomes volunteers as recess supervisors throughout the day! If you’re looking for a way to support our school while spending time with Lake Grove students, this may be a great opportunity for you to have some fun with the kids. As a recess supervisor, you will complement our Lake Grove staff by providing an additional set of eyes and ears on the playground—and you’ll be a resource for students who may need adult support. It’s easy! These additional recess supervisors aren’t mandatory but three volunteers per recess are welcome. If you sign up, check out the FAQ: Recess Volunteer Helpers. Recess supervisors should plan to come rain or shine—and in severe inclement weather, volunteers will be part of indoor recess. Check out the SignUp Genius.
Reminder: all volunteers within our school district must submit an application:
Lake Grove Recess Schedule 9:45-10:05 5th Grade Morning Recess 10:15-10:35 4th Grade Morning Recess 11:10-11:40 Kindergarten/1st Grade Lunch Recess 12:05-12:25 2nd/3rd Grade Lunch Recess 12:45-1:05 4th/5th Grade Lunch Recess 1:25-1:45 3rd Grade Afternoon Recess 1:45-2:00 Kindergarten/1st Grade Afternoon Recess 2:10-2:30 2nd Grade Afternoon Recess (N/A on Thursdays)
Now that the art literacy program is winding down, volunteers in each classroom will create an art lit portfolio for each student. A SignUp Genius will be available next week for anyone who wants to help create the portfolios. Questions? Contact
On the May 2023 Special District Elections Ballot is the proposed Lake Oswego School Levy Measure 3-592. Ballots are due on May 16!
The current levy provides resources for 15% of our district's annual general operating budget. That $16 million funds the equivalent of a third of our classroom teachers or nearly two months of school.
If voters pass the Lake Oswego School Levy Measure 3-592, the proposed levy would continue providing resources to fund teaching positions, maintain class sizes, preserve school days, protect elective programming, and keep mental health resources while maintaining local property tax rates. If passed, property owners would continue to pay the same tax rate as the current local option levy of $1.64 per $1,000 of assessed property value. If the measure does not pass, the current tax rate would not continue, and teaching positions, class sizes, school days, elective programming, and mental health supports would not be funded as proposed.
You can learn more by watching the explanatory video. You may recognize the student's voice narrating the video and see someone you know in the photos throughout the 90-second piece!
Honk & Wave to get out the VOTE
Several volunteers are hosting a honk & wave to remind voters in our school community about the ballot deadline. Students welcome! Make your own sign or borrow a sign from the levy campaign. To join, sign up here:
*Friday, May 12 before school (7:50-8:15 a.m.) off campus at the T intersection near Waluga Park East (Douglas Way & Quarry Road)
*Monday, May 15 after school (2:35-2:55 p.m.) off campus on the sidewalk on Douglas Way near where Ms. Jonsson serves as our crossing guard for the parking lot
Lake Grove PTA’s Dining for Dollars program helps our school earn funds while supporting local businesses. This is a program that can easily be managed by a single volunteer at any time of day throughout the school year, taking a minimal time investment to provide a monthly cadence of restaurant partnerships. A contribution of approximately 2 hours per month can result in thousands of dollars for our students. If you’re interested in managing this program for the remainder of this year and continuing into the 2023-24 school year, contact
Lake Grove Elementary
At Lake Grove, we are an inclusive school community fostering social, emotional, and academic growth for all students.
Principal: Jennie Knapp
Location: 15777 Boones Ferry Road, Lake Oswego, OR, United States
Phone: 503-534-2357