What's new with Watkins Middle?
A weekly reflection and preview of all things WMS
WMS updates and reminders
- This Friday October 25 is our Student oriented success day. There is no school for students.
- Did you know that WMS has a student newspaper? Check out the October issue of the Warrior Press.
- The Fall sports awards night will be Monday October 21st at 6:00pm. Sports teams start off together in the cafeteria for some quick announcements and snacks, prior to breaking up into individual recognition ceremonies. Cross Country families will be doing an alternative.
- The OSU field trip for 7th graders start this week. We need families to fill out this form to share whether or not their child will need a school lunch for the trip. Students will attend the trip on dates according to their Science teachers.
October 22- Cotner class periods 2, 3, 5
October 23- Cotner class periods 6, 7, 8
November 12- Redfern class periods 1, 3, 5 and Walter Honors Science 8 students
November 13-Redfern class periods 6, 7, 8
- The sixth grade dance will take place Thursday October 24th from 6-8pm. Entry is $5, and students can bring extra cash for pizza, candy, and drinks. This is a behavior incentive, student behaviors resulting in OSS, ISS, or two hour detentions starting October 1st thru the dance date will result in non attendance to the dance.
- On October 29th & 31st Porters coffee truck will be on campus as a part of a second quarter PBIS incentive for students. Students will be able to utilize their Warrior cards to gain access to the truck on select days, but will need to bring cash, card, or apple pay to purchase their drinks.
- 7th and 8th grade basketball open gyms have commenced. Tryouts are slotted for the last week of October. 1st quarter grades determine eligibility for winter sports. Students must adhere to all OHSAA academic guidelines and board policies related to gpa requirements. Students must be passing at least five full credit classes and carry a grade point average of 1.5.
Pathways of central Ohio
Our 8th grade health students had some classroom visitors that shared some evidence based drug prevention strategies through the Pathways of central Ohio organization. This group covered a wide swath of topics including refusal skills.
One person's trash is another's treasure
Organic matters
Some organic matter will be utilized for soil composting in the food forest and courtyard. Did you know that more acid items like tomatoes are not desirable for composting due to their acidity?
Go Kart galore
Engineering Students are designing and building a drill-powered go-kart. By using a power drill to drive the kart, they apply STEM principles while exploring speed, efficiency, and creative problem-solving in their designs.
Skimmer City
6th grade engineering Students designed and tested different styles of floor skimmer fins to explore which traveled the farthest distance. Through experimentation with shapes and materials, they applied STEM concepts and refined their designs based on real-world testing results.
Employability skills
Students in 7th grade Career tech are working on conflict resolution skills in the work place as a part of their units on employability skills.
Surviving Middle School for Parents
This weeks "Smart but Scattered" topic is 'Task Initiation'. Have you found yourself voicing frustration at your preteen/teens lack of "get up and go"? Are there lots of arguments with you and your child when transitioning to a non preferred task? See this week's graphic on task initiation.
Please click the link below for all of your athletic ticketing and scheduling needs.
- Varsity Ticket events are $7 up to 1 hour before the event. At the gate tickets are $8 (use of a card includes a fee at the gate). Middle School tickets are $5.
- All athletes should enter and exit the building through the 600 hall (Door 7) entrance before and after practice each day.
Upcoming Events
- 10/17 End of 1st quarter
- 10/18 No school-staff development day
- 10/21 Fall sports recognition-6pm
- 10/22 & 23 First two of four OSU trips for 7th graders
- 10/24 6th grade Dance 6-8pm
- 10/25 No school-Student Success day
- 10/29 & 31 PBIS Coffee truck
- 11/12 & 13 Last two of four OSU trips for 7th graders
Contact us
Email: jball@laca.org
Website: https://wms.swl.k12.oh.us/
Location: 8868 Watkins Road Southwest, Pataskala, OH, USA
Phone: (740)927-5767
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gowatkinsmiddleschool
Twitter: @WatkinsMiddle