HPE Patriot Post
Harrison Parkway Elementary
March 15, 2024
Attendance: 95.08%
HPE Expectation/Goal is 97%
Upcoming Events at HPE
15 = Recess Redo (4th Grade)
15 = End of 3rd Grading Period
22 = HPE Career Day
29 = Flex Day (No School unless needed to make up cancellation day)
01-08 = Spring Break (NO SCHOOL)
09-19 = Chicago's Pizza Gift Card Fundraiser
11 = Kindergarten Open House (5 p.m. to 7 p.m.)
17 = PTO General Meeting (6:30 p.m.)
4th Grade Track & Field
4th Grade Track & Field will begin on 4/15. The coaches this year are Mrs. Helms and Miss Burke. There will be 9 practices (held from 2:15-3:15 PM). The 4th Grade Track & Field Meet will be held on Monday, May 6th, 5:30 PM at Fishers High School.
Permission Slips were sent home with your child this week. If your child is interested in participating, please send in the filled-out permission slip and money to your child's teacher by 3/27. For other questions or information, please feel free to reach out to the coaches at oburke@hse.k12.in.us or ehelms@hse.k12.in.us.
Lunch Menu - Week of March 18, 2024
Please be mindful there can be last minute changes.
Monday = Macaroni & Cheese w/Garlic Toast
Tuesday = Corn Dogs
Wednesday = Breaded Chicken Sandwich
Thursday = Pizza
Friday = Chicken Nuggets w/Roll
**Daily alternate entrees: PBJ; Turkey Sandwich on bun, Pizza Pack, Impossible Burger, Bento Box- Hard Boiled Egg, Cheese Stick and Pretzels; Special Salad- Chef Salad. All lunches are served with milk, vegetable and fruit.
All lunches are served with milk, vegetable and fruit.
Counselor's Corner
Hello families!
Next week is College and Career Week at Harrison Parkway! We will have special daily announcements, college and career read alouds, and three theme days! On Friday, we will be hosting guest speakers to share about their careers. We will also be collecting a different coin each day to support our Harrison Parkway little free library project! Jugs will be set up outside of the library to collect coins.
Monday 3/18- College Shirt Day- Wear your favorite college shirt and penny collection day!
Tuesday 3/19- Nickel Collection Day!
Wednesday 3/20- Dress As Your Future Job/Career and dime collection day!
Thursday 3/21- Quarter collection Day!
Friday 3/22- HPE Gear or Red and Blue Day and any coin day!
¡Hola familias!
¡La próxima semana es la Semana de Universidades y Carreras en Harrison Parkway! ¡Tendremos anuncios diarios especiales, lecturas en voz alta sobre universidades y carreras, y tres días temáticos! El viernes recibiremos oradores invitados para compartir sobre sus carreras. ¡También recolectaremos una moneda diferente cada día para apoyar nuestro pequeño proyecto de biblioteca gratuita en Harrison Parkway! Se instalarán jarras fuera de la biblioteca para recoger monedas.
Lunes 18 de marzo: Día de la camiseta universitaria: ¡usa tu camiseta universitaria favorita y el día de la recolección de centavos!
Martes 19 de marzo: ¡Día de recolección de níquel!
Miércoles 3/20: ¡Vístete como tu futuro trabajo/carrera y día de recolección de monedas de diez centavos!
Jueves 21/3: ¡Día de recolección del trimestre!
Viernes 22/03: ¡HPE Gear o Día Rojo y Azul y cualquier día de monedas!
We are looking forward to a great week of learning and thinking about our futures!
Mrs. Williams
HPE School Counselor
¡Esperamos tener una gran semana de aprendizaje y pensamiento sobre nuestro futuro!
señora williams
Consejero Escolar HPE
Social Emotional Learning:
In this week’s lesson, your child will learn different ways they can show kindness at school. The class will share ideas for kind acts they could do for one another.
Try This at Home:
Ask your child to tell you about the kind acts they and their classmates have been doing for one another at school this week.
In this week’s lesson, your child will show what they’ve learned about kind acts as they role-play doing kind acts for others in a variety of contexts.
Try This at Home:
Choose a day of the week (for example, Wednesdays) as “kindness day.” Help your child think of kind acts they can do for family members, friends, or neighbors. Write the kind acts on the calendar for the next several weeks.
In this week’s lesson, your child will use empathy to come up with a kind act they could do for a person in their school community.
Try This at Home:
Ask your child what member of their school community they had empathy for and what kind act they chose to do for that person.
In this week’s lesson, your child will understand that it is important to think about the words we use, because everyone interprets things differently. They will identify ways to respond to the mean words online using S-T-O-P and will learn how to decide what kinds of statements are OK to say online and which are not.
Try This at Home:
Discuss with your child how they would use the S-T-O-P method if someone online was using mean words. Discuss with your child how words can be misinterpreted when said online and the importance of always using nice words.
In this week’s lesson, your child will learn about questions they can ask to rethink situations and they’ll practice asking these questions using made-up stories.
Try This at Home:
Ask your child, “What questions could you ask yourself to rethink a situation?” (Questions might include, “What happened?” “Has this ever happened to anyone else?” and “What’s something good that happened?”) Talk about how those questions can help them think differently about a situation.
Support Our Library
Our school library is raising money for new books to support curriculum, reading programs and student requests. Help us reach our goal by making a donation today!
PTO Board Members
Co-President: Lindsey Berndt
Co-President: Mandy Leverenz
Vice President: Amanda McCullough
Treasurer: Carla Sklorenko
Secretary: Jamie Davis
PTO News
PTO Website: https://hpepto.com
Join our email list: https://volunteer-45556.cheddarup.com
Contact the PTO: HPEptoVolunteer@gmail.com
Stay informed and connected to the HPE community!
Like the PTO Page - https://www.facebook.com/HPEPTO and join the Harrison Parkway
Elementary Parents group on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/harrisonparkwayelementaryparents
Easy Ways to Help the PTO!
For Kroger, login to your online account or create one using the Kroger Plus Card number you already have or get a new one. Then go to www.kroger.com/communityrewards and enroll in Community Rewards. Search for “VA241” and select “HARRISON PARKWAY ELEMENTARY - PTO.”
Download the Box Tops app, shop as you normally would, then use the app to scan your store receipt within 14 days of purchase. The app will identify Box Tops products on your receipt and automatically credit your school’s earnings online. If you find any traditional Box Top “official coupons” on a product, please clip them and send them to school.
Donate money directly to the PTO with the ‘No Frills’ fundraiser! https://no-frills-fundraiser.cheddarup.com
Important Parent Information
Theatre Fishers is pleased to present the murder mystery-comedy The Night I Died at The Palace Theatre on March 21, 22, and 23.
The Palace Theatre actors are getting ready for their final rehearsal of their latest production, I Ain’t Got No Body, when they run into a snag. The director who wrote the play is found dead on stage. These actors now must navigate figuring out who done it and why. They suspect each other as they all have reason to off the director, but since they are actors, it is unclear who could have pull this off.
All performance are at 7 p.m. in the Fishers High School Auditorium. Tickets are available now at the following links:
- Tickets for Thursday, March 21st - www.purplepass.com/palacethu
- Tickets for Friday, March 22nd - www.purplepass.com/palacefri
- Tickets for Saturday, March 23rd - www.purplepass.com/palacesat
Please direct any food drive related questions to FYAP Food at fyapfood@gmail.com. Monetary donations will also be accepted via the Food for Thought community fund page located here. For more information on how this fund is making a difference within HSE Schools click here.
Lost & Found
Harrison Parkway Elementary has a Lost & Found located outside of the Music Room for any lost items. On the last day of each month, we donate all items to charities that serve people in need. Please have your student check it out if they are missing items.
Recess Policy at HSE
Recess will be held outdoors whenever possible. Precipitation, sunshine, cloud cover, wind chill, temperature, etc. are all considered when a decision is made for indoor recess. In general, recess will be held indoors when it is raining, or the temperature/wind chill falls below 15 degrees Fahrenheit. Conversely, if 90 degrees Fahrenheit or higher heat index (relative humidity and temperature) is reached, the school will take special precautions for any outdoor activity and teachers will use extreme caution while monitoring students at recess. In addition, students will be provided ample amounts of water before and during recess; Recesses will be shortened or may be moved indoors at the discretion of the principal or designee; Children will be watched/monitored carefully for necessary action. These temperatures are based on recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
The full recess policy can be accessed in the student handbook: https://resources.finalsite.net/images/v1691521899/hsek12inus/q7xtlrb1x9zozvwu9p61/ElementaryHandbook-APPROVED-23-24.pdf
Mental Health Concerns
If you or someone you know is at risk of self-harm, suicide, or harmful towards others, please contact one of the following (All lines are free, confidential, and available 24/7):
Community Health Network - Call 800-662-3445 or Text HELPNOW to 20121
National Suicide Prevention Hotline - Call 800-273-8255
LookUP - Call 800-284-8439 or Text LookUp to 494949
Mental Health Issues are common and treatable. Hamilton Southeastern Schools has a contract with Community Health Network and has a mental health therapist working with students in each of our schools. If you have questions or concerns please reach out to your school’s school counselor for further information.
HSE Report It!
A school safety mobile reporting app that allows students, staff and community members to provide anonymous information about concerns for their own safety or the safety of others. HSE Report it!, can be downloaded via Google Play or the Apple App Store. It’s anonymous and reports are made exclusively through the mobile app. HSE Report it! will has no length limitations or the need to remember a short code. Reporters can attach photos, screenshots, videos, documents and/or audio recordings to their concerns and they can engage in a two-way dialogue with a real person.
Harrison Parkway Elementary School
Website: https://hpe.hseschools.org/
Location: 14135 Harrison Parkway, Fishers, IN, United States
Phone: 317-915-4210
Twitter: @HPEPatriots
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551616581898