OLQA Friday Family Newsletter

September 20th, 2024
Principal's Message
OLQA Family,
This was a busy but great week at OLQA! It was amazing to see the wonderful turn out at our high school fair. So many of the admissions officers spoke so highly of our students, not just academically, but do to their strong character and great impressions. We're excited to see the class of 2025 (and beyond) continue the tradition of HS excellence at OLQA!
A key part of this is through MAP testing, which is underway this week. Students took the Language Exam this week and will take the Reading Exam next week. Make sure to check below to see the assigned day for your grade. This is a key baseline assessment that tells us how your child is doing comparatively to other students across the nation.
Finally, this is a big week in our students' faith formation. We will have our first School Mass of the year on Wednesday at 8:30 AM. Please join us in the Church next door for a wonderful celebration! Also, we will have our Student of the Month Awards in Morning prayer on Friday at 8:00 to celebrate the students who best exemplified our Value of the Month, Knowledge. Look forward to seeing you there!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mr. Sayer
Our Lady Queen of Angels School
OLQA School Updates
Friday 9/27 = A-Day + 2:30 Dismissal
Next Friday, 9/27 will be an A-Day. The uniform for that Friday is as follows:
- PE Uniform: PreK 4, Kindergarten, Grade 2, Grade 4, Grade 6, Grade 8
- Regular Uniform: PreK 3, Grade 1, Grade 3, Grade 5, Grade 7
Mass on Wednesday 9/25 at 8:30am
We warmly invite you to join us for our school Mass on 09/25 at 8:30. It will be at OLQA Church on 113th Street. It’s a wonderful opportunity to come together as a community in prayer and reflection. We hope you can attend!
Students of the Month At Morning Prayer
NWEA MAP Testing This Week
NWEA MAP Testing will begin this week and we will ease into it with the Language Exam. The NWEA MAP exam is a nationally normed exam that gives us an update on your child's academic progress since last Spring. Do not stress over the exam, as this is a baseline that will help measure student growth later in the year.
Dates for the Exam Follow Below:
- NWEA Reading Exam, Week of 9/23
- Grades 2, 5, 7 = Tuesday 9/24
- Grades 1, 6, 8 = Thursday 9/26
- Grades K, 3, 4 = Friday 9/27
- NWEA Math Exam, Week of 9/30
- Grades 2, 5, 7 = Tuesday 10/1
- Grades 1, 6, 8 = Wednesday 10/2
- Grades K, 3, 4 = Thursday 10/4
Be aware it is a skills test, so students do not need to study for the NWEA MAP exam.
Tuition Due Today - Avoid Late Fee
Reminder that next month's tuition is due today latest, as late fees will apply starting tomorrow. Make sure to pay ASAP if you have not to avoid the late fee.
Friendly Reminders about the tuition policy follow below:
- Tuition is due on the 15th of each month
- Tuition can be paid online via FACTS
- If you can’t pay via FACTS please feel free to talk to Ms. Dobrina
- You have a grace period until the 20th of each month, after the 20th you will be assessed a $40 late fee. One late fee per year per family can be waived.
- No cash payments
In the spirit of being clear is being kind, we wanted to remind you of the delinquent tuition policy:
- After the 20th, you will be notified of one month missed payment and charged a late fee ($40)
- 2 months delinquent, you will receive a second notice of missed payment and your child can not participate in school activities and possible suspension
- If there is no payment after the second notice of delinquency, your child will be suspended from school
Immunization Reminder
Please remember to bring in your Medical Forms. New York State requires all immunizations to be up to date and your child can be excluded from school if they are not completed.
After School + Early Drop Off
Early Drop off will begin this Monday 9/16. Make sure to register for the program using the link later in the newsletter. Early Drop off will go from 7:15 to 7:45, Monday through Friday.
Metro cards
Metro cards were given to students. If you have not received a metro card please reach out to Ms. Jenniffer. jengarcia@olqaeastharlem.org. There will only be one replacement if the child loses it.
Students of the Month at Morning Prayer 9/27
Reminder that we will announce our students of the month on Friday 9/27 at Morning Prayer (8:00 AM). Our focus value for this month is Knowledge.
HW Detention Starts Monday
In grades 6-8, make sure students have strong habits. Starting Monday, students who do not complete HW and receive a HW slip will stay inside to complete the missing homework. Late students will also receive detention. This is an important habit to build as our Middle Schoolers grow on the path the high school.
Friday PE Reminder
PE uniform schedule
We will have specials on A-Days and B-Days
A-Days are Mondays and Wednesdays
B-Days are Tuesdays and Thursdays
Here are the A-Day and B-Day PE days by grade
A Day (Mon. & Wed.) = PK 4, Kinder, Grade 2, Grade 4, Grade 6, Grade 8
B Day (Tues. & Thurs.) = PK 3, Grade 1, Grade 3, Grade 5, Grade 7
PE Uniform
Sending some reminders about the PE uniform, which students can begin wearing next week.
Gym Uniform can ONLY be worn on PE days
Gym uniform is:
OLQA T-Shirt
OLQA Sweatpants
OLQA Sweatshirt
Students can wear sneakers that are: ALL BLACK OR ALL WHITE
Not meeting these expectations will result in a uniform slip
Check out the AWESOME things happening at OLQA!
OLQA Graduates at the HS Fair
Lucas representing La Salle!
Xavi Representing Fordham Prep!
Adrianna and Kayla representing SJB!
See the revised Monthly Calendar with PE days
September Monthly Calendar
October Calendar
First School Mass (Pope Anniversary Visit)
Parents are welcome to attend!
Wednesday, Sep 25, 2024, 08:30 AM
Our Lady Queen of Angels Church, East 113th Street, New York, NY, USA
Students of the Month at Morning Prayer
Friday, Sep 27, 2024, 08:00 AM
Our Lady Queen of Angels School, East 112th Street, New York, NY, USA
Picture Day
Monday, Sep 30, 2024, 08:00 AM
Our Lady Queen of Angels School, East 112th Street, New York, NY, USA
Progress Report Conferences
Friday, Oct 18, 2024, 01:00 PM
Our Lady Queen of Angels School, East 112th Street, New York, NY, USA
Fall Fun Day
Friday, Oct 25, 2024, 01:00 PM
Our Lady Queen of Angels School, East 112th Street, New York, NY, USA
After School and Early Drop Off
Early Drop Off
We will be implementing Early Drop Off again this year. Early Drop off will now start at 7:15 and go to 7:45. Students will go down to the cafeteria and can have breakfast. The cost is as follows:
- First Child: $50 a month
- Additional children: $25 a month per child
Any questions, email Ms. Dobrina at dcarrara@olqaeastharlem.org
Register for After School
We hope this newsletter finds you well and that your child is enjoying their summer. We are excited to share some updates and reminders with you as we continue to provide a nurturing and engaging environment for your children.
Program Highlights:
Fun and educational activities:
- Our dedicated staff has been working hard to plan a variety of activities that combine learning and fun. From arts and crafts to sports activities. We aim to keep your child engaged and entertained in a safe and inclusive environment.
Parent-Staff Communication:
- Open door policy: we value your input and encourage you to reach out to us with any questions, concerns, or suggestions. We are available to discuss your child's progress, any specific needs, or to address any other matters you may have. To foster a strong partnership between parents and our program we will be posting on the OLQA newsletter where we will be sharing updates about the program.
- Update contact information: Please inform us immediately if there are any changes to your contact information. It is crucial that we have the most updated information to reach you in case of an emergency.
Important Dates and Reminders:
- We are excited to open registration back up for OLQA after-school program. To ensure your child’s spot by completing the enrollment form.
We appreciate your ongoing support and trust in our after-school program. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us. Together, we can create an enriching and enjoyable experience for your child.
High School Readiness Corner
Register for the TACHS Exam ASAP!
Registration is open and deadline is October 16th at 11:59 PM. You CANNOT MISS THE DEADLINE. There is a $71 registration fee.
Please email Mr. Sayer at james.sayer@olqaeastharlem.org to confirm you've registered for the exam.
TACHS Prep After School
We will host TACHS Prep after school starting on Monday. Details of the program follow below:
- Days of the Week: Monday & Wednesday
- Start Date: 9/23/24
- End Date: 11/6/24
- Cost: $50 total
- Times: 4:15 to 5:15
Sign up using the Google Form linked below:
Open House Schedules - Schedule at Least 3!
Manhattan Open House Schedule
Bronx Open House Schedule
Past Reminders
Friendly reminder to ensure that you 1) enter from the 2nd Avenue door at dismissal and 2) leave from the 3rd Avenue door. This helps ensure a smooth traffic flow in and out of the gym.
Beginning of Year Forms on SchoolAdmin
Reminder that beginning of year forms can now be accessed on SchoolAdmin. They need to be completed by 9/8, so please ensure they are signed as soon as possible. The forms to complete are:
We are no longer accepting cash deposits. Please bring in a check or a money order. If you bring cash you will be turned away. Thank you families for understanding.
We suggest you pay online using FACTS. FACTS can also take payments in debit or credit card for your convenience.
September Lunch Menu
September Breakfast Menu
September Lunch Menu
Key Resources
Year at a Glance
Uniform Resources
Student + Family Handbook
Contact Info
Have any questions, feel free to reach out to us!
- Mr. Sayer, Principal = Email: james.sayer@olqaeastharlem.org; C: 929-390-1687
- Ms. Dobrina, Operations Leader = Email: dcarrara@olqaeastharlem.org
- Ms. Nieves, Academic Dean = Email: mnieves@olqaeastharlem.org
- Ms. Jenniffer, Operations = Email: jengarcia@olqaeastharlem.org