ACCESS 2025 Test
Elementary School
Greetings from the Framingham Public Schools Department of Multilingual Education!
All students in the Framingham Public Schools that are identified as English Learners/Emergent Bilingual will participate in the ACCESS tests from January 6 to February 14, 2025.
ACCESS (Assessing Communication and Comprehension in English State-to-State) is a test mandated by State and Federal law, and is designed to help educators, students, and parents monitor language development readiness to compete and succeed in an English-only academic environment as students. This assessment is for students identified as English learners.
It measures progress in acquiring academic English in the areas of speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
Here is some general information regarding the ACCESS Test:
The kindergarten test is administered to students individually, and the entire test will take approximately 45-60 minutes per student.
There are two options for the grades 1-12 test:
Most students will take the test online using a chromebook and headset, but some may take a paper version of the ACCESS Test.
For both the online and paper ACCESS Test, the assessment has four sections and each section is an untimed test.
Students will be given all the time they need to complete the assessment during the school day. Typically, students will take 1 section of the assessment per school day.
The following are the guidelines from WIDA ACCESS Test for timing/scheduling the test, but please note students will be given all of the time they need during a school day to complete each section. Tests do need to begin and end on the same school day.
Approximate testing times: Guidance from WIDA ACCESS Test:
listening assessment - up to 40 minutes.
reading assessment- up to 35 minutes.
writing assessment- up to 65 minutes.
speaking assessment- up to 30 minutes
Thank you for your partnership in your student's education.
Additional Information on the ACCESS Test
Below is information about the ACCESS Test, if you need the information translated orally, please contact Bernardo Llorente, the Translation Office Manager at (508) 626-9171 and Mr. Llorente will schedule an appointment with you and an interpreter.