Dolphin Update
September 30, 2022
Fall showed up this week with our first rainy weather. Our policy for student recess is that they will be outdoors for recess most days. Please remember to send students with a jacket or sweatshirt as the weather gets cooler. Along with this, we are beginning to see more jackets in the lost and found. If a jacket has a name in it we can usually get it back to a student. This would be a good time to make sure that jackets and sweatshirts are labeled.
Over the first few weeks of school our school counselor, Mrs. Lund, has been capturing students and staff having fun at school and has organized these into a fun smile video. Thank you Mrs. Lund for highlighting our school community. The video is below for you to enjoy.
Dolphin Dash
We are really excited about the Dolphin Dash next Friday, October 7th. This is an event that families are welcome to attend. Family members may come to run or walk with students, or cheer students on as they complete laps. So far, it looks like we will have great weather for this event!
Dolphin Dash Schedule:
8:20am - 8:50am 3rd Grade and 4th Grade
9:00am - 9:20am Kindergarten
9:30am - 10:00am 5th Grade
10:10am - 10:40am 2nd Grade
10:50am - 11:10am 1st Grade
Fundraising efforts for the Dolphin Dash are underway. As of Friday, September 30th we have raised almost $6000, which earned students an ice cream day and water bottle stickers! This year, pledges can be accepted online through Pledgestar, which is a super convenient way for family and friends to donate. Step-by-step instructions on how to use Pledgestar were sent home with your student(s) last week. If your student needs, or prefers a traditional paper pledge sheet and envelope, they’re available upon request in the office.
This fundraiser is run by our Dundee Parent Group who uses money to fund field trips, assemblies, January Grants, special classroom projects and more.
Any questions can be sent over to the Parent Group at dundeeparents@gmail.com
Snack Donations
Occasionally we have a need for snacks at school for students. This is a great opportunity to support students at school if you are able to contribute. During the month of October we will be collecting snacks to share with students who need one. Healthy, but kid friendly options are what we would like to provide for kids. Examples of great snacks include, but are not limited to:
Granola Bars
Individually Wrapped Cheez-it or Goldfish Crackers
Pirate's Booty (Snack size packages)
Sandwich Crackers
Thank you for supporting this need at our school. We may have an opportunity for this type of donation again in the future.
Picture Day- October 6th
Site Council
Each year Dundee Elementary creates a site council team. This team meets once a month to look at school-wide data and creates plans for the improvement of Dundee Elementary School.
We have one parent returning and are looking for one more parent to serve on this team to assist with our parent perspective around school improvement.
We typically meet once a month, usually on the first Monday of the month from 3:00-4:30 pm.
Here is the process for nominations;
1. Fill out this short google form; Site Council Form. On this, you will put your name and your reason for wanting to be on site council. This form will close October 7th at Midnight.
2. State rules, in regards to Site Council, state that parents need to vote on who the parent representatives are. If you fill out the above form, I will put your name and your reason for wanting to serve on site council on an online ballot. I'll cut and paste, so make sure you are accurate. I will send it to parents and they will vote on the parent site council representative. Voting will be completed by October 14th.
3. I'll announce our representatives to the Site Council.
Our school team for Site Council is Brittany Morales, Karen Ison, Tim Wright, and Sarah Dittman. Our returning parent Site Council member is Inci Sahin. These are the people you would be working with this year.
Important Upcoming Dates
October 6: Picture Day
October 7: Dolphin Dash!
October 11: Dolphin Dash Donations Due
October 12, 13: Parent Teacher Conferences
October 14: Statewide Teacher Inservice Day (NO SCHOOL)
October 19: Parent Group Meeting- 6:30 pm
November 17: Picture Make-Up Day