Weekly Update February 14th
3-Day Weekend Approaching - No School Monday Feb. 17th
Dear Lancaster High School Eagle Families
What do we need to relax after a 3-day weekend last week? How about another 3-day weekend? We wish our Lancaster High School families a relaxing and enjoyable three-day weekend! There is no school on Monday, Feb. 17th in observance of President's Day. This last break leads into a pivotal time period between now and Spring Break. All preparations for our high-stakes testing will be nearly complete by then and grades will be approaching the last progress check. This is a very important time period within this school year!
I know we ask for feedback often in the form of surveys, but this information is valuable for our planning and reflection. Please see our climate survey and our cell phone survey below.
Check the table of contents each week to make sure you are not missing any important information.
Seniors, review the senior section below! You have deadlines approaching all the time and it is easy to get confused. Use the "Senior Section - Class of 2025 Info" section in this update to keep up to
Upcoming Dates and Deadlines
- February 17th - No School (President's Day)
- March 4th - SAT Testing for Juniors
- April 2nd, 3rd, 7th, and 8th (State Testing for 10th, 11th, and some 12th. This is OUR SUPER BOWL)
Have a wonderful weekend, Eagles!
Your Principal, Zach Mercier
School Feedback-Surveys
2nd Semester Climate Survey (LAST DAY for feedback (good things and areas for growth)
We need your input! Students, parents, faculty, and staff! Please click here or use the QR code to access this important survey.
You may also use this direct link: https://antelopevalley.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9ubNFyXE2Wrp3y6
California's Phone-Free School Act requires school districts, charter schools, and county offices of education to limit or ban cell phone use by July 1, 2026. The law aims to improve students' mental health, academic success, and social wellbeing. We understand the sensitivity and hot-topic nature of this recent Act. Please take a few minutes to voice your opinion by answering these few questions as our district prepares to plan for this Act to begin.
English Cell Phone Survey or https://bit.ly/AVUHSDMDPS
Before School Tutoring
We have tutoring for most subjects daily, including Math, Bio, Chem, Spanish, ESS, English Language, and general tutoring. Each day there will be 8 tutors!
Tutoring will have a check in-check out system so parents, teachers, and coaches may monitor their student's attendance (some teacher's allow extra credit for tutoring). Space is limited each morning, so make sure your student is on time and goes directly to the library for tutoring.
After School Tutoring
At home LIVE virtual tutoring (24 hours a day)
Did you know that your student has LIVE 24 HOUR FREE tutoring available in your student's PowerSchool? Our district has partnered with Princeton Review to provide every student with this amazing service. Your student can be connected with a tutor in any subject any time of the day, for FREE. These are not videos, they are live, vetted, tutors. Think of Uber, but for tutoring! The tutors will even edit papers for your student with less than a 24 hour turn-a-round period.
The easiest way to access this free, live, virtual tutoring, is to:
- Have your student log into their Power School (it helps if you log into google first)
- Look on the left side of the screen and find the "Homework Help" button
- It will prompt you to log into Google with your student account if have not already
- Click on the button for tutoring
- Answer the questions and you will be directed to a liver tutor virtually
Saturday School Info and Schedule
Aerie - The 2024/25 Yearbook - Get it now before it sells out!
The 2025 yearbook is currently on sale for the lowest price of the year! For only $75+ tax, you can get your piece of LNHS history. We're one of the only Yearbooks around that is entirely student made and designed: We design the cover, the layouts, even our own clipart. Everything you see inside was created and conceptualized by the students!
To order, please contact Ms. Mendoza in accounting, go to the LNHS Student Store or order directly from Jostens. If you want to have your yearbook personalized, you need to order it from Jostens.
The price of the book is $75 and will be the ONE THING all students keep forever (and will show their future kids).
Please email Mr. Griffey at jgriffey@avhsd.org with questions!
School Programs
Eagle Vision
Every Tuesday, our ASB produces its "EagleVision" broadcast. This is a great place to find out what is happening across our campus. These videos will be featured on our weekly update after being shown to our students each Tuesday.
Join our Social Media to follow Athletics and Activities!
Instagram - @lancaster.hs
Facebook - @lancasterhs
Temp Check
Also, weekly we provide a "Temperature Check" or "Temp Check," as we call it. These are weekly discussions and challenges for our students. Our goal is to create positive habits and positive attitudes... or as we call it, positive habitudes!
Artists of the Week
For this week's Artist of the Week, our Art 1 students have been looking at the Principles of Design and Cubism. If the Elements of Art are our tools to create art, the Principles help create the blueprint for the design of our compositions. So far this semester, our Art 1 students have investigated the use of the Principles; Emphasis, Balance and Contrast. In this project, students also learned about the movement of Cubism, founded by Pablo Picasso and George Braque.
Students took a variety of different approaches for this assignment, some more serious and some more lighthearted and fun!
Our Team 399 is hard at work. Follow their journey here!
Student Spotlight
Congratulations to our February Students of the Month!
Be Real Student of the Month (a student who has excelled academically or models our core values of REAL) - Ezekiel Piolo
Athletic Student of the Month (a student who has excelled athletically in performance or leadership) - Brianna SeMarion
Move the Needle Student of the Month (a student who has made a difference at our school) - Alexandria McClain
Link Crew Freshman Spotlight
Our Freshman Spotlight is Hailey Salazar. She is an amazing eagle that always helps out her peers. She is kind and sweet. Has big things coming her way. She is also a scholar!
Senior Section - Class of 2025 Info
Class of 2025 Graduation and Senior Items
Josten's is the home for all your Class of 2025 Senior Needs! CLICK HERE to purchase your senior items. DEADLINES ARE APPROACHING and will get here faster than you can imagine, so do not hesitate.
- Yearbook
- Cap/Gown
- Class of 2025 Swag
- Class Ring
- Letterman's Jacket
- Senior Graduation Packages
Senior Class Swag
Class of 2025, get your Senior Swag items here!
Senior Team Store URL: https://lancasterseniorclass25.itemorder.com/
Counseling Corner
Who is my counselor?
Please reach out to your student's counselors if you have any guidance questions or concerns. See contact and scheduling info below.
To schedule a virtual appointment with a counselor please visit designated link below.
(Counselors are designated by last name. Please see alpha next to names to find your counselor)
Robert Parks (A-Ak & M&E Academy) (rdparks@avhsd.org) https://rdparks.youcanbook.me/
Monica Lomeli (Al-Ce) (mlomeli@avhsd.org) http://mlomeli.youcanbook.me
Kenneth Dakwa (Ch-Ga) (kdakwa@avhsd.org) https://kdakwa.youcanbook.me
Raelene Lewis (Ge-Ke) (rrlewis@avhsd.org) https://rrlewis.youcanbook.me
LaTanya Jones (Ki-Mo) (lajones@avhsd.org) https://lajones.youcanbook.me/
Debbie Penny (Mu-Ri) (dpenny@avhsd.org) https://debbiepenny.youcanbook.me
Christina Candelaria (Ro-Ti) (ccandelaria@avhsd.org) https://ccandelaria.youcanbook.me/
Melissa Vattioni (To-Z) (mvattioni@avhsd.org) https://mvattioni.youcanbook.me
*Please note that there is always a Counselor of the Day who is able to meet in person with a student and/or parent if their assigned counselor is not available.
District Programs Available to our LnHS Students
Lunch Deliveries
As always, safety and security is a top priority across the Antelope Valley Union High School District. It is with this in mind that we will not be able to allow students and/or parents/guardians to place food orders for delivery to our schools during the school day.
This practice not only causes a disruption to the school environment but also poses a potential security threat. As such, beginning immediately school staff will not accept any food deliveries, nor will delivery personnel be allowed onto our campuses. If your student does not bring a meal or snack, there are no-cost healthy options available in the cafeteria every day.
Thank you in advance for your understanding and your cooperation in keeping our school safe and secure. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mr. Santoyo at asantoyo@avhsd.org