WDMCS Staff Newsletter
Feb. 7, 2024

In This Edition: Feb. 7, 2024
- Dr. Adams' Video Message to Staff
- Celebrating National School Counselors Week
- District Updates: Feb. 12 Board Addresses Budget Cuts, strategic planning survey, Talking Points
- Human Resources Updates: 2024-25 calendar, new leadership hires, student teachers
- Black History Month
- Prepare for Emergency Alerts: Update Contact Information
- Employee Health Screenings
Feb. 12 Board Meeting to Address Budget Cuts
West Des Moines Community Schools (WDMCS) leadership determined the need to reduce the budget by approximately $2.9 million for the 2024-25 school year.
The primary need to cut the district's budget is because of
- declining enrollment
- lack of adequate State Supplement Aid (SSA)
Both of these reasons factor into the amount of state funding the district receives to support students' education.
The Board held a workshop on Jan. 22 to hear initial proposals. At the upcoming Feb. 12 board meeting, district leadership will present their final recommendations. No Board vote will occur until the Feb. 26 Board meeting.
The Board most recently approved budget cuts of $2.9 million three years ago.
Take Staff Strategic Plan Survey by Feb. 9
Our school district is making a strategic plan for the future, and we need your help. We want to know what you as a WDMCS employee think about as a desired daily experience. Please share your thoughts with us by answering seven quick questions – we want to hear from you! The deadline to complete the survey is Friday, Feb. 9.
TalkingPoints: How Schools Are Connecting with Families
- Clive: 2,140
- Crestview: 2,407
- Crossroads Park: 2,552
- Fairmeadows: 2,276
- Hillside: 2,713
- Jordan Creek: 1,328
- Western Hills: 2,282
- Westridge: 1,590
- Indian Hills: 1,409
- Stilwell: 329
- Valley Southwoods: 1,291
- Valley: 3,981
- Walnut Creek: 1,170
If you need training or assistance with TalkingPoints, please feel free to contact School/Community Relations.
2024-25 Calendar: Key Dates
Our calendar at a glance, available in multiple languages, is coming soon! For now, here are the main dates you need to know:
Aug. 13-22: New Teachers Report, Preservice
Aug. 23: First Day of School (Sept. 3 for Tiger Cubs Preschool)
Sept. 2: No School for Students and Teachers
Nov. 27-29: Fall Break
Dec. 23-Jan. 1: Winter Break
Jan. 20: No School for Students and Teachers
March 14-21: Spring Break
May 26: No School for Students and Teachers
May 30: Last Day of School (May 23 for Seniors and Tiger Cubs Preschool)
June 2: Last Day for Teachers
The first day of school and other dates may change due to proposed Iowa laws. If the law allows us to start before Aug. 23, we may consider starting on Wednesday, Aug. 21. If there are changes to the start date or any other dates, we will communicate with families and staff as soon as possible.
Apply to Be a Cooperating Teacher
Have you considered working with a student teacher? If you already have, would you be willing to serve again? Serving as a cooperating teacher is a great learning opportunity for a new educator and for you! The district receives numerous requests to place student teachers. Your guidance and expertise are needed.
If you are willing to serve as a cooperating teacher, please complete our online form by Friday, Feb. 23, 2024. We appreciate your time and talents!
West Des Moines Community Schools began Black History Month 2024 by commemorating the 70th anniversary of milestone Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education. Four panelists — Fannette Elliot, WDMCS Board of Education member; David Maxwell, Valley High School principal; Ken Morris, Jr., Ankeny School Chief Diversity Officer; and Al Womble, Iowa Democratic Black Caucus Chair — discussed the impact of Brown v. Board of Education. Attendees also explored a pop-up museum from Taste of the Junction and spent time building community.
Our broader community is also celebrating Black History Month. Here are some activities and resources to explore:
This year's Black History Month theme is "African Americans and the Arts." The Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH) said, "For centuries Western intellectuals denied or minimized the contributions of people of African descent to the arts as well as history, even as their artistry in many genres was mimicked and/or stolen.... In celebrating the entire history of African Americans and the arts, (ASALH) puts into the national spotlight the richness of the past and present with an eye towards what the rest of the twenty-first century will bring."
Learn more about this year's theme:
Many WDMCS employees do not have their contact information added to Infinite Campus. This means they will not receive emergency notifications. Please follow the steps outlined below to review your information and submit any updates needed.
- Log into Infinite Campus from Quick Links on our website homepage. All WDMCS employees should use the Staff Sign In with Google button.
- Once you’re logged in, look at the top navigation for My Account.
- Then look for the column labeled My Data. Under it you'll find My Demographics.
- At the top of your profile, you will see a button labeled Request Demographic Update. Scroll down until you find Personal Contact Information. The Personal Contact section is where you’ll type in your mobile and/or home phone number to receive emergency notifications from the district including school delays and/or cancellations due to extreme weather conditions. You may also choose to add a personal email address.
- The last step is very important in order for your update to be approved and saved into the system. At the top of your profile you will see a button labeled Save Request. Be sure to click that button to send your request for approval.
Onsite Biometric Screenings
Employees on the WDMCS medical insurance plan are eligible to participate in a free biometric screening at their worksite and earn 500 wellness points. Completing the health screening and health survey are required to qualify for the cash incentive at the end of the school year.
At the screening, you will receive an assessment of:
- Blood pressure
- Waist circumference
- Height, weight, and BMI
- Blood cholesterol (Total, HDL, LDL Triglycerides) and glucose
WDMCS will be notified that the health screening has been completed but does not have access to your biometric screening results. All data is contained within beBetter Health.
Sign up online for an appointment. Enter the required information, then reserve your appointment by selecting your location, date, and time. There are a limited number of appointments, so don’t hesitate!
Screening Dates and Times
- Feb. 9: Valley Media Center, 7-11 a.m.
- Feb. 12: Westridge Media Center, 7-10:30 a.m.
- Feb. 13: Clive Media Center, 7-10 a.m.
- Feb. 14: Crestview PK Room 4, 7-10 a.m.
- Feb. 15: Fairmeadows Media Center, 7-10 a.m.
- Feb. 19: Walnut Creek Cafeteria, 7-9:30 a.m.
- Feb. 20: Learning Resource Center Community Room, 7-9:30 a.m.
- Feb. 21: Western Hills Media Center, 7-10 a.m.
- Feb. 22: Indian Hills Media Center, 7-10 a.m.
- Feb. 23: Jordan Creek Media Center, 7:30-10:30 a.m.
- Feb. 26: Hillside Music Room, 7-9 a.m.
- Feb. 27: Stilwell Auditorium Atrium, 7-10 a.m.
- Feb. 28: Southwoods Theater, 7-10:30 a.m.
- Feb. 29: Operations Training Room, 7:30-10:30 a.m.
- March 1: Crossroads Band/Orchestra Room, 7-10 a.m.
Physical Forms Option
Instead of the on-site health screening, you can also share the results of a recent screening administered by your primary care physician. PCP forms can be completed by your personal physician. Forms can be downloaded from the Screening Scheduler.
Detailed instructions on how to register can be found on the My Benefits tab in the beBetter Health wellness portal. Log in to your wellness portal here >
For assistance with scheduling your health screening, please contact Integrated Health 21 at 412-481-1644. Customer Service Hours are Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. CT.
For beBetter Health login assistance, please contact the support staff at 866-748-0957 or email supportbbh@ebix.com Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CT.