Bronco *GREAT* News c/o 2025
2024-25 12th Grade Edition- Spring Semester 24
Recognizing Bronco Excellence in the 12th Grade!
Second Semester Honor Roll
Congratulations to these students for their academic achievement second semester-
with GPA's of 3.5-3.74, they have earned a spot on the honor roll!
Special Teacher Recognition -Spring Semester 2024
Zachary Akbari
From Ms. Starr: Zachary is a complex, insightful, creative, wizard. He is equal parts serious and silly and definitely knows when to apply each. He was magical to watch on stage and his CN rap will forever be stuck in my head!
Tristen April
From Ms. Lineweaver: Tristen is not only the best dressed Northgate student, he is also one of the kindest. Tristen says Thank You and Have a Nice Day at the end of the class every day. I also have never seen him angry or upset with another student or teacher. He demonstrates curiosity but also compassion and curiosity. I am so lucky to have him as a student.
Belal Arif
From Ms. Costello: Belal is always kind and thoughtful to EVERYONE. He is very empathetic.
Special Teacher Recognition -Spring Semester 2024
Alex Azevedo
From Mr. Durazo: Alex has been doing GREAT in my PE Wts & Conditioning class!! His participation, effort, & working well with others is GREATLY appreciated!! Keep up the EXCELLENT work!!
Victor Barrera
From Ms. Wullenweber: for becoming a really creative ceramist
Addy Baxter
From Ms. Reimer: Addy Baxter is an impressive and hardworking student athlete. She is always engaged, motivated, and attentive in AP US History. She readily accepts feedback, and always strives to turn in her very best work. Her ability to manage her academics with her demanding softball schedule is awesome!
High Honors
Congratulations to these 12th grade students for their outstanding academic achievement
second semester in the spring, they have made it to the high honors list with GPA's of 3.75-3.99.
Special Teacher Recognition -Spring Semester 2024
Matty Biener
From Mr. Biundo: There's so much to praise Matty for, but since I don't want to inflate his ego too much, I'll stick to these two: Matty is a great writer, and I appreciate his patience and efforts to make sure all of his writing assignments are up to his own high standard. Matty also has a great sense of humor and he makes the class, including myself, laugh pretty much every day. He's a great addition to any class. Ok, Matty, now don't let this get to your head!
Aidan Cairns
From Ms. Landry: Aidan voluntarily helps his peers in Statistics and really cares about their performance!
Jamilah Celik
From Ms. Starr: Jamilah is the embodiment of radiance, grace and sunshine! She was intentional about everything she did whether it was an activity in class, an interaction with another or a question she asked - she defined being present and accountable.
Austin Chan
From Mr. Biundo: I never have any doubts about Austin's ability to consistently turn in great work. He's a great critical thinker, an organized scholar, and a strong writer. I have no doubt he's going to continue to excel next year and beyond.
Kim Chanwattanapong
From Ms. Costello: Kim is gentle and kind. She always helps her fellow group members. She's always so kind about it. She waits until the students ask for help.
Justin Chen
From Ms. Reimer: Justin is an impressive student in my AP US History class. He not only readily answers difficult questions, but he also asks incredibly thoughtful ones. Justin is a diligent and conscientious student who is also supportive of his classmates. Having Justin in class has been a joy!
Special Teacher Recognition -Spring Semester 2024
Makenna Choi
From Mr. Biundo: Makenna is an excellent student athlete, with an emphasis on both of those labels. I've enjoyed watching her writing improve this year, and watching her flourish on the softball field! Congrats on a great year, Makenna!
Brandon Crocker
From Ms. Kramer: Brandon is the kindest and funniest student! He is always willing to help out other students in the classroom and makes everyone feel comfortable in his presence.
Ehsan Ehsanullah
From Mr. Biundo: Ehsan has shown a tremendous amount of growth this year. I appreciate his efforts to keep trying at assignments with a real goal to improve. I'm also glad he's gained more confidence in asking for help when something does not make sense. I look forward to watching him continue to grow next year.
Special Teacher Recognition -Spring Semester 2024
Greyson Farrar
From Mr. Biundo: Greyson laughs along and keeps a great attitude when I make fun of him for spelling something wrong (even when it's my last name!). He's also just been a great addition to class, and I appreciate every day his kindness and thoughtfulness. Thanks for all your help all year, Greyson!
Ares Foster
From Ms. DeBella O'Neil: Ares never fails to amaze me with his humor and kindness. His show recommendations are also top notch.
Mackenzie Frick
From Ms. DeBella O'Neil: Mackenzie is the embodiment of warmth and wisdom, whose friendly demeanor, kindness, and active engagement make AP Literature class an enriching experience for all.
Special Teacher Recognition -Spring Semester 2024
Natalia Galan
From Ms. Starr: Natalia is sunshine in human form - she just makes everyone feels cared for and happy. Natalia brought her can-do attitude to class every day and wasn't afraid to use it! She was inspiring and supportive and a pleasure to have in class.
Mickey Garden
From Ms. Lineweaver: I have known Mickey since sophomore year and she has impressed me with how much she has grown as a student and person. She does very well in Threads but also runs an animal welfare club that has some of the best lunchtime meetings I've ever seen. She prepares a slideshow, an activity, and snacks and sometimes even assigns homework for the club members, lol. Mickey has matured into a kind, compassionate, dedicated student and I'm lucky to be her teacher.
Yotam Gayer
From Mr. Biundo: Yotam has a great ability to not only maintain a positive attitude every day, but also use his great sense of humor to keep the class calm, light, and enjoyable. He's been a great contributor to our class.
Special Teacher Recognition -Spring Semester 2024
Kiring Harish
From Ms. Starr: Kirin worked hard all year, was always one of the first to arrive to first period and came in with a smile. His stories ranged from touching to hilarious and I am thankful for each one he shared with me. Kirin also navigated unexpected challenges like a pro!
Daniel Haro
From Mr. Biundo: Daniel's got a great sense of humor. I appreciate his ability to make his classmates laugh and keep a level head all year. Thanks for being a positive presence in class, Daniel!
Danica Heine
From Dr. Weinstock-Mehl: Danica exhibits such persistence and tenacity. She does not give up; she has the courage to take on meaningful challenges no matter what gets in the way. She works extremely hard and stays focused on the outcome she wants to achieve.
The Principal's List
Congratulations to these students for crushing their second semester of Junior year, with GPA's of 4.0 and above. They have earned their spot on the Principal's List!
Special Teacher Recognition -Spring Semester 2024
Krista Hurtarte
From Ms. DeBella O'Neil: Krista has a radiant blend of kindness, intelligence, and perpetual joy. I really enjoy having her in my AP class.
Brandon Johnson
From Ms. Starr: Brandon was a joy to have in class. He set the example for hard work, being proactive and teamwork. He was a leader among his classmates driven by his generous spirit and integrity.
Jackson Jones
From Mr. Biundo: Jackson has really worked hard 2nd semester. I'm proud of his ability to stay on top of his assignments while also continuing to excel in sports. Keep up the great work, Jackson!
Special Teacher Recognition -Spring Semester 2024
Jacob Jones
From Ms. Wullenweber: For always saying "thank you" at the end of class.
Erin Kim
From Ms. DeBella O'Neil: Erin is the embodiment of curiosity and camaraderie. She is always eager for feedback, radiating warmth in every interaction, and is the beacon of active participation in every class discussion.
Danica Kirkham
From Mr. Biundo: Danica always has a smile on her face. She's one of the most positive and outgoing students I know. She's done such a great job of balancing a vibrant social life and a rigorous academic course load. She's shown that she can balance it all, and I've truly enjoyed working with her this year.
Northgate Academic Honors
Northgate Academic Honors Students who earn a 3.5 or better each semester are celebrated in a progressive honor system, through their senior year. *Spring semester of senior year is not included due to timing
The tiers are as follows:
1 semester- Certificate of Accomplishment
2 semesters- Certificate of Commendation
3 semesters- Academic Letter- this is a tackle twill letter, similar to a Varsity letter for athletics- students who earn this achievement may select to purchase the letter for $10, and will be awarded a certificate as well.
4 semesters- Certificate of Academic Achievement
5 semesters- Certificate of Academic Excellence
6 Semesters- Certificate of Distinction
7 semesters- Northgate Academic Honors Cord to be worn at Graduation
Makenna Kress
Makenna Kress
From Ms. Reimer: Makenna is an incredible student AND teacher in Careers in Teaching. I had the opportunity to watch Makenna teach a math lesson in her 3rd grade class at Walnut Acres, and I was thoroughly impressed! She has all the makings of an incredible teacher -- she is engaging, thoughtful, and compassionate. I can't wait to see all the amazing things she will do!
From Ms. Starr: Makenna worked hard all year. She was the most supportive, encouraging member of any group and went above and beyond no matter the task. She is a radiant example to her peers and it was an honor having her in class.
Zakiya Lesley
From Ms. Benavente: Zakiya has really been pushing herself this semester! She's learned how quickly grades can drop when she doesn't do work so has been working hard to keep those grades up. In Financial Algebra, she was the only on in her class to get a perfect score in her Buying A House Project, and it's reflective of her efforts leading up to it. Keep up the great work, Zakiya! You're crushing it!
Sophia Mac
From Ms. DeBella O'Neil: Always radiating warmth and kindness, Sophia is genuine and brightens the room with her friendly demeanor. I enjoy our conversations and daily morning greetings as she waits for her friends to arrive.
Emitis Malek Ahmadi
From Ms. Starr: Emi was rock solid all year! She gave my detailed answers that showed reflection and insight. She made everyone around her look good and never demanded the credit. She was on task, engaged and attentive to detail no matter the activity. She exudes positivity and graciously shared it!
Certificate of Accomplishment and Commendation
These students have achieved 3.5 GPA or better for one semester.
Naomi Martin
From Ms. Starr: Naomi is awesome for a number of reasons - a wicked smart brain, a heart filled with humility and kindness, the power to anchor her team (as in hold steady) without ever stifling the fun, and a smile that expresses pure joy. As their name implies, Naomi is compassionate in the face of challenges and a gift to others.
Ariel Ng
From Ms. DeBella O'Neil: Always wearing a smile and radiating kindness, Ariel is an incredible role model, embodying the essence of friendship and compassion in everything she does.
Ava Nicolas
From Mr. Biundo: Ava has been such a thoughtful writer this semester. She's done an excellent job of writing openly and honestly, and I appreciate her dedication to the work we're doing. Thanks, Ava!
Certificate of Commendation
These students earned this certificate by achieving a 3.5 GPA for two semesters.
Kailee Newberry
From Mr. Biundo: Kailee's got such a great attitude and is so happy to be here everyday. She's also shown a lot of growth in her writing in such a short time. She's worked hard to get there and I'm proud of the student she's become!
From Ms. Starr: Kailee demonstrated not only perseverance but also the power of mindset. I am very proud of her and loved having her in class.
Special Teacher Recognition -Spring Semester 2024
Sutter O'Steen
From Mr. Biundo: First, Sutter is just a great writer and he deserves recognition for that alone. But Sutter has also been a great group member all year, leading when necessary, and helping his group succeed in the various projects we've done. As a result, his groups have turned in some excellent work!
Angelo Paderanga
From Mr. Garcia-Leiva: Angelo has a very positive attitude and has been working hard to be prepared for our concerts. He has done a lot of volunteering and is always looking to see how he can help without being asked. Having motivated and helpful students like Angelo makes my day a bit brighter. Thank you Angelo for being a positive influence and treating people with kindness!
Claire Paloutzian
From Mr. Biundo: Claire is one of the kindest and most thoughtful students I've worked with. I appreciate her ability to work so well with others, no matter who is in her group. She's incredibly easy to get along with and it's no wonder others enjoy working with her - she's smart, kind, and dedicated. Thanks for all your hard work this year, Claire!
Kiefer Wisecarver
From Mr. Biundo: Kiefer is just such a kind soul. I so appreciate his thoughtfulness every day -- saying hello to me when he comes in, and the "have a great rest of your day" goodbyes. But more than that, I appreciate his dedication and hard work. Kiefer puts great attention to detail in his assignments, thinks outside the box in projects and discussions, and works hard to make sure his assignments hold up to his own high standards. Thanks, Kiefer!
Jordan Woo
From Mr. Garcia Leiva: Jordan has a lot of responsibility being the only Tuba player in the bands, and I want to recognize the hard work and dedication that he brings to class everyday and in everything he does. He is gentle and kind with his classmates, always finds a positive way to give feedback and help his band mates out, and even on days when he doesn't feel 100%, he still gives 100%. I admire his character and his enthusiasm for music, and his joyful energy makes a difference in the classroom.
Academic Letter
Students receiving their academic letter may purchase them in the ASB Webstore for $10. These are tackle twill letters that would go on a letterman's jacket or sweater.
Special Teacher Recognition -Spring Semester 2024
Katelyn Rattaro
From Ms. Lineweaver: Katelyn has added so much to the Threads program this year. She was instrumental in making our annual 20's party such a success and continues to be a class leader and role model. She is creative, intelligent and kind to everyone. The classroom is a better place because of her.
Carly Rosenblatt
From Mr. Garcia Leiva- Carly has such a big heart to serve her fellow students in the program. She has worked hard to volunteer and support our events, and she is always willing to share her perspective. I really appreciate Carly's honesty and her outstanding character.
Roma Rudenskiya
From Mr. Biundo: Roma brings such positivity and confidence to our class. He's thoughtful, kind, and careful in his work. He's also such a smart student. It's been great having him in class everyday -- including the classes he's not even in when he just stops by to hang out.
Robert Sheehy
From Ms. Starr: Robert brought maturity, consistency and a playful sense of humor to class. He worked well independently or in a group, he took the work seriously and he asked great questions. He is naturally curious and possesses a wisdom beyond his years.
Theo Shuster
From Ms. Starr: Working with Theo this year was truly a highlight for me! Theo exemplifies a curious mind, a compassionate heart, a strong will and a generous spirit. I simply can't put into words how impressed I am!
Leayah Sims
From Mr. Biundo: Leayah has not let a painful knee injury hold her back. She's continuing to come to class, work hard, and has maintained a positive attitude throughout. Keep up the great work, Leayah!
Special Teacher Recognition -Spring Semester 2024
Rachel Slarve
From Ms. Starr: Rachel is proactive and reflective. She is a problem solver. Rachel has more drive and ability to persevere than most and she is not afraid to use it!
Amanda Stapf
From Ms. Starr: Amanda was a delight to have in class. She worked hard and her whole vibe was positive, affirming and supportive.
Violet Ulloa
From Ms. Benavente: Violet has shown consistent good work throughout the whole school year. Not only does she get her own work done, but she helps motivate her classmates and makes sure they understand as well or will come ask for help if she needs it. Violet will ask questions until she understands, which is the best way to learn. Keep up the great work, Violet!
Award of Academic Persistence
Students will receive a Certificate of Academic Persistence with GPA Improvements from semester to semester of .5 or better
The Academic Persistence Award
This goes to students who have improved their GPA from Fall 2023 to Spring 2023 by .5 or more, whether they are adding AP and Honors courses to their schedule, raising their game, or absolutely crushing it- these students have all seen a big jump, and that only comes with hard work, and yes- persistence.
Northgate awarded US News & World Report National Ranking- 9 years in a row!
Northgate High School
Email: cooperk@mdusd.org
Website: northgatehighschool.org
Location: 425 Castle Rock Rd, Walnut Creek, CA, USA
Phone: 925 938-0900
Twitter: @northgatehs