Woven Words
Florida Alpha Delta Kappa Vol 1 July 2024
President Message
The Summer is going by quickly! I hope those teaching will enjoy some time for you and your family! Those retired, just stay cool.
The Executive Board had their Retreat at the ADK Scholarship House on the campus of FSU. Many goals were accomplised along with updating the Policies and Procedures in preparation of the new biennium, playing BUNCO and getting to know you games, enjoying meals prepared by Lottie, Carolyn, and Alpha Sigma, and just being sisters. They also voted to donate $1,500 to FL ALZ Team and $1,500 to St. Jude Children's Hospital.
Officer Training is set! Look at the schedule below. Included are the officer handouts from the International website.
As one we are strong, but woven together we make a difference!
ZOOM Officer Training
August 3, 2024 Chaplain-11:00 am Eastern Time
August 10 and 17, 2024 Treasurer and President Elect-9:00 am Eastern Time
Membership and President-10:30 am Eastern Time
Sergeant @ Arms, Secretary, and Historian-12:00 pm Eastern Time
The ZOOM link will be sent two days prior to the meeting (Thursday). The link will be the same for all of the meetings on the scheduled day. Just click the link to join. Once the meeting has started, you will join the room for the appropriate officer training.
Treasurer's Cash Flow (formerly C-1) is due!
Due August 30th, the Cash Flow (formerly C-1), Annual Chapter Treasurer's Report is due to International. This form is found on the International Website:
Members Only Tab>Resource Library>Chapter Officers>Financial Forms (bottom, right column)
Have you sent your chapter budget to State Treasurer, Missy Decker?
Gulf Region Conference 2024
See you soon!
WHEN: July 13, 2024 - July 17, 2024
WHERE: Crowne Plaza: Atlanta Perimeter at Ravinia
4355 Ashford Dunwwody Road, Atlanta, GA 30346
Threads of Information
- Alpha Delta Kappa International news is sent to your email address every other Wednesday. This contains dates, Toolbox Series information, recognition, and other resources.
- If you would like to share chapter pictures and milestones, join the Florida Alpha Delta Kappa Facebook page or a CONNECT Community on the International website.
- Chapter minutes should be sent to Debbie King, PCCP and chapter newsletters should be sent to Caroline Gilmore.
- Ask your chapter members if they are getting International and State emails. It's important that everyone see Alpha Delta Kappa news and happenings!
- If you have Chapter Officer updates, please let your District Chairman and State President know!
Updated FL Policies and Procedures 2024-2026
Membership Moment, Paula Byrd VPM
Congratulations to these EDUCATORS ARE HEROS winners!
Florida Phi, Beta Delta, Gamma Epsilon, Epsilon, Beta Xi, Alpha,
Fidelis Lambda, Beta Psi, Alpha Sigma, and Gamma Omicron
Chapter Officer Duties
Threads of Happiness
- Delta Rho-Cathy Hart-Wedding in October
Threads of Concern
- Gamma Upsilon-Nancy King-surgery
- Phi-Flori Agusti-Suarez-surgery
- Beta Xi-Jeannie Dietz-health concerns
- Gamma Omicron-Karen Wilson-husbands recovery
Threads of Saddness
- Gamma Zeta-loss of member, Mimi Jones
- Beta Xi-Laurie McGonagle-loss of sister
- Gamma Zeta-Susan Gower-loss of mother
- Gamma Omicron-Betty Tucker-loss of husband
Alpha Sigma - DI
Pictured is Rocky Hanna, school superintendent, with Alpha Sigma members. For the 10th year, sisters have volunteered at Full Summer packing 300 snack packs for the school term.
Scholarship House Kitchen
Alpha Sigma Dinner
DI, Alpha Sigma, provided a covered dish dinner for the Executive Board during Work Retreat! Thank you!
Meet the 2024-2026 FL Executive Board
- July 13-17 - Gulf Region Conference, Atlanta, GA
- August 3rd-ONLY Chaplain ZOOM Training
- August 10th and 17th - Chapter Officer Training via ZOOM
- 9/21 - District III
- 10/5 - State Leadership Seminar, Ocala
- 10/12 - District I
- 10/19 - District II, District IV, and District VII
- 10/26 - District V and District VI
- 1/25 - State Leadership Seminar, Ocala
- 2/22 - District II
- 3/1 - District I
- 4/5 - District VI
- 4/26 - District VII
- July 10-13 International Convention, Austin, TX
Caroline Gilmore
Denise Fenicle
Liz Lilly
Paula Byrd
Audrey Reali
Jacqueline Jackson
Debbie Garrison
Missy Decker
Mary Roach
Gulf Region Theme 2023-2024
Debbie King
President of the Council of Chapter Presidents
4037 Meander Place #102
Rockledge, FL 32955