Milton Elementary School

September 13, 2024
Dear Milton Elementary School Families,
This week was an exciting week full of learning and special events.
- We moved our first and most of our second-grade classrooms back into the A hallway with the help of some amazing volunteers.
- Our 4th grade team went on a field trip to the Shelburne Museum.
Next Weeks Move In Plan (Dependent on Tests):
Mr. Hunt and Ms. Duprey, Ms. Flagg, Ms. Osman, Ms. Shumway, and Ms. Stephanie Hurley will move back to their classrooms on Tuesday, September 17th and students will attend the movie trip.
Ms. Strousse, Ms. Lefebvre, and all of our 4th grade will move back into their classrooms on Wednesday, September 18th and student will attend the movie trip.
If you would like to volunteer, please sign in at the office between 9 and 1 pm. Also, feel free to contact your child's classroom teacher to see how you can support them. Unfortunately, because of the number of students and staff attending the movie trips, we cannot have parent chaperones, as the movie theater is at capacity. Please remember to return the permission slips, so that your child can attend.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone and thank you for your continued support and partnership.
Kylene Flowers
Transportation and Dismissal
Pick up Patrol
If you need any support with entering in a dismissal plan, please call the main office at 802.893.5631.
Please do not enter attendance information into pick-up patrol. You will still need to call the attendance line for absences at 802.893.5421.
Milton PTA
We would like to invite you to join the Milton VT PTA for the 2024-2025 school year! There is a small $8 fee to cover the annual dues of becoming part of not only the Milton VT PTA but also becoming a member of the larger Vermont PTA and National PTA!
The link to join is:
Calling all Volunteers!!
Join us on Tuesday, Sept 17th, and Wednesday, September 18th any time between 9 am-1 pm to help move 2nd-4th grade into their classrooms!
The Activities Fair needs volunteers to help vendors set up and help visitors navigate the event. Please email the PTA if interested.
Meadow Farms Fundraiser:
Packets went home, but you can set up an online shop using Group ID 1001667. Proceeds fund the PTA’s enrichment grant program and other PTA events/programs. Sales end Oct 4th. All fundraising is strictly optional, you do not need to participate. Donations can be accepted through our PTA website.
Milton VT PTA Board of Directors,
Victoria Herman, President
Holly Peet, Vice President
Brian Singh, VP of Membership
Karen Stout, Secretary
Jaime Nichols, Treasurer
For more information about the PTA and how you can get involved visit
Celebrating Learning
First and second grade enjoyed the movie...and their popcorn and drinks!
Kindergarten students enjoying independent reading time.
Our entire first grade team doing mindfulness with our school counselor, Miss Tracie.
Milton Elementary School New Teachers
School Resources
Lunch Program
Mark your Calendar
- Activities Fair on September 19th 5:30-7:30
- Open House on September 24th 5:00-6:00
- Early Release Wednesday, September 25th, dismissal at 2:25
- School Pictures are October 16th and 17th
Milton Elementary School
Location: 42 Herrick Avenue, Milton, VT, USA
Phone: 802-893-5400