Cougar Chronicle
January 10, 2025
The Principal's Office
The Boys and Girls 5/6 basketball team plays tomorrow at Calais against Rumney
Reminder On Illness Policy From Our Family Handbook
Health Office Recommendations For Health Absences
Below are some guidelines for when a child should be kept home from school due to illness. Open communication with your school nurse is the best way to ensure that the correct decision is made. The guidelines below are the basics; situations/illnesses will surface that require a clinical assessment from the school nurse, and oftentimes a reflection of current guidelines put forth by the CDC and the Vermont Department of Health. Sometimes the decision to send a student home, or to keep a student home is simple, other times it is not so clear. Knowing when to return to school after an illness is one of those times that can be tough to judge. This year we are allowing students to return to school following an illness as long as they are: 1.) ready to access their learning, 2.) are largely recovered from their symptoms, and 3.) are fever-free and/or vomit/diarrhea-free for at least 24 hours without the use of medication.
When making a clinical decisions surrounding health absences, school nurses will consider health history, trends in illnesses present at school, length of illness and whether or not the student is at the beginning and more contagious stage of illness, or whether they are on the tail-end with lingering symptoms, and recommendations from the CDC/VT DOH. These decisions are rarely cut and dry. Thank you for your communication and patience as we work to navigate illness at school following a pandemic.
● Stay home when newly sick: Whether you have new symptoms of COVID-19, the flu, or another contagious illness, please stay home if you are sick and call your healthcare provider if needed. This helps keep germs from spreading, protects those who may be at risk of serious illness, and gives you a chance to get well.
● We know that people with new symptoms are more likely to be contagious and so would like people coming down with something to stay home. If you have lingering symptoms that have vastly improved; i.e. cough, runny nose, please feel free to return to school.
● If your child is sent home from school for a health issue or sickness, please understand that we advise the student does not attend any after school events that day.
● Fever (greater than 100°): Your child’s temperature should be back to normal (less than 99°) for at least 24 hours before returning to school without the aid of medication. ● Coughing (excessive): Your child’s cough should be “dry” sounding and easily controlled by a drink of water or cough drop before returning to school.
● Vomiting or Diarrhea: Your child should be able to eat food and drink liquids without vomiting or diarrhea for at least 24 hours before returning to school.
● Red or Draining Eyes: Please keep your child at home and check with a physician to ensure your child does not have conjunctivitis. If being treated for an infection please follow the Infection recommendation below.
● Excessive Nasal Drainage: Please keep your child at home and check with a physician to ensure your child does not have an infection. If being treated for an infection please follow the Infection recommendation below.
● Unusual Rash: Please keep your child at home and check with a physician to ensure that the rash is not contagious. If being treated for an infection please follow the Infection recommendation below.
● Infection: If your child has been tested or treated for any contagious infection, please have them stay at home until test results are available. If positive for infection, they should have had their medication for at least 24 hours before returning to school. This is to best ensure the infection has not spread and your child does not have a medication reaction/allergic response in school. If medication is to be given at school, please contact Nurse Maria prior to your child returning to school to make arrangements. Parents/Guardians must personally give the medicine to the Health Office with the medication permission form. Forms can be found on the website or requested from the school.
COVID-19/RSV/Influenza - respiratory illness
Important practices that help reduce the risk of spreading respiratory viruses and reduce the risk of infection, include getting the COVID-19/Inluenza/RSV vaccine and boosters, staying home when sick, and handwashing. Certain age groups and/or people with specific health conditions may be at more risk for complications from the illness. We encourage you to discuss any concerns you have with your personal medical provider to determine what is best for you.
WCUUSD will implement the health and safety guidance from the Vermont Department of Health and the Vermont Agency of Education which will reflect the current impact that the virus is having on our community. You can find more information about Vermont’s guidance here. Specifically, the health and safety guidance includes:
● Stay up to date on vaccinations: Vaccines are the best tool we have to protect ourselves against COVID-19, especially from severe illness, hospitalization, and death. Vermonters ages 6 months and older can get vaccinated. The Vermont DOH strongly encourages you to protect yourself by getting vaccinated as soon as possible, and get your booster shot for full protection when eligible.
● Symptoms: Students & staff exhibiting COVID-19/RSV/Influenza symptoms (Fever (100.4 °F or higher), cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, or diarrhea) are encouraged to stay home until all symptoms are improving and they haven’t had a fever/vomiting/diarrhea for over 24 hours with no medication.
● If your child tests positive for COVID-19/RSV/Influenza, they should stay home with new symptoms and return to school if their symptoms have improved AND they have had no fever for at least 24 hours without the use of medicine that reduces fevers. Testing is not required to return to school.
● Masks: While masks are not required by our current health guidance, masking can be part of a comprehensive mitigation strategy to minimize the risk of spreading illness. Individuals may still choose to wear masks based on their individual situation. Our school continues to be a mask-friendly environment. Should the VT Department of Health Guidance change and begin requiring universal masking, WCUUSD will follow those guidelines.
Norovirus Information
Norovirus is very contagious, but you can take steps to stop it from spreading.
Wash hands well with soap and water; hand sanitizer alone does not work well against norovirus.
Do not prepare, handle food, or care for others when you are sick
You can get norovirus by accidentally getting tiny particles of feces (poop) or vomit in your mouth from a person infected with norovirus.
If you get norovirus illness, you can shed billions of norovirus particles that you can’t see without a microscope. It only takes a few norovirus particles to make you and other people sick.
How it spreads
Norovirus is very contagious and spreads very easily and quickly in different ways.
You can find norovirus in your vomit or feces (poop) even before you start feeling sick.
The virus can also stay in your poop for 2 weeks or more after you feel better. You can still spread norovirus during that time.
Contaminated surfaces
Norovirus spreads through sick people and contaminated surfaces when:
A person with norovirus touches surfaces with their bare hands.
Food, water, or objects that are contaminated with norovirus are placed on surfaces.
Tiny drops of vomit from a person with norovirus spray through the air, landing on surfaces or entering another person's mouth.
A person with norovirus has diarrhea that splatters onto surfaces.
When you are contagious
You are most contagious:
When you have symptoms of norovirus illness, especially vomiting.
During the first few days after you feel better.
However, studies have shown that you can still spread norovirus for 2 weeks or more after you feel better.
Norovirus is very contagious, but you can take steps to stop it from spreading.
Wash hands well with soap and water; hand sanitizer alone does not work well against norovirus.
Do not prepare, handle food, or care for others when you are sick.
Wash your hands well
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially:
After using the toilet or changing diapers.
Before eating, preparing, or handling food.
Before giving yourself or someone else medicine.
Be aware that:
Hand sanitizer does not work well against norovirus.
You can use hand sanitizers in addition to hand washing, but hand sanitizer is not a substitute for handwashing, which is best.
Be aware that:
Noroviruses are relatively resistant to heat and can survive temperatures as high as 145°F.
Quick steaming processes will not heat foods enough to kill noroviruses.
Food contaminated with norovirus may look, smell, or taste normal.
Clean and disinfect surfaces
Always clean well and disinfect the entire area immediately.
After someone vomits or has diarrhea:
Wear rubber or disposable gloves and wipe the entire area with paper towels and throw them in a plastic trash bag.
Disinfect the area as directed on the product label.
To disinfect, use a chlorine bleach solution with a concentration of 1,000 to 5,000 ppm (5 to 25 tablespoons of household bleach [5% to 8%] per gallon of water) or use an EPA-registered disinfecting product against norovirus
Leave bleach disinfectant on the affected area for at least 5 minutes.
Clean the entire area again with soap and hot water.
Wash laundry, take out the trash, and wash your hands.
Wash laundry well
Immediately remove and wash clothes or linens that may have vomit or poop on them.
Wear rubber or disposable gloves.
Handle items carefully without shaking them.
Wash the items with detergent and hot water at the maximum available cycle length and then machine dry them at the highest heat setting.
Wash your hands after with soap and water.
From: CDC.gov/norovirus
Coffee & Conversations With the Superintendent - Cancelled 1/20
Lockdown Drill Letter
We will be having a lockdown drill on Tuesday, January 14th. Letters have been sent home in the Friday folders to go over what it will look like but we have also included it in the link below.
Would You Rather Time Travel to the Future or the Past? RESULTS
"Would You Rather.."
Be super strong or super fast?
Tiny Mic Interview w/ Mr. Weiss
Interview with Ms. Scoop
Hi Calais Cougars!
Today we are interviewing Kathryn (yay!).
Her favorite color is blue.
Her least favorite color is red.
Her favorite animal is a highland cow.
Her least favorite animal is a ladybug (same).
Her favorite food is caesar salad (same).
Her least favorite food is yogurt.
Her favorite sweet food is gushers.
Her least favorite sweet food is dark chocolate (same!!).
If she could go anywhere, it would be Switzerland.
Bye for now!
Ms. Scoop.
Reimagine Calais Budget Listen Session
If you’d like to learn more about the Calais budget and share your thoughts and concerns, please join us on January 13 at 5:30pm in the Library. We want to hear from you about how the budget can help us build for the future.
Important Dates
1/11 - 5th/6th Calais Girls Basketball game @ Calais (11:30am)
1/11 - 5th/6th Calais Boys Basketball game @ Calais (1:00pm)
1/13 - Reimagine Calais
1/13 - Nurturing Fathers Program
1/14 - Lockdown Drill
1/15 - Strengthening Families Program with Children Birth-3
1/15 - 5th/6th Calais Girls Basketball game @ Calais (6:30pm)
1/16 - 3rd/4th Calais Boys Basketball game @ Calais (5:00pm)
1/16 - 3rd/4th Calais Girls Basketball game @ Calais (6:00pm)
1/20 - Nurturing Skills for Families
1/22 - 5th/6th Calais Girls Basketball game @ EMES (5:00pm)
1/25 - 5th/6th Calais Boys Basketball game @ Northfield (10:00am)
1/25 - 5th/6th Calais Girls Basketball game @ Northfield (12:00pm)
1/25 - 3rd/4th Calais Boys Basketball game @ Rumney (12:30pm)
1/25 - 3rd/4th Calais Girls Basketball game @ Doty (12:30pm)
1/28 - Nurturing Fathers Program
1/30 - Strengthening Families Program for Families with Teens
1/31 - Spaghetti Dinner and Raffle
2/1 - 5th/6th Calais Boys Basketball game @ Northfield (1:00pm)
2/1 - 3rd/4th Calais Boys Basketball game @ Calais (Time TBD)
2/1 - 3rd/4th Calais Girls Basketball game @ Calais (Time TBD)
2/5 - 5th/6th Calais Boys Basketball game @ Calais (6:30pm)
2/5 - 5th/6th Calais Girls Basketball game @ Calais (5:00pm)
2/8 - Winter Carnival
2/8 - 3rd/4th Calais Boys Basketball game @ Calais (11:30am)
2/8 - 3rd/4th Calais Girls Basketball game @ Calais (12:30pm)
2/10 - Washington Central Allies and Caregivers of LGBTQIA++ Children Group Meets @ U-32
2/11 U-32 Transition Night for Rising 7th Graders
2/12 - 5th/6th Calais Boys Basketball game @ Berlin (6:30pm)
2/13 - Friends of Calais Meeting
2/15 - 3rd/4th Calais Boys Basketball game @ Calais (1:00pm)
2/15 - 3rd/4th Calais Girls Basketball game @ Calais (12:00pm)
2/17 - Coffee & Conversations with the Supertendendent
2/17 - 5th/6th Calais Boys Basketball game @ Calais (6:00pm)
2/17 - 5th/6th Calais Girls Basketball game @ Calais (5:00pm)
2/20 - 3rd/4th Calais Boys Basketball game @ Berlin (5:00pm)
2/20 - 3rd/4th Calais Girls Basketball game @ Berlin (6:00pm)
2/21 - We Love Winter Break Dance
Sign Ups and Donations for Winter Carnival!
If you are interested in signing up to help with a station or donating towards the Winter Carnival, please sign up here.
Spaghetti Dinner Raffle - Save the Date/Reservation Form
These forms are being sent home in the Friday folders this week but if you need a new one, please email Danielle at dmackay@u32.org!
New Group : Washington Central Allies and Caregivers of LGBTQIA++ Children
Washington Central allies and caregivers of children exploring and/or identifying LGBTQIA++
(not our official name!)
The SECOND MONDAY every month--- 5-6:30pm.
Beginning February 10th
Location: Room 128 at U-32
We invite all district members with children (preK-12) in their care or in a caring relationship with kids who are or are exploring their gender expression.
Sometimes the health and well-being of our kids is hampered by the social expectations we have all been taught-- about what to expect from boys and girls.
As adults we carry our upbringing of such expectations AND we adore our kids who may be breaking up with those very ideas.
This group welcomes conversations about how our kids are declaring who they are, defying expectations, how our kids love pink or don't, play with trucks instead of dolls, wear dresses instead of pants, or both, love everyone and sometimes do not receive such open heartedness from others.
What do we do about pronouns, bullying, our own 'coming out' as adults who love and adore kids who tell us they are questioning how they fit in the world? What about LGBTAQ++ and non-binary? Wondering about gender and as age appropriate, growing into social and emotional intimate interests?
We want to create a place to share experiences and resources guided by Shelley Vermilya, district equity scholar and gender studies educator, and parents.
Looking forward to meeting you!
Please send questions and RSVP
Shelley Vermilya svermilya@u32.org
Calais Parent Advisory Team
If you are interested in helping to plan events for our school and our students, please feel out this Calais Advisory Interest Form. We want to continue to do big things for our students, including events big and small, but we need help! If you are interested in helping to plan these events, please feel out the form.
We Love February Break Dance
Save the date for the "We Love February Break Dance" happening on February 21, 2025. More details to come soon!
Calais Cougar Online Merchandise Store
Check out the online Calais Cougar store and find the perfect gift for the Cougar in your life. Shirts, sweatshirts, hats, sweatpants, bags, even sandals are just some of the items you can get as a gift. This store is sponsored by the Friends of Calais and part of the proceeds benefit their incredible programs. Check the link below and order today!
Open Gym Soccer, Anyone?
If you think your student would be interested in indoor open soccer, please let Mr. Weiss know. We want to see how many students would be interested.
Backpack Program
Dear Calais Families,
We will be starting the Backpack program soon here at Calais Elementary School for families. The program is designed to provide families with children who attend Calais, the necessary food and clothing that they may need throughout the school year. Food and Gift bags will be dispensed in a discreet and caring manner. This program runs the full school year on a weekly basis with exception to student breaks and summer. This includes winter clothing, Thanksgiving and Christmas presents, in addition. There is no cost associated with this program. If you wish for your child to participate in the program, please sign below and return this letter to the school in your child's folder or drop it off at the Main Office by next Friday. Thank you and please let us know if you have any questions or any needs for your child at any time.
Feel free to email me at rfrisenda@u32.org or call 802-454-7777 ext 105 at any time.
Ruth Frisenda
School Counselor
Calais Elementary School
January Menus
Family Handbook
Please review the 2024-2025 Family Handbook. This handbook spells out procedures, guidelines, expectations, and list of resources. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Weiss.
Volunteer Opportunities
One of our goals this year is to engage with our community, not just parents and families, but the larger Calais community. This school is part of the community and we want the community to come and be part of CES.
You may want to volunteer in the classroom, help us coordinate activities or chaperone trips, tap into a talent to teach our students, or generally be available to help where needed. We will welcome you all to Calais!
Work continues on the details for the Calais Volunteer Program as there are a few moving pieces that need to be completed, but we want you to let us know of your interest. Please put your name on our list by filling out the Volunteer Program Form.
Message from the Central VT Solid Waste Management District
Central VT Solid Waste Management District (CVSWMD) is a 19-member union municipality (which includes Calais Township) with a mission to provide leadership, education and services for residents and businesses in reducing and managing their solid waste, including recyclables, trash, food scraps, household hazardous waste, etc.
The CVSWMD newsletter is a great way to stay apprised of the latest updates for managing the solid waste in your life!
Download the January 2025 issue here: https://myemail.constantcontact.com/Christmas-Tree-Disposal--FREE-String-Light-Recycling--and-New-Year-s-Day-Closure-.html?soid=1102176317481&aid=4yR1DDbid64
Sign up to receive the newsletter here: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/Octq5NZ/CVSWMDnewsletter
Have a question? Submit it here: https://www.cvswmd.org/contact-us.html
Food Assistance for Families
Links and Resources
Type in your zip code or county to find different resources in your area!
To help with essentials
Vermont Family Support Programs
Free VIRTUAL Parent Education Programs & Support Groups for Vermont Parents!
Free online Parent Education Programs to any parent/caregiver in Vermont who wants support and/or to learn new parenting skills.
Do you or someone you know want to learn more about the programs we offer?
Visit our website at: www.pcavt.org/family-support-programs,
email us at familysupport@pcavt.org or
call 1-800-CHILDREN
Nurturing Parenting®,
Strengthening Families Programs &
Circle of Parents®
Curriculum-based, parenting education programs for families experiencing stress.
Upcoming Parent Education Programs:
All programs are offered virtually and FREE!
Programs are 2 hours per week for 14-18 weeks
Nurturing Program® for Families in Substance Use Treatment & Recovery
Mondays at 5pm starting January 6th
Thursdays at 10am starting January 9th
Wednesdays at 5pm starting February 19th
Tuesdays at 5pm starting March 11th
Strengthening Families Program with Children Birth -3
Wednesdays at 1pm starting January 15th
Strengthening Families Program for Families with Teens
Tuesdays at 1pm starting January 7th
Thursdays at 1pm starting January 30th
Nurturing Skills™ for Families -
Thursdays at 1pm starting January 9th
Mondays at 6pm starting January 20th
Tuesdays at 10am starting February 4th
Wednesdays at 6pm starting February 5th
Mondays at 5:30pm starting January 13th
Tuesdays at 5:30pm starting January 28th
Upcoming Circle of Parents Support Groups:
Circle of Parents® is a network of professionally facilitated, peer-led, self-help support groups for using a strengths-based
approach and a shared leadership model.
All Circles are offered virtually and FREE!
Circles meet weekly for 60-90 minutes and are ongoing
*Participants may join anytime
Postpartum & Pregnancy Circle of Parents
2nd and 4th Monday of the month at 10am via zoom
Mondays 8pm
Circle of Parents of Children with Special Needs
Tuesdays at Noon via zoom
Circle of Parents for Adoptive Parents
1st Wednesday of month at noon via zoom
Postpartum & Pregnancy Circle of Parents
1st Wednesday of the month at 5pm in St. Johnsbury
Thursdays 515pm
Postpartum & Pregnancy Circle of Parents
3rd Friday of the month at 1pm in Newport
Reach out to familysupport@pcavt.org for more information