Tamarack Elementary
News from the Lodge January #1
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Welcome Back & Happy 2024!
Hello Tamarack Families,
I hope everyone enjoyed a break filled with equal parts of laughter and rest! Welcome Back! I also want to welcome many new families to our community. We are excited to get to know you and support your school year! Our Office Manager and I took a drive through our boundaries during the break, noticing all the development taking place. I feel confident as the year progresses we will continue to grow, we appreciate your patience and support in the process during this first year of Tamarack!
Below you will find coming events, I hope our Kinder and 1st grade families can attend the social on the 19th this month; more to come in other grades as the year progresses. Big thank you to our Tamarack Community Group for organizing this as well as our Chick-fil-A fundraiser on the 25th. You can follow us on: https://www.facebook.com/tamarackcommunitygroup Please consider attending our next Tamarack Community Group meeting on January 11th at 5:30 pm- we need your help creating more opportunities to gather and create our shared story.Cheers to a Happy New Year together!
HSD Volunteer Application
An online application providing users with the ability to submit applications to volunteer in the Hillsboro school district schools. Request are subject to a successful background check based on information provided within this application.
Play Fit Fun!
State Testing Information
We start state testing with the ELPA (English Language Proficiency Assessment) in late February. Below are a list of the tests and a brief description. State Testing has no affect on your child's grades or progression through the grades, it provides the school with information on progress and areas to target for our growth and delivery of academic services. You can find more information here: Oregon Department of Education Statewide Assessments. Your child's teacher will let you know in advance so you can help support their test times by ensuring they get enough sleep the night before, have an hour off screens before bedtime, bring their water bottle to school and eat breakfast either at home or when they arrive here at Tamarack. We will ensure a stress-free, comfortable space that will support your child’s best efforts. You can also opt your child out of testing, please see the following form to do so: Opt Out State Testing Form. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to reach out, we are here to help!
Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) English Language Arts (ELA) & Math. The SBA is given to all 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade students. The ELA portion will focus on reading, listening, researching and writing. Math is a separate test and will focus on problem solving, communicating reasoning as well as general math fluency (automaticity of math facts and procedures). If you have questions regarding this assessment please contact me, Christy Walters waltersc@hsd.k12.or.us.
Additionally, the Oregon State Assessment of Science (OSAS) is provided to 5th grade only will touch on Physical, Life and Earth Sciences.
English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA):The ELPA measures and reports on students' English language proficiency in reading, writing, speaking, listening, and comprehension. All students who receive English Language Services, have a first language other than English, take the ELPA. IF you have questions regarding the ELPA, please contact Christine Goldmann, EL Specialist goldmanc@hsd.k12.or.us she can provide more information.
CSE (Comprehensive Sexuality Education) Lessons Calendar
You recieved an email, earlier this school year as well as mailer regarding CSE lessons for 23-24SY. With so many new families, I want to reshare our calendar. If you have any questions, don't hestitate to email or call. It is your choice to opt your student out of all, some or one of the lessons. We work hard to create a supportive enviroment delivering developmentally appropriate lessons focused on safety. As a parent/guardian, we encourage you to learn more about our K-12 Comprehensive Sexuality Plan and teaching materials. To make this as easy as possible, we have posted documents on our Comprehensive Sexuality Education Plan website that outline the standards, curricula, and instructional materials used at each.
Inafuka & Tellez: April 22- May 3
Morris & Lopez Todd: April 15- April 26
Chun, Angal & Siebert: October 2-October 12 -completed; students who opted out, did not receive these lessons.
Jones: March 11- March 22
Scheafer: March 4- March 15
Byrne: March 11- March 22
Dates and Invites!
- Vaccine Event @ Century School-Based Health Center January 8th 8:30am-4pm (will again 1/22 and 1/29)
- Black Village Family PAC Meeting January 8th@ 6pm
- Coffee w/ the Principal January 11th @ 8:10, check in at the front office, Room 126
- Tamarack Family Group Meeting January 11th @ 5:30pm Library
Reunión virtual de padres latinos *Latino Virtual Parent Meeting on Google Meet
https://meet.google.com/uqr-onug-mgk jueves 11 de enero @ 6:30pm
NA/AN Drum Class Resumes on Wednesdays beginning Jan 10 I 6:00-7:00 pm I HSD Admin Center Room TBD I This class is for anyone interested, not just beginners.
Native American PAC Meeting Janury 17th @ 6pm (dinner) meeting @ 6:30pm
- No School, in celebration of the work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. - January 15th
- Kinder/1st grade Family Social January 19th @ 5:30pm in our Tamarack Cafeteria! Come meet your child's classmates and their family!
- Chick Fil-A Night! Janaury 25th 5pm-8pm -come raise some funds with us!
Report Cards for the first semester are mailed home the week of February 6th
Here is a link to the full school calendar: