Duncan Dispatch
December 20th
Happy Holidays from Our Family to Yours!
Wellness Week January 6 - 10
D.E.C.O Parent Group
Boys Night Out!
Kalahari Fundraiser Monday: February 17, 2025
Calendar of Events
Year at a Glance
- 8th: ATG Meeting @ 3:50pm
- 13th: Student Council Meeting @ 8am
- 15th: Yearbook Group Picture Day
- 15th: Bagel Day
- 16th: DECO Meeting in the Media Center @ 6:00pm
- 17th: DECO Family Bowling Night @6pm
- 20th: NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- 29th: ATG Meeting @ 3:50pm
- 31st: Rink Night @5pm
- 5th: Kindergarten Open House @ 7:00pm
- 7th: DECO Mother-Son Event @6pm
- 10th: Student Council Meeting @ 8am
- 12th: Bagel Day
- 12th: ATG Meeting @ 3:50pm
- 12th: DECO Meeting in the Media Center @ 6:00pm
- 17th-21st: NO SCHOOL - Mid-Winter Break
- 17th-18th: Kalahari Night
- 26th: Rink Night @5:30pm
- 5th: ATG Meeting @ 3:50pm
- 12th: DECO Meeting in the Media Center @ 6:00pm
- 17th: Student Council Meeting @ 8am
- 21st: Half Day of School - End of Marking Period
- 24th - 28th: NO SCHOOL - Spring Break
- 4th: DECO Sweetheart Dance @ 6:00pm
- 9th: DECO Meeting in the Media Center @ 6:00pm
- 18th: NO SCHOOL - Good Friday
- 30th: Rink Night @5:30pm
- 8th: DECO Meeting in the Media Center @ 6:00pm
- 15th: Author's and Artist @ 5:00pm
- 26th: NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
- 30th: Duncan Fest @ 5:00pm
- 4th: Bagel Day
- 10th: Half Day of School - Dismissal at 12:04pm
- 11th: Half Day of School - Dismissal at 12:04pm - LAST DAY!
Community Opportunities
Previous Duncan Dispatch
Job Opportunities for the 2024-2025 School Year
A number of Utica Community Schools employment opportunities are anticipated to be available for the 2024-2025 school year. This includes but is not limited to professional positions, paraprofessional, bus driver, food services, school age childcare, trades, mechanics, and other important support work. District personnel serve as excellent ambassadors for the organization and are encouraged to promote the UCS employment website to persons interested in being part of the UCS team. Related resources include:
- The district general employment website can be found at https://uticak12.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx. Interested persons must follow the described process for each position.
- In addition to the general employment website, some position postings are additionally and/or separately distributed internally within the organization to promote or foster interest from existing staff who may not be regularly reviewing the website.
- EDUStaff opportunities please visit https://www.edustaff.org/.
The Community at Richard J. Duncan Elementary School is devoted to academic excellence. Sound instructional strategies will provide our students with a foundation of skills that will prepare them for lifelong achievement in a global society.
Mrs. Amy Mujkic - Assistant Principal
Mrs. Kelly Salter - Administrative Assistant
School Hours: 9:00am - 3:50pm (Doors Open at 8:50am)
Half Day Hours: 9:00 am - 12:04pm
Office Hours: 8:30am - 4:30pm
Office Phone: 586-797-4600
Absence Line: 586-797-4699 (For KDG - 6th Grade Only)
Early Childhood Phone: 586-797-4660
Website: Duncan Elementary / Homepage (schoolwires.net)
Location: 14500 26 Mile Road, Shelby Township, MI, USA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UCSDuncan