Tiger Prints
Winfield School District 34
Where Learning is Personal
Friday, January 10, 2025
From the Principal
Welcome back! We're excited to have our students return after winter break, ready to tackle the second half of the year. January brings plenty of opportunities for growth and connection, with girls' basketball, drama, energy club, and chess club all beginning. It's fantastic to see students involved in activities that help build their skills, teamwork, and confidence.
As a reminder, our long-standing policy does not allow goody bags with food. This is a crucial step to ensure the safety of all our students, especially those with allergies. Thank you for supporting this policy and helping us maintain a safe and inclusive environment for everyone.
We are kicking off with MAP testing, an important time to assess progress and guide learning for the rest of the year. Our 8th graders are also beginning to prepare for their next steps, with information about high school coming their way. We have our 8th grade Springfield day trip on May 2, 2025. It's an exciting time for all!
Thank you for your partnership as we dive into the new semester. Here's to a fantastic January
Food Distribution Policies and Guidance
At Winfield District 34, the safety and well-being of all students is a top priority, especially for those with potentially life-threatening allergies. To ensure a safe and inclusive environment, we have clear policies in place regarding food distribution:
• Birthdays and Classroom Parties: Per the Teacher/Parent Handbook, food cannot be brought to school for birthdays or classroom parties. This policy is essential to preventing exposure to allergens and ensuring the safety of all students.
• Allergy Plan Packet and Emergency Action Plan provide specific precautions and response procedures to address allergy-related emergencies. These ensure that we are prepared to act swiftly and effectively if the need arises.
Don't Forget to Sign up for Chess Club! Session I 2nd-4th Grade starts 1/14
Registration Link: https://www.elitechess.net/winfield
Geography Bee
Great job to all 10 of our finalists from 4th-8th grade. The school level competition was this Friday, January 10th and featured questions on the United States as well as the world. Continue to be curious, look at maps, and find ways to connect Geography to your life.
The winners of the 2024-2025 school year Geography Bee are: 7th Grader Josh Horan -1st Place,
5th Grader Izzy Lacerna -2nd Place
Upcoming Events
PTO & WEF News
Lou Malnati’s Pizza Sale Forms Due Today
Order forms for the Lou Malnati's Pizza sale are due today! If you did not send your form back to school, please contact Jessica Cook today (jessicaf1984@yahoo.com / 630-391-1323). Certificates will be delivered via student backpacks the first week of February and prizes will be awarded for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place sellers! Students that sold 10 or more pizzas will have a movie & popcorn party soon!
Cook’s Night Out
Our next Cook’s Night Out event will be at Culver’s in Wheaton (908 E. Roosevelt Rd) on Wednesday, January 15th. The event will be from 5-8 p.m. and our school will receive 10% of ALL sales during that time. No flyer necessary! Our Winfield Tiger mascot will be making an appearance from 6-6:45 p.m! Hope to see you there!
Trivia Night: January 11, 2025, 6-10:30 p.m. American Legion Post 76: 570 S Gary Ave, Carol Stream
We are excited for Trivia Night TOMORROW NIGHT! There’s still time to join in the fun, Purchase your tickets here! Doors open at 6:00 p.m. and trivia will begin at 7:00 p.m. We’ll be holding a raffle with several great prizes up for grabs. Check out the prize list here! In addition to being able to buy tickets with cash at the event, you can also pre-purchase your tickets now using Zelle! Even if you can’t attend the event in person, you can still participate in the raffle by purchasing tickets in advance! It’s a great way to get in on the fun and support a good cause, all while having a chance to win some amazing prizes! Click here to purchase Trivia Night Raffle Tickets. Raffle ticket orders using this form need to be placed by 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, 1/11 if you’d like to participate! If you have any questions, email Kelly at: winfieldpto@winfield34.org
Bingo Night is back!
Join us on Friday, January 31st from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the Winfield Central Cafeteria for an evening of Bingo. This is a Family Fun event--all students must be accompanied by an adult. This event is FREE to attend and there will be candy prizes for the winners! Questions? Contact Angie Adams (ang1404@yahoo.com).
Box Tops
We are so close to hitting our goal of earning $300 for our school through Box Tops this school year! Don’t forget to scan your receipts to check for box tops. There are many great bonuses this month! Let’s keep scanning and earning!
Tiger Run-Save the Date!
We hope you will join us for this year’s Safari-themed Tiger Run 2024 on Sunday, May 19th. More information coming soon--mark your calendars!
2025 Tiger Run Committee Forming Now: Please reach out to Emily Alanis: emily.w.alanis@gmail.com/847-721-5487 (2025 Tiger Run Lead) if you are interested in being a part of this year’s committee. Tiger Run is a great way to start working with PTO and WEF, as we can find a committee role that fits your time availability and interests. Tiger Run is the Winfield Education Foundation and PTO’s largest fundraising event of the year and we are excited to continue working towards our goal to support the updating of our Preschool Area Outdoor Playground.
Thanks for your support!
Kelly Kurzer, PTO President
Mary Campbell, PTO Vice President
Lesley Gena, WEF President
Gina Christensen, WEF Vice President
Primary Team News
The students in primary are currently reading the Monarch Books in their classrooms. There are 20 books that are put on the Monarch list to encourage kids to read critically. The students will then vote on their favorite book and the winning book will be chosen. We will see if our vote matches what other students in Illinois chose!
Intermediate Team Ideas
To kick off the new year, third graders spent the week reviewing ELA and math skills as well as writing goals for this year. The students chose one word to focus on and described how they will reach this goal. We also began a new unit in social studies on economics. Students in 3/4 Brach have come back, and we reviewed expectations and routines. We used a frayer model to define our key vocabulary words from our novels The One and Only Ivan and Number the Stars. The students found the sentence the word is used in, used context clues to figure out the definition of the word, and they then used the definition to come up with 3 antonyms and synonyms for the word. Students also learned how to use text evidence to come up with the tone/mood of a story. Both classes also worked on using the hard/soft c and g to spell and decode words. In 5th grade this week, students reflected on 2024 and made personal and academic goals for the rest of this school year to set themselves up for success. They also wrapped up their science unit on ecosystems, creating a review guide with important terms and overarching ideas from the unit to study from before their test next week.
Middle School Messages
Spanish - We’re starting off the new year strong in Spanish class! The 8th graders began this new year reviewing stem-changing verbs through a friendly game of Battleship or batalla naval! Now, they are moving on to learning the vocabulary of the different parts of a house. The 7th graders are reviewing the verb ir and will be learning how to form their own questions. The 6th graders, in the meantime, will be learning how to talk about the weather.
Language Arts -Welcome back, Middle School families! It’s been a busy first week back as we head into the weighty beginning of 2025. We are MAP testing this week. Make sure to get a good nights sleep before your test and eat a healthy breakfast so you can come fully energized! In Language Arts we’re back to a novel unit, reading in 6th, A Wrinkle in Time. In 7th, we’re reading Unbound. And in 8th, we’re reading either Uglies, or Romeo and Juliet. It’s going to be a fun term!"
Athletics and Clubs
Drama Club
The rehearsing portion of our season has officially begun! Drama families, please make sure to check your email for news and updates! Actors and Actresses, memorize those lines!