The CPES BobChat
June 2, 2024
Sederis Ford-Brooks
Fifth Grade Spanish Teacher
Carrie Missaggia
Third Grade English Language Arts
Michelle Barnes
Fifth Grade English Language Arts
Who's New at Cherry Park for Next Year? (Part 2)
Last week we introduced some of our new faculty members. Emma Grow will be a first grade English language arts teacher with the French team. Ashby Huckabee will be a fourth grade English language arts teacher with our Spanish team. Michelle Preston will be our new Literacy Coach. Here are three additional hires and changes. 1. Sederis Ford-Brooks--Her name may be familiar to you because Ms. Brooks is currently our receptionist. She is a fluent Spanish speaker and has taught Spanish from 6th grade to 12th grade in Arizona, in the Grand Cayman Islands and in Charlotte area. She will be our new fifth grade Spanish teacher replacing Norma Vargas from last fall. She is already part of our school family and we are excited for her to shift to this new position. 2. Carrie Missaggia--Mrs. Missaggia is going to move from fifth grade English language arts to third grade English language arts. She has served as an assistant in third grade and has also done a long term leave in third grade previously. She will team with Sra. Canteli who teaches Spanish. (She is taking Ms. Broughton's position because Ms. Broughton will be going back to school next year to become a Speech Pathologist.) Mrs. Missaggia has been highly effective in all the positions she has held and she will be a great fit in third grade. 3. Michelle Barnes--Mrs. Barnes will be our new fifth grade English language arts teacher in place of Mrs. Missaggia. She has been a fifth grade teacher in Rock Hill Schools for 23 years and brings so much experience to our school. Both she and Mrs. Missaggia have perspective about our program because they are moms of language immersion students. We look forward to her joining our school family as well.
It is a blessing to have highly qualified teachers in our school. It is a privilege and honor for me to serve alongside educators who are passionate about children and our mission to develop bilingual, biliterate and bicultural students. They, like you, are committed to ensuring our school is a great place for teaching and learning. It takes all of us to make a difference in our children.
Strength and Blessings,
Mr. Maness
Please do not park in the Sullivan Auditorium Lot Monday through Wednesday.
Sullivan will have their recognition programs in the AM on those days this week.
Notes and Reminders
1. Medication Pick Up--Please be sure to pick up all medications from Nurse Love by the last day of school. Any medications left at school will be disposed of after the last day.
2. Field Day--Field day is coming! The K-2nd Field Day will be Tuesday, June 4 and the 3rd-5th Field Day will be Wednesday, June 5. The volunteer link is now closed because we have filled all our slots. Only volunteers will be allowed to attend field day because each volunteer is pre-screened by the district. This process keeps your children safe as they play and enjoy the day with their teachers and friends. Parent volunteers should park over at the parking lots at Cherry Park (the park). You may want to send your child with a change of clothes because some of our games are water games where they will get wet.
3. Additional Yearbooks--All yearbooks that have been pre-ordered will be distributed to students by tomorrow. (Most of our upper grades have already gotten theirs.) We have a limited number of yearbooks that will be available for purchase starting Tuesday, 6/4 at 7am. First come, first serve! Cost is $30.00 for softcover and $35.00 for hardcover. Cash/checks only and must have correct change.
4. All Library Book are Due--Notices were sent home with students that have books on their Destiny accounts this past week. Please return all library books as soon as possible. If a student has lost a book, please contact Dr. Austin at jbaustin@rhmail.org. Each lost book situation will be evaluated on an individual basis depending on the age and condition of the book. Do not send money for lost books unless you have communicated with Dr. Austin. Please communicate by email.
5. Summer Reading Rainbow Challenge--This summer, have FUN FUN FUN and READ READ READ! Check off each fun reading activity on the summer reading bookmark you receive during the last weeks of the 23-24 school year.
Turn it in to the library for a small prize and a chance to win a back-to-school book basket in August. Please return the bookmark with each activity checked off as well as your full name and next year's teacher's name on it. If you don't include that information you will not be able to get a prize.
In case you miss getting a bookmark or misplace it, here is a link to our website where you can download a copy if needed.
6. Be Great Academy Signups for Fall--Our Be Great Academy After School Program is now enrolling students for the fall. You can go go the following link to find out more information and to sign up: https://begreatacademy.org/register-login/ You can also click on the button below.
7. Absence Documentation--You can email excuses for absences or send questions about attendance to the following email address: mailto:CPAbsenceDocumentation@rhmail.org Mrs. Janelle Miskelly is the person in our office who now handles all attendance coding in PowerSchool.
School Calendar
June 3-5--Please Refrain from Parking in the Sullivan Auditorium Lot until after 11:00
June 4--K, 1st and 2nd Grade Field Day (8:30-12:00)
June 5--3rd, 4th and 5th Grade Field Day (8:30-12:00)
June 6--Half Day for Students (Dismissal at 11:15)/Last Day of School
Parent Organizations
Parent Teacher Organization--This group has three main goals: Raising funds for the school, appreciating the staff and securing volunteers as needed. The Cherry Park PTO is a 501c3 tax deductible organization. Meetings are held at Cherry Park on the second Monday of each month at 6:30 PM (right after the SIC meetings.) All parents are invited to attend. All financial records are distributed and updated at each month's meeting. Officers this year are Amanda Winters (President), Emmanuel Daniel (Vice-President), Celia Kerr (Secretary) and Shannon Martin/Caroline Stubbs (Co-Treasurers). We appreciate all of our sponsors (above) who contributed to our Bobcat Dash this year.
Previous Newsletters for 23-24 School Year
"Who's New at Cherry Park? (Part 1)" May 26, 2024 https://secure.smore.com/n/c0pnvt
"What's the Best Mindset for the End of the Year?" May 19, 2024 https://secure.smore.com/n/982jh
"What's Important This Month at Cherry Park?" May 12, 2024 https://secure.smore.com/n/jbpqt0
"What Do I Appreciate about Our Staff?" May 5, 2024 https://secure.smore.com/n/kmgp8
"Why Do Performances Matter?" April 28, 2024 https://secure.smore.com/n/8zxke
"What Do Tests Really Tell Us?" April 21, 2024 https://www.smore.com/n/zb6px
"How Can We Change Our Children's Mindsets about Tests?" April 14, 2024 https://www.smore.com/n/a3p4t
"What Field Trips Are Close By?" April 7, 2024 https://www.smore.com/n/v2xga
"Why Are Field Studies So Important?" March 24, 2024 https://www.smore.com/n/cnw5j
"What's the Difference between Reacting and Responding?" March 17, 2024 https://www.smore.com/n/491bh
"How Is Reading a Game Changer?" March 10, 2024 https://www.smore.com/n/evgx3u
"What Is Important about Read Across America Week?" March 3, 2024 https://www.smore.com/n/g4u3t
"What Do We Love about Language Immersion?" (Part 4) February 25, 2024 https://www.smore.com/n/e0n5g
"What Do We Love about Language Immersion?" (Part 3) February 18, 2024 https://www.smore.com/t49v3
"What Do We Love about Language Immersion?" (Part 2) February 11, 2024 https://www.smore.com/tqjb1
"Why Do We Love Language Immersion?" (Part 1) February 4, 2024 https://www.smore.com/x4dpg
"How Can We Inform Other Parents about Immersion?" January 28, 2024 https://www.smore.com/yswvf
"How Do We Help Children Do Hard Things?" January 21, 2024 https://www.smore.com/574bh
"What Did Martin Luther King, Jr. Say?" January 14, 2024 https://www.smore.com/1c2ze
"Can One Word Make a Difference This Year?" January 7, 2024 https://www.smore.com/p9n3v5
"How Can We Manage Expectations during the Holidays?" December 17, 2023 https://www.smore.com/ceswg
"How Can We Give the "Best Gift Ever?" December 10, 2023 https://www.smore.com/1p0kd
"How Can We Find a Silent Night?" December 3, 2023 https://www.smore.com/n/p2zes
"What Reminds Me to Be Grateful?" November 12, 2023 https://www.smore.com/pvds3
"Is It about the Grade or the Learning?" November 5, 2023 https://www.smore.com/4hkq0
"Who Made a Difference at the Bobcat Dash?" October 29, 2023 https://www.smore.com/wcqun
"What Do You Need to Know about Bobcat Dash?" October 22, 2023 https://www.smore.com/f19ry
"What Special Events are Coming Up?" October 15, 2023 https://www.smore.com/brvz5
"What's It Really Like at CPES?" October 8, 2023 https://www.smore.com/a7chr
"How Do We Respond to Safety Situations? Part 2" October 1, 2023 https://www.smore.com/k9uet
"How Do We Respond to Safety Situations? Part 1" September 24, 2023 https://www.smore.com/n4c67
"How Can I Volunteer at CPES?" September 17, 2023 https://www.smore.com/7v8ky
"What CRAzy Model Do We Use for Math Instruction?" September 10, 2023 https://www.smore.com/kfbg7
"What Do We Need to Know about Arrival?" September 3, 2023 https://www.smore.com/fc0kd
"Did You Know that a Bobcat 'ROARS?"' August 27, 2023 https://www.smore.com/0g7qv
"What Do We Need to Remember as We Start Back" August 20, 2023 https://www.smore.com/yrt38
logy Forms and Fees"--August 25, 2023 https://www.smore.com/72qcg
"How Can We Work Together to Keep Everyone Safe?" August 13, 2023 https://www.smore.com/6cbtm
"How Can Checklists Help You Start a New Year?" August 6, 2023 https://www.smore.com/0jyx61
"Who Are the Newest Hires and What Are the Latest Changes with Technology?" July 30, 2023 https://www.smore.com/z6qnp
"What's the Latest News at Cherry Park" July 16, 2023 https://www.smore.com/w9pth
"Challenger Be Great Academy Update" June 23, 2023 https://www.smore.com/8hqka
"What Staffing Changes Have Been Made at CPES?" June 18, 2023 https://www.smore.com/e0vr2