Vikan News
Vikan Knights, ARMOR Up!
Message from Principal Velez
In order for us to continue to improve our practice and better meet the needs of our Knights, we need your feedback. PLEASE take a minute to complete the survey below. The results of this survey will help us identify areas of growth so that we can continue to improve.
Thank you in advance for taking a minute to complete the survey below.[fAme7owyo7PrWQ7k9]
Principal Velez
Parent Teacher Conferences | October 10th
Please click HERE or on the link below to sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences. Please be aware that you will meet with your child's adviser for 20 minutes of undivided attention to discuss your Knight's progress.
You ONLY need to sign up with your Knight's advisor. HERE is the link to sign up. The link is also below.
Thank you!
Note from Our Clinic
If you have received a call from our Health Aid, Ms. Wertz, please do your best to keep your appointment. Our deadline will be October 24th, at which point we will have to send students home who have not been vaccinated or completed the exemption form.
Please help us keep our Knights in school by completing this important step.
Vikan Athletics Registration 2022-23 | BOYS BASKETBALL
These are the requirements for participation in athletics this year at Vikan Middle School: 1. Current Athletic Physical (normally they are good for up to 1 year) 2. Athletic Fee of $150 ($25 for Free and Reduced). Fees need to be paid by the start of the first practice on Tuesday, October 18th in order to participate. 3. Register on 27J Vikan Athletics Google Form: Vikan Athletics 2022-23 Registration
Boundaries Changes - Parent Input Needed
As a growing school district, it is necessary for us to consider frequent school boundary area adjustments. These changes help create adequate enrollment balance between schools and ensure a high quality and safe learning environment for your student(s).
We want to make you aware that our district is currently considering a boundary change that could impact our school’s enrollment. This proposed change, which wouldn’t take effect until the start of the 2023-2024 school year, is designed to balance large enrollment increases we are seeing in some of our middle schools.
As part of this boundary adjustment process, the district has identified three potential options that the district’s Facility Planning Advisory Committee will consider next month.
Your input in this process is important to us. We invite you to click here to learn more about these different boundary change options. Each of the options includes a map with the proposed attendance areas, school enrollment projections, and a general overview of the areas that would be included within the proposed attendance areas.
There is also a brief survey you can complete to offer input on your preferred boundary option.
Student Fees
STUDENT FEES are assessed every school year. If you have not paid your student's fees for the 2022 - 2023 school please log in to your Infinite Campus account for online payments. If you have not created an account with Infinite Campus please contact our office for your GUID access code.
If you need assistance with paying for student fees and qualify for free or reduced lunch, we encourage to apply. Click here to apply online.
ALL school fees must be paid before the end of the school year. Any students fees not paid will travel with the student with in the same district.
If you have any questions please call our office at 303-655-4050.
Upcoming Events
Free Dental Clinic | Sept. 27 - 30, 2022
Fall Sports Pictures | Sept. 16
Student Fall Picture Day | Sept. 20
Vikan Middle School
Location: 879 Jessup Street, Brighton, CO, USA
Phone: (303) 655-4050