Back to School Updates!
August 26 - 30, 2024
Welcome to the 24-25 School Year!
Hello Families!
I am so excited about this upcoming school year, and I hope you all are as well!
I know changes can be worrisome, especially so close to the beginning of the school year, but I want to assure our students and families that the staff here at SMS are prepped and ready for a great year. All of the things that make Stevenson wonderful are still in place. We're anxiously awaiting our students to come join us this week so we can get another incredible year underway!
I'm looking forward to seeing you all at Open House!
Mrs. Kasper
Open House - August 26, 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm
Open House will be from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm on Monday, August 26th.
Make sure you look up your schedule on Parent Connect or Student Connect. Take a screenshot so you can look at it while you're here! You will be able to meet your student's teachers and visit their classrooms. You won't be following a bell system, so you are free to go to the classes in whatever order you'd like!
All of our clubs and sports will be represented in the cafeteria, and you'll be able to sign up if you're interested.
You and your student will also be able to practice opening their locker! Locker tips can be found below.
A map of the building is included here, and will also be available at Open House.
We can't wait to see you!
Meet the Teacher Flyers
You'll be able to "meet" your teachers before Open House even happens!
Tomorrow afternoon, before Open House, I'll be sending out a document with all of our teachers' names. When you click on a teacher name, you'll get to learn about that teacher!
Keep an eye out on your email for that link tomorrow!
Student Schedules
While schedules have been released and are viewable on Parent Connect, please know that changes are still happening. Keep an eye on your student's schedule on Monday (Open House day), as changes may occur on that day.
The reason for the changes is that we are still hiring new staff and are working to ensure that our students get the best educational experience possible.
Hard copies of schedules will be handed out to students during 1st hour on the first day of school.
If a change happens after the first day of school, students will be called down to the counseling office to get a new copy of their schedule.
Thank you for your patience and understanding!
First Day of School Attendance Prize!
The first day of school is a 1/2 day. School starts at 7:50 am and dismisses at 11:00 am. Students will report to all of their classes. The schedule for the day is included above.
All students who are present on the first day will receive a raffle ticket. Raffle tickets will be drawn Tuesday afternoon, and winners will receive tickets for the whole family to attend the Detroit Tigers game on Wednesday, August 28th at 6:40 pm!
If your family is interested in attending, please complete the attached form with information necessary for the tickets to be transferred to you. Filling out the form does not guarantee a win, but it will make it much easier to contact those families that win!
Picture Day - Wednesday, August 28
Picture day will take place through ELA class on Wednesday. See order information below!
We love to have our families volunteer at our school. If you're interested in volunteering, please complete the volunteer documents included below. You can turn them in to the main office. Please be sure to bring a valid ID when turning in the volunteer forms.
Watch D.O.G.S Program Volunteer Opportunity
Watch D.O.G.S (Dads of Great Students) is a wonderful program that brings dads and other male family members into our school to be positive male role models to our students.
If you're interested in participating, please reach out to our program lead, Mr. Lorenzo Neely, at You'll need to complete the above volunteer paperwork as well.