The Falcon Flyer
Weekly News and Updates - Volume 4
Volume 4, Issue 34 - 5/3/2024
is the spring.
All things seem possible
in May."
- Edwin Way Teale
Welcome to May!
We were soooooo close to winning the attendance challenge, but finished as runner up. Thank you to all our students and families who went the extra mile to improve attendance, and extra special thank you to all our students who already attend school regularly. Our reading data shows that of the students who are reading at grade level, 80% attend school regularly (miss less than 10%). Of our students who are not reading at grade level yet, 80% are considered "chronically absent" (missing less than 10%). Congratulations to Paradise Hills Elementary who won this year's competition! Because of our incredible effort the Padres are still awarding us with one ticket per student/staff member and one adult per household! The game is on Memorial Day, Monday, May 27th at 1:10PM. Transportation will be available to those who need it. Stay tuned for details on how to reserve your spot! GO PADRES!
This week our 3rd-5th grade Falcons buckled down and took on the challenging English Language Arts CAASPP state tests. Those in 3rd and 4th grade who finished both sections are done for the year! Our 5th graders finish state assessments next week with the CAST (California Science Test) and the remainder of their fitnessgram PE tests. This assessment covers science standards from 3rd-5th grade.
Thank you to all the folks who showed up to Family Friday and Java with Jeff this morning. It was wonderful seeing the community come out to learn more about the progress we've made in reading this year and how to support reading at home. If you missed the Principal Friedenberg's presentation, you can view it here: Java with Jeff 5.3.24 (link).
Next week is Fletcher Team Appreciation Week. You may have heard it called Teacher Appreciation Week in the past, but all of us here on site are teachers. Some of us just don't have a classroom with four walls. Make sure to show your favorite Falcon Team members some love next week! If you'd like to have a shout-out published in next week's Flyer, email Principal Friedenberg at:
Yearbook Purchase Deadline May 9th
Mark Your Calendar - OPEN HOUSE
Student of the Week
This week's Student of the Week is Antoniya in Mrs. Wilson's 1st grade class. Antoniya is a rockin' reader. Not only does she read the words but she makes a picture in her head like a movie so she can understand facts and enjoy stories. She has put a lot of effort into improving her math. She is also a wonderful friend. Thank you, Antoniya, for being such an incredible Falcon by exemplifying what it means to be a leader at Fletcher Elementary School!
Leader In Me Learning at Home
Click the image to view the video.
Highlights from the Week
4th grade brought down the house with their instrumental music performance on Tuesday.
Say CHEESE for Promotion 📸
Intramural CoEd Soccer Kick-Off
💙💚 Love for Principal Friedenberg on Principal Appreciation Day 💙💚
Weekly Forecast
Looking Ahead
6-10 - Team Appreciation Week
8 - Minimum Day - Teacher Prep
15 -School Site Council & Instructional Leadership Team
20 - VAPA Day
22 - Minimum Day - Report Card Prep
23 - OPEN HOUSE (Times TBD)
27 - Memorial Day - No School
29 - Minimum Day - Report Card Prep
6 - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL (Minimum Day)
14 - Office Closes for Summer Vacation
Click the image above for the slide deck from October 20th's Family Friday Mathematics Presentation.
School Accountability Report Card
The School Accountability Report Card for Fletcher Elementary School is online via the above link or available as a hard copy in the front office.
Uniform Complaint Procedure - SDUSD
Fletcher Elementary School
Location: 7666 Bobolink Way, San Diego, CA, USA
Phone: (619)605-4600
Twitter: @FletcherSDUSD