Wildcat Buzz

January 24, 2025
Top Buzz
1. 2/08 - Penguin Plunge 2025 - Support the Williston Team by joining or donating
2. 2/13 - CVU 8th Grade Night at CVU
3. Save the Date - Big Basket Raffle - Saturday, March 29th
Mark Your Calendar
Important Upcoming Dates to Note
02/04 - WCS Grade 4 Chorus Concert, 6:30pm @WCS Auditorium
02/07 - Deadline to register for the Grades 1 & 2 Heart Challenge
02/13 - Williston Families as Partners Monthly Meeting, 8:30 - 10:30 @WCS
02/13 - CVU Family Night for 8th Graders
02/24 - Winter Break Begins
02/28 - Last chance to order a yearbook
03/05 - Welcome Back from Winter Break
Lunch Menu
Special Announcements & Notices
Join the Penguin Plunge and Support Williston Schools!
Mark your calendars for the Special Olympics Vermont Penguin Plunge on Saturday, February 8th, at the Burlington Waterfront! Students, staff, and parents/caregivers are invited to join the Williston Schools Wet Wildcats team or support us by making a donation. Our team is currently in 9th place, and we have raised $2130! We are aiming for first place and hope to raise $17,000!
All funds raised will benefit Special Olympics Vermont. Please help us make a splash for a great cause!
Join or Donate Here. To join our team click "join a team", scroll to Williston Schools Wet Wildcats and follow the prompts.
Any questions? Ask Mr. Marino (gmarino@cvsdvt.org) or Lynn Camara (lcamara@cvsdvt.org).
We hope to see you there!
Keep Scrolling for yearbook info, ABS Kid Heart Challenge details, and more
Be sure you see all there is to see...
Williston Rec, DAML, Community Events, Buzz at ABS, WCS Wildcat What's Up, Bus Information, WFAP & Four Winds, and more! Don't see it all? click VIEW ENTIRE MESSAGE at the end of your email
The Buzz at ABS
Kids Heart Challenge 2025
The Kids Heart Challenge is an event to support the American Heart Association. We will be doing our Kids Heart Challenge event this year at the Allen Brook School with the first and second graders in early February. The purpose of this event is to teach children about their own heart health while helping raise money to help others who have heart or stroke issues. The money raised goes to research, education, and support for people dealing with cardiovascular issues.
Resources from our ABS School Counselor
Parent Resources including:
Workshops - Therapy and Counseling - Support Groups
Information - and more
The WCS Wildcat What's Up
CVU 8th Grade Famiy Night - Class of 2029
To 8th Grade Parents, Caregivers, and Students of the Class of 2029
CVU Gym, Thursday, February 13th, 6:30-7:45 p.m.
This evening will provide you and your student an introduction to the academic and elective programs they will experience in the 9th grade. Parents, caregivers, and students will be welcomed by Interim Principal Katherine Riley, Core Director Anthony Spagnolo and the Student Council Quad-Presidents. Parents/caregivers will then join teacher panels while students will take part in group activities and presentations led by Student Council.
We are excited to welcome you all to CVU, and hope to see you all there!
Thursday, Feb 13, 2025, 06:30 PM
Champlain Valley Union High School, C V U Road, Hinesburg, VT, USA
Four Winds Nature Institute
This Year's Theme: Patterns in Nature
All Sorts of Insects (Sept.)
Leaves (Oct.)
Conifer Clues (Nov.)
Snowflakes (Jan.)
Track Detectives (Feb.)
Feathering the Nest (March)
Ferns and Fiddleheads (April)
Frogs and Toads (May)
Contact Four Winds
If you have any questions or would like to volunteer please contact: wsdfourwinds@cvsdvt.org.
Williston Families as Partners
Transportation - Food Service - Safety Team
Williston Schools Food Service
Williston Schools Safety Team
Click here for meeting highlights and updates throughout the school year
CVSD: School Board & DEI
CVSD School Board
CVSD Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Community Connections
Hello from the Dorothy Alling Memorial Library Youth Department! Find out more about programs at http://www.damlvt.org or by calling 878-4918.
Children in 5th grade and up may use the library unattended, while those in grade 4 or under must be supervised by a person over 16 years of age. For information on the Unattended Children Policy, see above or visit www.damlvt.org. Parents and guardians are encouraged to stop by or call 878-4918 to chat with a youth librarian about expectations and the library's after-school experience.
Littles D&D
Saturday, January 25, 1-2 p.m. A mini session of Dungeons & Dragons for children ages 6-8. No prior experience required. Please register each individual child that plans to participate! Adults should expect to stay and help their young campaigners.
Parenting Book Club
Monday, January 27, 5:30-6:30 p.m. The Parenting Book Club is resuming this month! Stop by the library to check out a copy of Hunt, Gather, Parent by Michaeleen Doucleff, PhD. and join in any or all of the monthly discussions through March – whether you’ve read one page or the whole book! For more information, visit our website.
This program is made possible by the Winnie Belle Learned Fund Grant.
Reading Adventure
Monday, January 27, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Suggested ages 6+. While adults meet in the Community Room for the Parenting Book Club, children ages 6+ can meet in the Youth Area for a reading adventure! This month, explore Japan with different stories, facts, and activities.
This program is made possible by the Winnie Belle Learned Fund Grant.
Tuesdays, 10:30-11 a.m. Join Bella for stories, songs, and rhymes. Geared toward preschoolers, but all ages are welcome.
Baby Time
Wednesday, January 29, 10:30-11 a.m. Suggested ages 0-18 months. Enjoy gentle bonding and socializing activities with your little one!
After School Snack Attack Book Chats
Wednesday, January 29, 2-3 p.m. Talk about your favorite books and enjoy light snacks.
Preschool Music & Preschool Playtime
Thursdays, 10:30-11 a.m. Sing and dance with Linda Bassick! Followed by preschool playtime from 11-11:30 a.m.
Teen Night: Food for Thought
Friday, January 31, 5-6 p.m. Ages 12-18. Join our teen advisory board and help us plan future events, volunteer opportunities, and more! You bring the thoughts, we bring the food.
Saturday Storytime
Saturday, February 1, 10:30-11 a.m. Drop in and start your weekend off with Cindy’s storytime!
Ice Rink- The Ice Rink at Village Community Park is now Open. Updates on closures and openings will be posted on Facebook, Instagram, and the Recreation website.
Summer Camps- The Camp information is at the printers. A Camp Guide is scheduled to be mailed to Williston homes the week of January 27. Registration opens for Residents on February 10, and Non-Residents on February 24. The Camp Grid and Camp Descriptions will be posted on the Recreation website the week of February 3.
Safe Sitters Course- A February Course has been added, limited spots left, Register Now! Safe Sitter® prepares teens in grades 6-8 to be safe when they’re home alone, watching younger siblings, or babysitting. The course offers four main content areas that teens will learn: Safety Skills, Child Care Skills, First Aid & Rescue Skills & Life & Business Skills. Lessons are filled with fun activities and role-playing exercises. Students get to practice choking rescue and diapering. Thursday, Feb, 27, 9:00a-3:00p. Instructor: Rec Staff. https://willistonvt.myrec.com/info/activities/program_details.aspx?ProgramID=29842
Driver’s Education- Ages 15-17. Orientation night and all group classes are in person. Attendance in all scheduled class sessions is required for successful course completion. Do not register if there are dates you cannot attend. Behind-the-wheel lessons will be scheduled individually. Must have a valid Vermont learner’s permit. Instructor: Epic Driving LLC. Spring & Summer Sessions are available at this time. https://willistonvt.myrec.com/info/activities/program_details.aspx?ProgramID=30337
Dangerous Girls- Age 14+. A practical self-defense class designed for teens and young women, with a combination of kickboxing and grappling. It’s fun, it’s social, and before you know if you’ll be able to kick butt. Instructor: ONTA Studio Staff. https://willistonvt.myrec.com/info/activities/program_details.aspx?ProgramID=30092
Ninja Kids Intro- Age 4-8 & 7-11. The play-based curriculum increases strength and self-confidence while moving meditation helps children manage their emotions and develop the connection between mental and physical well-being. Instructor: ONTA Studio Staff. Age 4-8- https://willistonvt.myrec.com/info/activities/program_details.aspx?ProgramID=30097
Age 7-11- https://willistonvt.myrec.com/info/activities/program_details.aspx?ProgramID=30206
Ninja Teens Intro- Age 9-15. The play-based curriculum increases strength and self-confidence while moving meditation helps children manage their emotions and develop the connection between mental and physical well-being. Instructor: ONTA Studio Staff
Pickup Table Tennis- Age 12+. The pickup program meets on Tuesday nights from 6:30-8:30p, October- May. You must register and pay online for the program before attending. Those between the ages of 12-16 must be accompanied by an adult 18+. https://willistonvt.myrec.com/info/activities/program_details.aspx?ProgramID=30311
Communication at Williston Schools
Communication with parents and caregivers is a key component in maintaining family engagement and support. Currently, every teacher/team and school communicates regularly in some way to families. Emails, blogs, newsletters, websites, and Facebook are a few of these methods. If you reach out to a person who works in the district, you can expect a response to your communication within two (2) school days (keeping in mind that weekends and the days school is not in session are not included). In the event that a response will take more time, district employees may acknowledge receipt of your email, call, or otherwise contact you with information about when they will be able to provide resolution to your request. Please remember that if you have a concern, please go to the person most directly involved first. You are also encouraged to use the CVSD Connect With Us page.
One-Click Information
Allen Brook School
Start Time @ 7:50am;
Dismissal for PreK & K at 2:25pm - grades 1 & 2 @2:30pm
Wednesday Early Dismissal @ 1:25 & 1:30
Williston Central School
Start Time @8:00am;
Dismissal grades 3 & 4 @2:35pm - grades 5-8 @2:45pm
Wednesday Early Dismissal @ 1:35 & 1:45
Resources for Families
- First Call - 488-7777: phone support, crisis intervention, assessment and referrals
- In Crisis: 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) (National Hopeline Network: USA)
- National Suicide Prevention Life line- 1-800-273-TALK (8255), call or chat online
- Crisis Text Line - text HOME to 741741 (24 hours a day, seven days a week)
- Outright Vermont - support for LGBTQ+ community
- UVM Breathe In Breath Out - How to deal with stress due to COVID-19
- Vermont 211 -Vermont database of resources and services
- Vermont Support Line (833) 888-2557) - peer support warmline open 24/7 - 365 for call or text
- Teen Crisis Text Line - Crisis Text Line provides free emotional support and information to teens in any type of crisis, including feeling suicidal. You can text with a trained specialist 24 hours a day. Text “HOME” to 741741.
- Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide - Website where you can find information to help yourself or a friend who may be having thoughts of suicide.
- Trevor Lifeline - 1-866- 488-7386 - provides suicide prevention and crisis intervention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) young people. It offers free, 24/7, confidential counseling. TrevorText—text START to 678-678; TrevorChat—instant messaging at TheTrevorProject.org/help. It also runs TrevorSpace, an affirming social networking site for LGBTQ youth at TrevorSpace.