Pioneer Press
September 13th
Message from Principal Fernandes
Lexia Power Up Literacy
This year, we are using a program called Lexia Power Up Literacy which is an internet-based adaptive program that accelerates literacy gains for students in grades 6–12 to meet College- and Career-Ready Standards. Rooted in the science of reading and proven to be up to five times as effective as the average middle school reading intervention, PowerUp enables students to make multiple years of growth in a single academic year.
Power Up is not just being used in ELA classes. Our science and social studies teachers are also making time 20 minutes a week for students to use Lexia to build skills. Your student can also access Power Up through the Clever portal at home for extra practice. Please contact your student’s ELA teacher if you have any questions.
Dear Pioneer Middle School Families,
We hope this message finds you well. As we work together to maintain a safe and supportive environment for all students, we want to remind our community of the importance of responsible communication.
While we understand that students may sometimes make jokes or comments without ill intent, it’s important to clarify that any remarks or jokes related to weapons or violence, regardless of context, will be taken seriously. These types of statements can cause unnecessary fear, disrupt the learning environment, and violate our school policies.
Please speak with your children about the importance of choosing their words carefully, both in person and online. Our priority is to ensure that Pioneer Middle School remains a safe place where every student feels secure and supported.
We appreciate your partnership in reinforcing this message and helping us create a positive, respectful school environment for all.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
JoAnne Fernandes
Principal, Pioneer Middle School
Sports Schedule
Cross Country meet @ Sellers Park in Dupont. The boys' race begins at 3 PM, Girls begin at 4 PM.
Boys' Soccer and Girls' Fastpitch continue to practice Monday - Friday from 2:45 PM - 4:45 PM
Club Schedule
Tuesday Clubs:
Art Club - Mrs. Palacios in room C126
Homework Club - Mrs. Hilton in the library
GSA - Mrs. Iglesias in room B105
After school transportation for clubs:
4:10pm Dupont ASA Bus Schedule
🍕 Weekly Lunch Menu
Online lunch payments
Use this link to make online lunch payments https://181a.edulnk.com/e/86fp9/qIumky?__$u__
🙌 Weekly Shout-Outs
Last week, the Pioneer ASB Officers tested their leadership skills by guiding their team members, piece by piece, through a Lego challenge. The goal of the challenge was to build a model as close to the provided diagram as possible. The struggle was that only the officer could see and use the diagram; however, they were not allowed to touch any bricks! Here are some photos of fun!
Pioneer MS Spirit Gear!
You can order online through Touchbase or return the order form & payment to Mrs. Ruby in the attendance office.
Touchbase link: https://181a.edulnk.com/e/86fp9/qIumky?__$u__
If a student is paying in person, see Mrs. Ruby before school, during lunch, or after school. No sales to students during class time.
Parents/Guardians, you may stop by to make a purchase in person between 7:40 a.m. and 3:15 p.m.
Go Pirates!!
🗓 Coming Up!
Fall Conferences October 22nd - 24th
During conference week, students will be on a half-day schedule, dismissed at 11:40 am
Conference Schedule:
Tuesday, Oct. 22nd
Teachers will conference with parents who request a one-on-one conference.
Wednesday, Oct. 23rd
Teachers will conference with parents who request a one-on-one conference.
Thursday, Oct. 24th
Teachers will hold "arena style" conferences in the gym. Teachers will sit at a table and parents/guardians can meet with whomever they choose to discuss their student. This is on a wait-for-the-teacher basis; no appointment is required. Hours will be 12:45 pm - 3:00 pm with a 1-hr break for teachers, and 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
More information to come!
Student IDs
Student IDs will be handed out next week during advisory (Wednesday).
Students should remember to bring their student ID to school daily because their other ID number is on their student ID. This is required whenever they check in at the attendance kiosk when arriving late to school or request an appointment with their counselor.