Central Elementary Bits and Bites
October 28th-31st
New Information:
Halloween at CES- Thursday, October 31st
Halloween Parade will be following morning announcements (7:50am) in CES gym.
Classroom parties for Prek4-6th Grade will be at 2:00pm
Halloween Costume Reminders:
Families, as we begin to prepare for our students' Halloween Costumes, please remember to keep them school appropriate. Students will not be able to dress in anything bloody or gory, and please refrain from bringing anything that represents a weapon. Students will need to change into regular school clothes after our Halloween Parade in the morning. Thank you!
CES Scholastic Book Fair will be open during conferences!
CES Conferences
Conferences are just around the corner! Please use the links below to sign up for your child's conference. Please remember our conferences are student led- please have your child with you so they can present their data, grades, and share their learning!
Conferences will be held on Wednesday, October 30th and Wednesday, November 6th.
*If you need help with scheduling your conferences, please call the elementary office.
Katie Brooks 3 Year Old PreK: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F44ABAF2CA0FEC52-51484307-katie
Erin Smith 4 Year Old PreK: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F44ABAF2CA0FEC52-51484405-katie
Annika Newby Kindergarten: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F44ABAF2CA0FEC52-51484407-katie
Lindsey Legako 1st Grade: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F44ABAF2CA0FEC52-51484406-katie
Stephanie Cook 2nd Grade: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F44ABAF2CA0FEC52-51484429-katie
Tammy Pippitt 3rd Grade: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F44ABAF2CA0FEC52-51484609-katie
Erin Blair 4th Grade: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F44ABAF2CA0FEC52-51484459-katie
Alisha Montgomery 5th Grade: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F44ABAF2CA0FEC52-51484454-katie
Crys Setzkorn 6th Grade: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F44ABAF2CA0FEC52-51484493-katie
This Week's CES News:
Habit of the Month:
CES News Links
A Message from Ms. Kelly
Family Contact Form
USD 462 Central App
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This Month's Menu
This Month's Calendar
Sunday, October 27th
Monday, October 28th
1st Day of Junior High Basketball Practice
Tuesday, October 29th
HS VB @ Dexter
Wednesday, October 30th
Central Elementary Conferences 4-7pm
Thursday, October 31st
CES Halloween Parade after morning announcements (7:50am)
CES Prek 4-6th Grade Halloween Parties at 2pm
HS FB Playoff
Friday, November 1st
State VB
Saturday, November 2nd
State VB
State Cross Country