Tiger Beat
North Elementary Newsletter | February 23
Scenes From The Week: 100th Day Celebrations
Important Upcoming Dates
- February 25: PTO Meeting at 6 PM in the library
- March 3-7: Read Across America Week
- March 11: All-District Strings Festival
- March 12: Early Release Day
- March 13: All-District Band Festival
- March 17: End of Trimester 2
- March 18: All-District Choral Festival
See the full Somerset Public Schools Calendar here.
Staff Member of the Week
Marissa Perry
Weekly Character Trait: Working As A Team
Take a look at the following resources to reinforce this skill at home and support your child(ren) with working as a team:
Coin Wars
Congratulations to the 3rd Graders who were this year's Coin Wars winners! They have earned a reptile assembly on a date TBD.
MCAS Schedule
Winter Recess Attire: Bundle Up!
A reminder that students go out to recess unless the temperature drops below 20 degrees or there is active precipitation, so please send students to school with warm winter coats.
Lost and Found
Take a peek to see if your child(ren) has lost any items!
February Lunch Menus
PTO News
The next PTO meeting is on February 25 at 6:00 PM in the library.
The NYC bus trip has been canceled due to lack of interest.
The PTO has a new North PTO Facebook page. Make sure to follow for info and updates!
News from the Health Office
A few reminders from Nurse Stephanie in our Health Office to help keep all of our students safe and healthy:
Students with active vomiting, diarrhea, open rashes, crusty/inflamed eyes, and/or temperature > 100 are asked to remain home from school.
Students may return from school when their temperature is < 100 for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication.
Illness Specific:
Strep: Students must be on antibiotics for 24 hours before returning to school, and they need a note to return.
Pink eye: Must be on antibiotics for 24 hours before returning to school.
Hand Foot Mouth: Fever-free for 24 hours and no open skin lesions. All areas must be scabbed/closed over
Vomiting/Diarrhea: May return when tolerating good amounts of food/water and no vomiting/diarrhea for 24 hours
Please do not send medication to school in your child’s backpack. Anything with an active ingredient is designated a medicine in school. This includes cough syrup, cough drops, ointments, nasal sprays, vitamin gummies, etc. If you would like to have any medications available for your child at school, please notify the Health Office.
Students after surgery, for hurt or broken limbs, sprains, strains, or any student with assistive devices (splints, casts, boots, crutches, etc.) must have a note to be in school as well as MD clearance or restrictions for recess/PE.
Please notify the Health Office if your child has RSV, Covid, Influenza, or Strep.
Grade 4 physicals are due to be updated! Please send in your student’s most recent physical if you have not done so already.
Children access their education in many ways. If you have received a vision or hearing referral for your student, follow up is strongly recommended so we can continue to provide our students with optimal experiences to strengthen their learning.