Wm. E. Hay Stettler Secondary
March Newsletter
Principal Message
For our Admin Team, March means we start planning for the new school year! We spend much of March focusing on course offerings and student registration for September. One might wonder why we need to start so soon, but it really is to ensure that we capture student requests and needs in our timetable. Once students select their courses, we build the timetable based on those requests and then staff around that. It is a complex process, but one that our team enjoys tackling each year. If you ever have a chance to visit my office, you will see "the board" - the master timetable - that organizes all 38 teaching staff, 15 support staff and all 670 students.
In the near future you will be getting information from the school regarding course selection and registration information. Rest assured you will be given a lot of resources to help make decisions about course selections and you can always contact us at the school for support.
Over the month of March, Student Learning Conferences will be taking place with Teacher Advisor (TA) teachers, for all grade 10 and 11 students, if they haven't been completed already. These are an opportunity to get to know your child's TA teachers and to talk about your child's success in school.
Included in this newsletter is the "Important Dates for 2024-2025" Document for your reference.
I would like to thank our School Council and Clearview Public Schools for the wonderful treats and meals during Staff Appreciation Week in February! We sign up to do this work because we love working with students, but it is always nice to know that those efforts are appreciated by our parents and community.
I encourage all parents to be reaching out to your child's classroom teachers at anytime if you have questions or concerns. That direct communication is so important for student success.
Take care,
Myranda Shepherd
Principal - Wm. E. Hay Stettler Secondary Campus and Stettler Outreach Campus
Grade 9 Camp will be Tuesday May 27 - Friday May 30
Camp Meetings take place each Tuesday during TA in the BiFlex.
Reminder Ski Trip Dates
Jr High Canyon - Thursday, March 6th
Nakiska - Friday, March 14th
News from the Outreach Campus
Semester Two came in with much colder weather! New courses have started for many of our students.
February was Teacher Appreciation Week. Many thanks to the Clearview Board for the basket of goodies and Wm. E. Hay school council for the enjoyable meal for the teachers.
In March we will have Spring Break -there is no school for students and staff. Spring Break for students starts with a staff PD day March 21 and then after the weekend spring break commences for everyone March 24- March 28 the school is closed and students will hopefully enjoy a relaxing fun-filled spring break. First day back at school on March 31. Hopefully everyone enjoys this break and the weather is good.
Penny from CARS has been coming into our school weekly to chat with our students about mental health. The students enjoy and learn so much from these presentations. Thank you Penny.
HYC - Heartland Youth Center continues to provide our students with great programs. We thank them for taking the time with our students. Students are learning about the Lean On program -which goes into teen mental health. Thanks again for everything you all do HYC!
With the new semester, if you have any questions or concerns, please connect with your teacher!
Students' Union Update by Julia Henderson
Hello from the Students Union!
February was a calm but awesome month! We had dress like your type day, where students came to school dressed as their type! We also had our annual crush pop sales, students could send a pop to their friends, best friends, or even their crush! Every year we enjoy having the crush pop fundraiser!
As the weather warms up and March begins, Students Union is excited for the last few final months of school ahead!
Grad Updates
Grad Pictures - Book your Time!
Grad Photography Dates: March 24th - 28th, 2025
Session Fee: $40.
We photograph a variety of full body/cropped images.
The sessions will be 30 minutes, and we will do formal cap/gown photos as well as casual photos. (ex. Jeans/Tshirt, Sports uniform, etc)
We highly suggest males bring a dress shirt and tie for formal photos and females wear v-neck or scoop neck top for formal photos. Unfortunately, we will not have shirts and ties for graduates to use.
The use of props provided by Lifetouch (roses, diploma scroll) is voluntary.
Graduates may also bring appropriate props to be included in their sitting. (ex. football, musical instrument, etc)
The website is officially open to book! Please find attached the grad flyer for your graduates and their families to sign up for the photos.
The booking link is https://prestigeportraits.ca
Grad Decorating Committee
Meetings will be held Friday's during lunch in Room 116.
Please bring your ideas and energy! Start looking for ideas and sending images to Mrs. Enyedy denyedy@clearview.ab.ca
Grad Ceremony Committee
Stay tuned for meeting dates and times in the memo and on Grade 12 Google Classroom.
School Council
Our School Council Meeting will take place on Tuesday, March 18th in Room 116 or virtually.
School Council
Tuesday, March 18 · 7:00 – 8:00pm
Time zone: America/Edmonton
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/cvq-sioc-bnk
Prior Meeting Minutes can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tjS4rgVivi0uvyzNM7lqjiC2ehOS9MwXAnneQp-tV88/edit?usp=sharing
School Council is a great way to stay up to date and ask questions about what is happening in our schools and to be able to ask questions and hear about all of the amazing things that happen in our school.
Wm. E. Hay Stettler Secondary Campus
Email: mshepherd@clearview.ab.ca
Website: https://wmehay.clearview.ab.ca/
Phone: 403 742-3466
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wmehay