The Weekly Panther
Carolina Forest High School ~ May 15, 2024

2024-2025 Back to School Assistance
The 2024-2025 School Calendar is Available Online! http://www.horrycountyschools.net/hcscalendar
Message from CFHS Nurses:
As the end of the year approaches, we wanted to reach out and let you know that if your child has ANY medication (including over the counter medications like Tylenol, Motrin, etc.) in the health office it will need to be picked up on or before June 5th. Per county policy, On June 6th we will have to destroy all remaining medications. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact nurse Jessica or I and we will help in any way we can.
For next year, if you would like your student to have medications available to them, please bring in an unopened bottle to the health office at the beginning of the next school year.
Have a Great Summer!
Upcoming immunization clinics and reminders for the 2024-2025 school year:
DHEC is offering clinics throughout May, June, and July 2024 for students in grades 5K-12 to receive vaccines that are needed to attend school.
Check out the flyer and visit www.horrycountyschools.net/immunizations for more info.
Call SC DHEC at 1-855-472-3432 to schedule a vaccination appointment or schedule an appointment with your child's healthcare provider to avoid the back-to-school rush if your child needs a well-visit or vaccine ahead of the upcoming school year.
Important Dates
15 ~ Powderpuff Football (see flyer below for more information)
15 ~ NJROTC Awards Ceremony
16 ~ Orchestra Concert
18 ~ Saturday Attendance Makeup School (see flyer below for more information)
21 ~ Jazz Band Concert in Auditorium at 6:00 pm
22 ~ Band Banquet in Cafe at 4:00 pm
27 ~ School Closed
4 & 5 ~ Underclassmen Exams, 2-1/2 Hour Early Dismissal, No Backpacks Allowed on Campus
5 ~ Last Day of School
5 ~ Graduation
17-20 ~ Basketball Camp (see flyer below for more information)
Upcoming Events in The Forest
Parents: Remind your students to plan ahead with this year’s #APExams schedule.
Learn more. http://spr.ly/6184kWH04
Questions, contact Ms. Corvino at jcorvino@horrycountyschools.net
There's only a couple of weeks left to purchase this year's yearbook. There is a limited supply left, so purchase your book before time runs out.
Go to jostens.com today
Registration for camp is done online.
Scan the QR code or go to http://cfhspanthers.com and link is found under Tickets.
Senior Attendance Makeup School
Important Reminders
Cafeteria Information
HCS Offering Free Meals For All Students In The 2023-2024 School Year.
All students in Horry County Schools will receive free breakfast and lunch during the 2023-2024 school year as part of the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program. Participation in this program eliminates the requirement for parents/guardians to fill out Free and Reduced Meal applications.
Students will still have the option to purchase additional meals, food & snack items, and beverages at à la carte prices. À la carte items can be paid for in cash or by prepayment on the student’s cafeteria account. Charging for à la carte sales is not allowed. Prepayments can be made by cash or check at your child’s school cafeteria or with a debit card by setting up an account at myschoolbucks.com. Any charges remaining on a student’s cafeteria account from a prior school year are still the parent’s responsibility. If needed, payment arrangements for larger balances can be made by contacting the school cafeteria manager.
Breakfast for May 20th - May 24th
Lunch for May 20th - May 24th
Student of the Month
Make your nominations for the May 2024 Student of the Month! Vote & Nominate EVERYDAY! The student with the most votes will win a plaque, prize from Carolina Cool and a follow up story in our local papers! Vote & Nominate: 5/1 - 5/31. Winner Contacted: 6/1
Click here to vote: Student-of-the-Month-May-24
Teacher of the Month
Make your nominations for the May 2024 Teacher of the Month! Vote & Nominate EVERYDAY! The teacher with the most votes will win a plaque, prize from Window World and a follow up story in our local papers! Vote & Nominate: 5/1-5/31. Winner Contacted: 6/1 Click here to vote: Teacher-of-the-Month-May24
Attention Class of 2024!
Submit your photo today in our 2024 Graduation Salute Photo Contest! One random student from each school will win $100 from their school category sponsor! One random student from any school is entered to win $1,000 from Conway Medical Center!
There is no voting & no competition! We want to celebrate the Class of 2024 and all of your successes and achievements! Please submit your photo under the high school at the below link. Enter: 5/13 - 6/13 Winners Contacted: 6/14 Graduation-24
Counseling Department
Carolina Forest High School
2024 Senior End of Year information
May 6-17th- AP Testing (specific dates, times and locations are dependent upon content)
May 14th- Academic Awards banquet (recipients and families will receive notification/invitation to attend)
May 21 - 3rd & 4th Block Exam
- Regular Bell Schedule - students will take exams during traditional time blocks (time blocks 3 & 4)
May 22 - 2nd Block Exam for Seniors and Senior Walk
Modified Bell Schedule for school day
8:20 – 9:50 .................. 2nd Block (Seniors will take an exam)
9:57 – 11:27 ................ 3rd Block
11:34 – 12:08 ………... Lunch for all students
12:13 – 1:43 ................ 4th Block
1:50 – 3:20 .................. 1st Block
Senior Grad Walk – Only seniors who signed up for this event will participate. A separate email will be sent regarding sign up procedures.
Seniors depart at 10:00 am for elementary schools to participate in the Senior Walk. Students must take school transportation (school bus) in order to participate.
May 23- 1st Block Exam (1st time block) & SENIOR Assembly and PICNIC
June 5- Graduation Rehearsal- 9am
The length of graduation rehearsal depends upon student cooperation and participation. Students will need to attend graduation rehearsal in order to receive graduation tickets.
Graduation ceremony- 7pm!!!!!
Special Message from Counseling Department Regarding Attendance:
Carolina Forest High school students and families,
There are only a few SATURDAY attendance make up sessions left for this school year, to remediate missed days. Please see below for upcoming dates.
Students are expected to make every effort to remediate the missed time and in a timely manner. Remember that students who earned an FA (failure due to attendance) from semester 1 can only remediate that time by attending Saturday school.
Should you/your student have medical documentation to excuse any days please send it to CFHAttendance@horrycountyschools.net for processing.
In previous years, there has been an opportunity for students to make up time after school ends in June, please be advised that IF and WHEN that opportunity becomes available, it will be expected that students have remediated time during the course of the school year and there will be a limit to the number of blocks that students can remediate.
Again, the expectation is that students are taking advantage of attendance remediation opportunities throughout the school year. Students should be checking with their current teachers regarding making up missed blocks from this semester. Many teachers allow students to stay with them during lunch (2 lunches equal 1 missed block).
If you have any concerns about being able to make up the missed time, please contact Mr. McClellan (cmcclellan001@horrycountyschools.net) as soon as possible to help develop a plan.
CFHS Counseling Resource Page
The CFHS Counseling Department created a resource page for students and parents to locate forms, sites and other info related to the counseling department. Click on the link below to see more information.
Counselor Department Contact Information
Follow the Counseling Department
Parking Information for Students
The CFHS Student Parking area is now at capacity and parking decals are
no longer available for purchase.
Picture Information
Attention all Parents!
If you have not received an email with a link for you to order your student's school pictures, please contact School Bell Foto at chris@schoolbellfotos.com
Student Information – How to Update
To update parent contact information (address, phone number, email), please print and complete this form and return to the front office:
Change of Address or Telephone Number
**If you are changing your address, please include a full-page current proof of residency (water/gas/electric/cable bill) in your name.
To update emergency contacts, please print and complete this form and return to the front office:
Both forms are also available in our front office.
You may also log into the PowerSchool Parent Portal and select the Year-Round Update to make any changes or updates.
Here is the PowerSchool Parent Portal link: https://myps.horrycountyschools.net/public/home.html
If you need assistance with your PowerSchool Parent Portal account, please contact:
Kelly Lee, Data Quality Clerk, at KLee001@horrycountyschools.net
The Prowler ~ The student news site of CFHS
For more information from The Prowler, click on the following link:
The student news site of Carolina Forest High School (cfhsprowler.com)
All Athletic information can be found at www.cfhspanthers.com
The OFFICIAL 2024 Carolina Forest Football Schedule
Carolina Forest Basketball Panther Classic
The dates for next season's tournament are set. January 2-4, 2025. The Panther Classic is now a New Years Tournament!
Tutoring Information
SAT/ACT Prep for English
ACT/SAT Prep for Math
Saturday Math Tutoring
Click below for information regarding HCS Student Calendar, HCS Report Card/Interim Dates, Student Delivery Information, Student Handbook, Attendance, Cell Phone Policy and Student Parking.