Chester Elementary School
January 20, 2025
CES Happenings
Dear CES Family,
Hello to all of you. A reminder that we have Parent Conferences the week of January 27. Teachers met today to schedule these and notices should be coming home soon. This round of conferences differs a bit from last October when a conference was scheduled for every student. This go around, conferences are on an as-needed or as-requested basis. Might you be interested in meeting with your child's teacher? Please contact the CES office at 258-3194, ext. 1201 or 1202.
Instructional calendars for the next two school years have been approved and are now available. They were sent out to parents via Parent Square a couple of days ago. For your convenience, here you go:
Scott Cory
- 1/20 MLK Day - NO SCHOOL
- 1/27-1/31 Parent Conferences (as needed or requested) - MINIMUM DAYS (1:00 dismissal)
- 2/14 Lincoln's Birthday - NO SCHOOL (4-day weekend)
- 2/17 President's Day - NO SCHOOL
Chester Elementary School
Email: scory@pcoe.k12.ca.us
Website: ces.pcoe.k12.ca.us
Location: 158 Aspen Street, Chester, CA, USA
Phone: 530-258-3194
Facebook: facebook.com/ChesterElementary