WeekLEE Parent Newsletter
We hope you all are able to rest and enjoy this weekend. Sickness this time of year is difficult and we know that puts an extra strain on parents too, so thank you for working with us to keep everyone as healthy as possible!
It's a great day to be a Fox & a great day to SHINE!
Upcoming Events:
- 1/27-1/31 - Holocaust Remembrance Week
- 1/28 - 3rd & 4th Grade ELA Benchmark Tests
- 1/31 - Kona Ice
- 2/4 - 3rd & 4th Grade Math Benchmark Tests
- 2/3-2/7 - School Counselor Week
- 2/7 - Lunch on the Lawn
- 2/7 - Class Pictures/Individual Spring Pictures
- 2/7 - Mother/Son & Fathers/Daughter dances
- 2/10 - Staff Prep Day (No School)
- 2/14 - Valentine's Day Parties
- 2/17 - Holiday
- 2/19 - 2nd Grade Musical Program
- 2/21 - Kona Ice
- 3/3 - 1st Grade Musical Program
- 3/4-3/8 - Diagnostician Appreciation Week
- 3/7 - STAAR Pep Rally
- 3/7 - Lunch on the Lawn
- 3/7 - Maintenance Appreciation Day
- 3/11 - Open House
- 3/14 - Early Release
- 3/14 - Kona Ice
- 3/17-3/21 - Spring Break
Attendance Reminders
Just a reminder that we do have a requirement to send in notes for absences. The handbook policy is listed below regarding notes and what is required to be accepted:
- A written note must be turned in to the office for our files by the end of the school day that the student returns stating the reason for the absence. Failure to turn in a note the day the student returns will result in an unexcused absence.
- A note signed by the student will not be accepted unless the student is age 18 or older or is an emancipated minor under state law. The campus will document in its attendance records whether the absence is excused or unexcused.
Note: The district is not required to excuse any absence, even if the parent provides a note explaining the absence, unless the absence is an exemption under compulsory attendance laws.
- An official medical note must be submitted to the office upon returning to school. A student absent for more than 5 consecutive days because of a personal illness must bring a statement from a doctor or health clinic verifying the illness or condition that caused the absence. Otherwise, the absence may be considered unexcused and in violation of compulsory attendance laws. Should the student develop a questionable pattern of absences, the principal or attendance committee may require a statement from a doctor or health clinic verifying the illness or condition that caused the absence to determine whether an absence will be excused or unexcused."
- Leaving school early for an unexcused reason will result in a consequence. These consequences will be in line with the tardy consequence policy.
Notes can be submitted to Ms. Blackstone at sblackstone@caddomillsisd.org.
Compulsory Attendance
Students are mandated by the state of Texas to attend school 90% of school days. When a student falls below the 90% threshold, that student will be required to attend morning schools to make up the missing time for attendance.