Manifestation Determination Review
Making Data-based Decisions
Session Description:
Determining whether a behavior is actually a manifestation of the student’s disability can be a very difficult endeavor! Attend this workshop to learn how to make manifestation decisions in a systematic and data-based method. We will begin with a quick overview of Federal and State legal mandates regarding MDRs.
The majority of our time will be spent on a review of a framework for how to collect data and make data-based manifestation decisions. Case studies will be used to practice application of the process. Useful documents will be provided to support implementation.
Meet Our Presenters
Ginger E. Gates, Ph.D., LP, LSSP, NCSP
Dr. Ginger Gates retired in 2019 as the Director of Special Education at Region 4 Education Service Center in Houston, TX. As a school psychologist in both Texas and Louisiana, she has dedicated her career, of over 38 years, to expanding opportunities for students with disabilities. Dr. Gates also has served her profession through volunteer roles with professional organizations. In addition to being a founding member and Past President of the Texas Association of School Psychologists (TASP), she previously has been elected
to serve as President to the Gulf Coast Administrators of Special Education, as Director of the School Psychology Division of the Texas Psychological Association, and as a member of the Advisory Board to the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Association of Texas. In 2019, Dr. Gates was the recipient of the TASP Lifetime Achievement Award for her contributions to the profession of School Psychology and the field of Special Education.
Gail M. Cheramie, Ph.D., LP, LSSP, NCSP
Dr. Gail Cheramie is a Licensed Psychologist, Licensed Specialist in School Psychology and Nationally Certified School Psychologist. She was the Director of the UH-Clear Lake nationally-approved specialist program in School Psychology for 30 years, where she taught courses in assessment and participated and supervised practicum at the UH-CL Psychological Services clinic. She retired from the university in 2017. Dr. Cheramie has several publications, including case study chapters in Mather and Jaffe’s Comprehensive Evaluation text, Flanagan, Ortiz & Alfonso’s Essentials of Cross-Battery Assessment-3rd Edition, and Alfonso & Flanagan’s Essentials of Specific Learning Disability Identification-2nd Edition. Dr. Cheramie has an extensive history of providing professional development training to school districts and region service centers throughout our state. She consults with school districts throughout Texas on matters related to evaluation, identification, and educational programming for students with developmental, learning, and behavioral disorders.
MDR: Making Data-based Decisions
Monday, Jun 3, 2024, 09:00 AM
Education Service Center-Region 6, Montgomery Road, Huntsville, TX, USA
Register Here
Cost: $60
Special discount for districts enrolling three or more staff members.
Email: fbezerra@esc6.net
Website: https://www.esc6.net/
Phone: 936-435-8252
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Region6ESC
Twitter: @escregion6