Oakhurst Weekly

Beginning Thursday, September 5, 2024, the Oakhurst Weekly will come via CSD Weekly from the City Schools of Decatur email. Parents will automatically receive CSD Weekly. However, community subscribers who have opted out of CSD news will only receive future school newsletters by subscribing here and selecting to receive news from “City Schools of Decatur.”
CSD Weekly includes links to all school newsletters and provides the latest district news, enabling families with students at multiple schools to conveniently access updates using one source. Additionally, CSD Weekly aims to improve consistency in messaging about district and community news by communicating it in a centralized location.
We're excited to see all who can join us for our first Community Circle of the 24-25 school year tomorrow at 8:30am! Click here for all the information you need to make Community Circle the very best start to your day!
CogAT Testing for First Graders
On September 5-7, all first grade students will be taking the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT). Unlike traditional achievement tests, which measure how well a student has learned the curriculum, the CogAT assesses a child’s ability to reason abstractly and recognize patterns and relationships in the world around them. Teachers can use CogAT scores to better understand a child’s pattern of strengths and weaknesses. Our school district also uses CogAT scores to identify academically-gifted students.
Parents, please review the additional information provided in last week's classroom newsletter. Testing will take place each day from 10-11 a.m. Please email awilliams@csdecatur.net with questions.
Important Information about Gifted Review:
Each fall semester the Gifted Review Team looks at existing student data to discuss students’ needs and determine if further evaluation for gifted identification is needed. If you are interested in having the team discuss your child’s needs, you may complete a Recommendation for Review Form (found at the website below) and turn it in to Amanda Lockwood at alockwood@csdecatur.net by Wednesday, October 2. No additional information is needed.
For more detailed information about the review process and to obtain a copy of the Recommendation for Review Form, please contact Ms. Lockwood or visit the following website: https://www.csdecatur.net/Page/581.
From PTA
Game Center Grand Re-Opening
Join us for the Grand Re-Opening of the Game Center to explore our new space!
Thursday, Sep 12, 2024, 03:00 PM
From Our Community Partners
Help Your School Win a $1000 Music Grant!
Attend DEF's Battle of the Bands, a family-friendly community concert, and you could help your school win a $1000 music grant! Head to the Legacy Park lawn on Friday, Sept. 6 from 5-9 p.m. for a fun evening of live music, yummy food, and community!
Four CSD bands will be bringing the tunes – you BYOB (bring your own blanket) and your school spirit!
The school with the largest percentage of representation will win the music grant for their school... along with a trophy and bragging rights, of course! We’ll have food vendors and sweet treats to supplement your picnic.
Adults are $10 and KIDS ARE FREE! Buy tickets here.