176 Afterschool
April 2019 - Vol. 8 Issue 2
Thinking BIG For Our Children
Black History and Valentine's Day Celebration 2019
Black History Month and Valentine’s Day was celebrated in high fashion with our annual festivities. We paid respects to African American legends, past and present. Featured performances were acknowledge to show appreciation for the contributions of African-Americans. The two celebrations complemented each other nicely, as we promoted love for one another and our respective cultures. Both events portrayed a variety of themed decorations and performances. Commemorating various historical African-American figures proved effective in bolstering our knowledge of black history. Credit is due to our Dance, Step, Chorus, Engineering and Chorus clubs that produced impressive performances and presentations. Our staff and students did an excellent job collaborating to execute an educational and inspiring showcase.
Winter Break 2019
Global Day of the Engineer
Birthday Celebration
Spring Break 2019
This Spring we remained motivated in ensuring our students maintained the same productivity level they achieve during a regular school week. However, we always put a CYCSI spin on Spring break, allowing students to have fun, while staying busy. While our morning session consists of Spring break homework assistance and an engaging science lesson, the afternoon session features clubs hosted by our amazing activity specialists, who share a wide array of knowledge and skills with the children. This year, our clubs included Art, Technology, Engineering, Dance, Step, Music and Sports, giving students more than enough options to choose from. Our featured field trip this year was to Laser Bounce, where the students were able to run and play games with their friends. Whether it was playing arcade games for redeemable tickets, or running in the play area with plenty of tunnels and slides, everyone had a blast in an experience to remember.
Laser Bounce
Student Reviews
"My favorite part was going to clubs, especially Dance with Ms. Jasmine." - Savanah Dorsanvil, 1st Grade
UPS 2019
P.S. 176 Out of School Program
Community Youth Care Services, Inc.
Quality Out of School Programs
120-45 235th Street, Cambria Heights, NY 11411
Telephone no: (718) 276-8140• Fax no: 775 459-4359
Email: bgilmore@cycsi.org
Website: cycsi.org
Location: 120-45 235th Street, Cambria Heights, NY, United States
Phone: 718-276-8164
Facebook: facebook.com/communityyouthcareservicesinc