IVES Flyer September 2024
IMPACTing our School for Success - Every Person, Every Day
A Message from Mrs. Holloman, Principal
Dear Inspiration View Families,
Thank you for a great first month of school! Thanks too for all the feedback we've received as we seek to serve our community well. We will continue to share data updates at key times in the year as many parents indicated how much they appreciated receiving the information.
We have several fun upcoming events that we'd like to share. This coming Friday, September 6th is our Family Movie Night. This is always a fun event and we look forward to spending an evening with our IVES community enjoying the movie Toy Story! This event has been organized by our amazing PTO! If you would like to learn more about our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), please attend our first PTO meeting on Wednesday, September 4th from 5-6PM. We'd also like to invite you to attend our first School Accountability Committee (SAC) meeting on September 4th from 6-7PM. Per parent request, we aligned these meetings so parents/guardians could attend both. This week our SAC meeting will be reviewing our Unified Improvement Plan for the 24-25 school year. As principal, I greatly appreciate receiving your valuable input as we discuss this important document.
To foster opportunities where students can discover their personal passions and talents we have many after school clubs starting at IVES. Please watch for notes sent home and emails regarding these extracurricular activities. One we'd like to highlight is our Missoula Children's Theater opportunity coming September 16th-20th. Auditions are open to all students K-5. This year's performance is around the theme of Hercules. More information will be coming home in backpack's soon!
As we shared last month, our theme for the 24-25 school year is “IMPACTing our School for Success - Every Person, Every Day!” Today, staff engaged in valuable math and writing training. We were overwhelmed at the excellent conversations around instruction that were happening throughout the day. Our staff is truly the best of the best and is committed to giving their all for your children every day.
Finally, we started our LeadWorthy Character Education Program. The quality that students are learning about is Empathy. Learning to understand and share the feelings of another is an amazing ability to foster within our school. Caring for one another is a key focus at IVES.
We are honored to work with your children this year. Thank you for entrusting them to our care.
Proud to be Pegasus,
Pam Holloman
Important Dates
September 2nd-Labor day, No School
September 4th-PTO, 5-6pm
September 4th-SAC, 6-7pm
September 6th-Movie Night
September 9th-30th-Basket Raffle items to be collected in classrooms
September 11th-Skate City Night, 6-8pm
September 12th-District Board Meeting, 6:30pm at Creekside
September 16th-20th-Missoula Children's Theatre
September 18th-Picture Day Order form linked
September 19th-Popcorn Thursday
September 19th-Power Forward Day
September 27th-Professional Dev. Day, No School
September 28th-D4.9K
Coming Soon (More information will come):
October 4th-Field Day~Tentative times below and subject to change
3rd-5th 10:20-12:00pm
K-2nd 12:45-2:45pm
October 7th-Field Day- Pre K
AM class-9:00-9:45am
PM class-2:40-3:25pm
Important Information
Movie Night!
Please sign up for family movie night at IVES on Friday, Sept. 6th at 6:00pm! The movie we are showing will be Toy Story! Sign up as soon as possible as space is limited!
Missoula Children's Theatre Coming September 16th-20th:
The theme this year for Missoula is going to be Hercules! Students in K-5 can audition for this wonderful performance! Look for fliers to come home soon!
Basket Raffle:
Dear Parents,
We are having a PTO Basket Raffle here at IVES! You will LOVE the baskets! I know you love PTO and you love our school. Let’s come together and support our school!
Each classroom will be collecting new items for a themed basket (see below). Students will bring in store bought items to the classroom between Sept. 9th-Sept. 30th. Once items are donated, the PTO will make them into beautiful baskets and we will raffle them off. Raffle tickets are $1 each and will be on sale in October! We can't wait to continue this fundraiser! Thank you so much for your support.
Perez- Favorite Books
Hess- Chocolate
Gardner- BBQ
1st Grade
Glackman- Pizza lover/Italian
Davis-Arts and Crafts
2nd Grade
Fauver-Dog lovers
McGuire-Game Night
3rd Grade
Horan-Pickle Ball
Carpenter-Movie Night
O’Driscoll-Ballgame snacks
4th Grade
Vanderhyde-Spa Day
Merritt-Gift Card
Hardcastle-Harry Potter
5th Grade
Attias-Outdoor games
Hall-Camping treats
Important Information
If your student has an appointment, please be sure to send in a physician's note to the front office so that we can properly code the excused absence in the system. Examples might include, doctor, dentist, etc.).
Should your student be absent, parents must report this absence to the front office with a phone call (719-495-5302) or an email (holly.bussell@d49.org). Holly Bussell is our Attendance Secretary and is the person who can assist with the call. If you do not report your student's absence, it will be marked as unexcused. Unexcused absences are tracked and reported to D49 truancy. If you have any questions about reporting absences or truancy, please reach out to Jessica Cole (719-495-5307).
IVES Landsharks information!
Landsharks will return to IVES when school begins. Look at all the registration information here! After September 1st there is a charge of $15. Registration ends on September 11th.
D49 4.9K Registration information:
Join us on September 28th for the D4.9K! Register here for a discounted price!
Flyer Choir 3rd-5th Grade:
Should your child be interested in auditioning for Flyer Choir, a yellow paper was sent home last week! Please reach out to Mrs. Green for more information.
Battle of the Books, 5th grade only:
Interested in joining Battle of the Books! Check out the information here! Paper copies will be going home!
Doing any furniture shopping? American Furniture Warehouse is the place to shop and give back to IVES! Simply mention at checkout that your student's attend IVES and they will donate a portion back to us! Thank you! Check out the flyer!
We have a donation clothing bin at IVES! We are excited to partner with Clothes Bin! See the flyer here to learn more about what can be donated.
No-Parking Signs:
There are "No Parking Signs" posted by the crossing guard station on Lindsey Peak that were installed by the city. Thank you for honoring these as it is for safety of our students.
Handicap Parking Spaces:
Please do not park in the handicap parking spaces without proper documentation. Thank you.
IVES Facebook Page:
Did you know that Inspiration View Elementary has a Facebook page? On this page we celebrate the wonderful things happening at IVES! Click the link above and join us!
School Swag Store:
Strut your school swag at IVES by clicking on the link below!
We love to have volunteers! To join our volunteer team for the upcoming school year, you will need to complete the district's background check. Should you like to volunteer for popcorn day or other things in the building, please reach out to Christie Odell! Should you choose to volunteer, please use the attached link to review our IVES volunteer handbook. Thank you for volunteering!
Student Leaders welcome students to the building!
Principal, Pam Holloman shares story with Kindergarten Families
Home Visit
Welcome to Inspiration View Elementary! Home of the Flyers!
Ives' Flyers play an active role in their learning and inspire self and others to success, value self and others, pursue excellence both personally and academically, and contribute to a safe and secure school environment
Our Beliefs as an IVES School Community
1. We believe all students can, do and must learn at a high level and that they learn best in a safe, secure, positive and respectful environment.
2. We believe in targeted instruction and in assessing data regularly to adjust instruction towards improving student achievement.
3. We believe that each one of us has the ability and capacity to work well as a team and to be a valuable contributor to the team.
4. We believe that community is built through authentic, respectful, collaborative and meaningful relationships.
5. We believe in and give opportunities for students to identify and cultivate their individual passions and talents.
Website: https://www.d49.org/IVES
Location: 9233 Vista Del Pico Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO, USA
Phone: 719-495-5300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IVESD49