Peek at Our Week September 23, 2024
Paonia K-8 School
Paonia K-8 School Info
Email: sam.cox@deltaschools.com
Website: pk8.deltaschools.com
Location: 846 Grand Avenue, Paonia, CO, USA
Phone: 970-527-4882
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pk8.ppo
School Safety Training Reminder:
Paonia K-8 and all Delta County School District schools utilize A.L.I.C.E. training for our school safety training. During this school year, we will be completing four separate A.L.I.C.E. trainings. These trainings are informational sessions focused on educating students of the different processes of Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, and Evacuate. The teachers will be educating students of each of the elements of A.L.I.C.E. During second semester, we will be completing one full A.L.I.C.E. drill.
October 3: A.L.I.C.E. overview with a focus on Alert and Inform. Teachers will be providing age-appropriate instruction on an overview of A.L.I.C.E. along with an explanation of how to alert and inform when danger may exist.
November 21: A.L.I.C.E. overview with a focus on Lockdown/Counter. Teachers will be providing age-appropriate instruction on an overview of A.L.I.C.E. along with an explanation of how to counter when danger exists.
January 11: A.L.I.C.E. overview with a focus on Evacuate. Teachers will be providing age-appropriate instruction on an overview of A.L.I.C.E. along with an explanation of how to evacuate when danger exists. We will then practice evacuating the building in a similar manner to our fire drills. We will fully evacuate to this location during this training.
March 20: A.L.I.C.E. overview with a focus on a full drill. Teachers will be providing age-appropriate instruction on an overview of A.L.I.C.E. along with an explanation of how to proceed with Lockdown or Evacuate when danger exists. During this practice, students will practice barricading the classroom door in order to prevent classroom entrance or evacuate the building. Classroom doors will then only be opened with a key from a school administrator or law enforcement.
Upcoming School Events:
MS Football Games
Tuesday, September 24 at 4:00
Home games vs. Centennial
MS Volleyball Games
Tuesday, September 24 at 4:00
7th Grade home games vs. Olathe
8th Grade away games vs. Olathe
6th Grade Highway Cleanup
Wednesday, September 25 from 3:30-5:30
MS Cross Country Meet
Friday, September 27 at 11:30
Delta - Sweitzer Lake Meet
MS Volleyball Tournament - A Team
Saturday, September 28
7A Games at Cedaredge Middle
8A Games at Paonia K8
Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences
Monday, September 30
K-5: No School - Conferences from 1:00-7:30
6-8: Regular School Day - Conferences from 4:00-7:30
Upcoming Field Trips - Turn in Your Permission Slips!!
Monday, September 23rd
Thursday, September 26th
4th Grade trip to Lost Lake
Thursday, September 26th
Kindergarten trip to Austin Farms
Friday, September 27th
3rd Grade trip to Nature Connection for Learn to Bike
A Peek at our Weekly Activities - 8th Grade Marble Camping
The Spider Web
Hiking in the Fall Colors
Team Challenge Planning
Parent/Teacher Conferences are coming up the week of September 30th.
K-5 students will NOT have school on September 30th as teacher's prepare student work for the conferences.
K-5 conferences will be held on Monday, September 30 from 1:00-7:30 and Thursday, October 3 from 4:00-7:30pm. K-5 conferences are scheduled by appointment, make sure to send back your conference form.
6th-8th grade students will have a normal school schedule on September 30th.
6-8 conferences will be held on Monday, September 30 from 4:00-7:30 and Thursday, October 3 from 4:00-7:30pm. 6-8 conferences are drop-in appointments, so you may visit any of the middles school teachers during the conference times.
This is a great time to also visit the Scholastic Book Fair!
Help Wanted!
It takes a team to run our middle school sports programs. Mrs. Savory, our Athletic Director, needs people to help run our home games for volleyball, football, and basketball. We are looking for referees, clock workers, line judges, and sports book keepers. Some of these opportunities are paid! Please call the school and speak with Mrs. Savory if you, or someone you know, is available to help keep our sports programs running smoothly.
Paonia Parents Organization (PPO) Happenings
Next PPO Meeting: Monday, September 16th at 3:45 in the school library - see you there!
Friday Teacher Snack Sign-Ups
PPO is preparing a teacher meal of soup/salad/bread/desert for Parent/Teacher conferences on Monday, September 30th. Please sign up below to bring items for a soup/salad bar for the teachers.
PT Conference Dinner Sign-Up Genius Link
PPO is also looking for volunteers to help man the Book Fair table the week of September 30th. Please sign up below.