Charles A. Lindbergh Elementary
February 2025
Important Upcoming Dates
February 4th - Grade 1 Planetarium coming to Lindbergh
February 6th - Early Release Day
February 6th - Parent/Teacher Conferences - Afterschool
February 10th-14th - Kids Heart Challenge in PE
February 12th - Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences
February 17th-23rd - Winter Recess Break - No School
Counseling Information
Do you want to do something fun and positive with your family time? Try team-building activities that will help family members understand each other better and feel connected. The goal of team building is to learn how to work together through shared experiences. These shared experiences help people accomplish things together in an enjoyable way. Try to do at least one team-building activity a month with your family. Here's a website with a list of fifteen different ideas:
Recycling Team
Updates from Mrs. DelBello
Grade 3 - Recorder Classes
In 3rd grade music class the kids are working on identifying notes on the music staff as well as counting, clapping, and creating basic rhythms. One of their favorite end of class activities is playing a "guess that movie" with music clips. They are having fun playing their recorders along with the Bills Shout song to cheer our team on in the playoffs! They can play along with our special recording on the Google Classroom at home for you. GO BILLS! Don't forget to mark your calendars for the spring concert on May 29th.
Fourth Grade - Instrumental
Lesson groups and days have changed to accommodate for band and orchestra beginning on 1/22. Band and orchestra will take place during the school day every Wednesday to prepare for our spring concert on May 29th. Your child will now bring their instrument on their lesson day AND on Wednesday for ensembles. At this point all band kids should be able to play their 5-note scale and at least up to page 8 in the lesson book. Orchestra (string) students should be able to identify all strings, and play D, E F#, G, and A, Hot Cross Buns, Mary Had a Little Lamb, and Twinkle Twinkle. They are also practicing proper bow hold, which is new to them!
Art Room News from Mrs. Buchlis
Library News from Mrs. Kwietniak
Attendance Information
If your child will be absent or late, you can now send an email to lindbergh_attendance@ktufsd.org. Please make sure that you include your child’s name, grade, teacher and the reason for the absence. Or, you can call 716-874-8410 (press 1) and leave a message for the absence.
Parent Volunteers
If you will be volunteering at Lindbergh Elementary in the classroom, for a special event or as a chaperone on a field trip, you will need to complete this Volunteer Application prior to the activity, event or trip. You will only need to fill out this form once each school year.