1/24/25 North Creek Elementary

North Creek Newsletter 1/24/25
- Jan. 31 - PTO Science Night @5:30-7:30, WSEC
- Feb. 4 - Culvers PTO Celebrity Server Night @5-8pm
- Feb. 10 - No School (Staff PD Day)
- Feb. 11 - 100th Day of School!!!!
- Feb. 12 - PTO Meeting at South Meadows @6:30pm
- Feb. 17 - No School (President's Day)
- Feb. 22 - PTO $0.50 Friday - Hat Day
- Feb. 25 - K & Y5 Parent Information Night
- Feb. 27 - MIRM Family Reading Night at North Creek @5:30-7:30
- Mar. 7 - End of 2nd Trimester
- Mar. 7 - Half Day (AM only)
- Mar. 10 - Start of 3rd Trimester
- Mar. 12 - PTO Meeting at South Meadows @6:30
- Mar. 13 - P/T Conferences @3:45 - 7:00pm
- Mar. 24 - 28 - No School (Spring Break)
Just 20mins a Night!
We would love to hear about the books that are being read at home! Be sure and have your child share with their teacher the books they read at home. Thank you for taking the time with your child, and exploring and growing the love of reading. Our daily goal is 20mins! We got this. Thank you North Creek families.
Science Night is January 31!
All North Creek and South Meadows families are invited to learn about the science of the human body with fun activities and information booths from community organizations. Please consider signing up for a one-hour Science Night volunteer shift and then enjoy the event with your family.
Culver's Share Night Volunteers Needed
Join Mr. Wescott and Mrs. Spisich for Culver's Share night on February 4 between 5 to 8 p.m. A portion of sales from dine-in, take-out and drive-thru orders will be donated to support our schools. Please consider signing up for the Culver's Share Night volunteer team to help make the evening a success!
Upcoming PTO Events
1/31: Family Science Night -- 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at WSEC Senior Center
2/4: Culver’s Share Night -- 5 to 8 p.m. at Culver's
2/12: PTO Meeting -- 6:30 p.m. in South Meadows Media Center and via Zoom
2/21: 50 Cent Friday - Hat Day
2/27: Family Reading Night -- 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at North Creek
Stay Connected and Get Involved with the PTO
Follow Chelsea Elementary PTO on Facebook or subscribe to the PTO email list for info about upcoming family events, volunteer opportunities, and programs to benefit students, teachers, and families. Please email questions to pto.chelsea@gmail.com or check out the PTO volunteer interest form if you’d like to help with activities. We'll contact you closer to the event to confirm availability.
This month's POG theme
PGO Characteristic 12/2 - 12/13
PGO Characteristic 12/16 - 12/20
Weekly Bucket Fillers!!!!
As part of the state budget for 2024-2025, Chelsea School District is pleased to be able to offer free breakfast and lunch for all students PreK to 12th grade again this year!
Even though meals are free this year, the district still needs to collect the Application for Education and Nutrition Benefits (formerly called the Free & Reduced application). This data determines several different funding sources that we receive from the state so it is crucial that we still collect it. We encourage all families, regardless of income, to complete and submit a short, confidential school meal application prior to the start of the school year. A copy of the application is attached. Our online application can be found at www.mymealtime.com.
In order for students to receive a free meal, they have to take a complete reimbursable meal, which includes the fruit/vegetable. Due to meals being free, this year we will not be allowing students to charge snacks, drinks, and a la carte items to their accounts. Students must have lunch money in hand or on their account to purchase additional items.
We will continue to utilize the Meal Time software system to handle your student’s school lunch account. All balances and previous school year benefit information have been transferred over into the new school year. Accounts can be managed at: mymealtime.com. To set up a new account, you will need your student(s) ID number. Families can make deposits online to their students’ lunch accounts or we also accept cash and checks at the registers. Please make checks payable to: Chelsea Food Service and include your student’s name in the memo.
Menus can be found on Chelsea’s NutriSlice website: https://chelseak12.nutrislice.com. You can also download the NutriSlice app on your smartphone for easy access.
If you would like your child to receive meal accommodations for food allergies or a medical condition impacting their diet, please ensure that you submit the required documentation to your child's school. Meal accommodation forms can be found on the Food Service page of the district website.
If you have questions or need more information, please contact me at 734-433-2201 Ext 1023 or csimpson@chelseaschools.org.