Principal's Weekly Update
November 16th, 2024
Dear Parent(s)/ Guardian(s):
On Monday we welcomed more than a dozen people who have served or are currently serving in our armed forces for our annual Veteran’s Day celebration. We were thrilled to welcome back a former student, Ethan Simmel, who happens to be the son of Paraprofessional Johanna Simmel. Joining us again this year was Kelly Kulesza, daughter of main office secretary Barbara Kulesza. You can see Kelly and her daughter front and center in our “Final Photo” at the bottom. A special thanks goes out to Social Studies teacher Lisa Cerulli, for organizing this event, with assistance from School Counselor Tracey Cranston. In years past, Mrs. Cranston’s currently serving sons have attended either this event, or our Career Night, so, you can see that this day has become a “family affair” at the same time that it honors those who dedicate their lives to protect our safety and our freedoms.
In this week's insert photo to the right, some of Miss Fallon's students play "banangrams" while at the same time reinforcing their phoenemic awareness. We are always happy to highlight the ways in which our teachers manage to make learning fun, and this activity caught my attention this week (my assumption is that it sustained the attention of those students engaged in it). I credit our teachers for exploring creative ways to make learning come alive.
We had our second and final round of parent conferences on Thursday afternoon and evening. Thank you to all parents who took the time to dialougue with our teachers in the shared interest of promoting the success of our students. A special thank you to our PTA for providing some snacks for our teachers prior to the evening session. Mr. Coppola descirbed them as "great little cups of goodness-- charcuterie on a stick with dessert included!" (You'd have to see the cups to completely understand this, but I think he has painted a partial picture for you).
Following some finally frosty mornings (it had been unusually warm), it is perfectly appropriate to begin to promote our PTA sponsored Madison Ski Club. Please see this flyer for more information. The club takes 5 trips to Mt. Southington between late January and the end of February. Please bear in mind that spaces on the buses are limited and that sign ups begin on Saturday, 11/23.
Trimester 2 Schedules and Reports Cards
Please click here for instructions on how Trimester 2 schedules can be accessed in Infinite Campus. Trimester 2 will start on Monday, November 25th with a Day 2. Report Cards will be posted to Infinite Campus Backpack by the end of the school day on Friday, December 6th. Click here for directions on how to access report cards in Infinite Campus.
Madison Middle School is happy to once again support the Mittens for Many initiative which was begun by two Madison students when they were 6th graders, They are now seniors in high school overseeing this for the 7th year in a row. You can donate gloves or mittens from now until 11/27. You will find the donation boxes in the front foyer entrance.
Clubs & Activities
The Model Club will meet in Room 203 on the following Mondays - November 18th and 25th. After these dates, the club will resume in the Spring. Bring a model and join the fun.
Science Club will meet on Monday, November 18th for a Tower Competition! Please sign up on the door of Room 217 if you plan on attending!
MathCounts will have its next meeting on Monday, November 18th in room 110. All are welcome! Please see Mr. DeNuzzo if you have any questions!
Attention 8th Grade NJHS Members: Individual Leadership Project Plans are due in Google Classroom by 2:30 PM on Monday, November 18. Completed Trimester 1 Service Logs should be turned in in Google Classroom by 2:30 PM on Tuesday, November 26.
The next Sports Club activity is Basketball. Sign ups are underway in all PE classes. The permission slip deadline is Wednesday, November 27th.
The Trumbull Auxiliary, VFW, and Trumbull Rotary are collecting items for our active military soldiers. A box during the holiday season means the world to our service members who are away from their families and friends. Please consider donating an item (or two) to bring some joy to those who sacrifice so much!See Mrs. Cranston or Mrs. Cerulli if you have questions. Drop off items to Mrs. Cranston’s office or the Guidance Suite by Monday, November 18th. What to Send to Our Deployed Soldiers.
Yearbooks are on sale for $38. Also, we are now offering Yearbook Recognition Ads which are the perfect way to commemorate achievements and celebrate milestones. The revenues from Recognition Ads help our school create a better yearbook. Go to jostens.com to order today.
Shortly after I send this out, I will head to the Bronx for a college football game between my alma mater-- Georgetown University and the school which granted diplomas to both my son and my sister--Fordham University. The three of us will then of couse enjoy a post-game meal in "Little Italy"-- if anyone needs any treats from Arthur Avenue, just shoot me an email...
Have a great weekend !!
Take care,
Peter Sullivan