Director's Corner
Offices of Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Services
Meet Our Instructional Coach
Mrs. Colleen LaSalle
Read to Dogs Program
The Read to Dog program provides a non-judgmental environment for children to better their reading skills and gain confidence in their abilities, while raising their self-esteem. We coordinate with the Monmouth County SPCA to provide certified pet therapy animals for each child to read aloud to, in a private one-on-one interaction.
Advocates for Diverse Learners (ADL) Meetings
Oceanport Advocates for Diverse Learners' (ADL) mission is to facilitate communication between students, parents, staff, the Board of Education, and the community, with regards to practices surrounding the district's special education programs. This group is currently seeking new members and welcomes you if you'd like to learn more about your child's education and the programs that the District has to offer! All meetings take place in the Maple Place Library at 7:00pm, unless otherwise specified.
Meeting Dates:
- April 24th: Tri-district Meeting at Monmouth Beach School - Special Guest Speaker
- May 13th: Meet and Greet with Shore Regional's Director of Special Services at Betty McElmon School WLB 6:00 pm
- June 3rd: TBD
New Middle School Math Pathways
Below find a diagram of the possible course progressions for our middle school students:
How are students selected for these courses?
The district uses multiple measures including the Cognitive Abilities quantitative subtest, final grade averages, the spring i-Ready diagnostic math score, NJSLA scores, teacher recommendation, and a placement test to identify students that demonstrate a need for advance courses. We then use a rubric to assign points in each category to select students for the different courses available. We review data at the end of every school year for every student in grades 5-7. Parents are notified in the summer if their child will be placed into an accelerated course for the following school year.
If my child is not placed in the accelerated 6th grade course are they locked out of all advanced courses moving forward?
No! What is important to realize is that participation in an accelerated course does not guarantee placement in the accelerated course the following year, and vice versa. With the exception of the Algebra XL and Geometry courses, students can enter into the accelerated pathway at anytime. Also, if a child is not performing well in an accelerated course, we can also make adjustments to ensure they are placed in a learning environment where they can be successful. We know that students develop at different rates, and always want to make sure that students are placed appropriately. This is why we review data every year for every student.
What if my child does not qualify, but I feel strongly that they would benefit from an accelerated course?
If your child does not qualify and you would like to discuss their placement, it is best that you reach out to the building principal in August to have a conversation about your child and their needs.
What state-assessment will my student take?
All students in Grade 6 will take the Grade 6 NJSLA, regardless of math placement.
Students in Grade 7 mathematics and pre-algebra will take the Grade 7 NJSLA.
Students in Grade 7 Algebra XL or Grade 8 Algebra I will take the high school level Algebra I NJSLA.
Students in Grade 8 mathematics will take the Grade 8 NJSLA.
Students in Grade 8 Geometry will take the high school level Geometry NJSLA.
For more information about our math courses, please visit the Curriculum website linked HERE.